#logging #log #log-file #debugging-logging #stdout #console


An easy to use library to implements logging on stdout, file or both

3 releases

0.1.2 Jan 20, 2023
0.1.1 Jan 18, 2023
0.1.0 Jan 17, 2023

#958 in Debugging

MIT license

328 lines


This crate adds logging to your projects or library.

After trying a lot of crates to make logging, I only found crates rich of futures but very complicate to use, or crates that are easy to use but log only on file or only on console.

I decided to write my own lib that aims to be easy to use with some usefull futures:

  • Can log only on stdout, only on file or both.
  • Very easy to start: install and use immediately.
  • Short API names.
  • It implements log crate so you can use Rust library logging macros.

Add to project:

In file cargo.toml add:

durylog = "0.1.0"

Getting Start

There are 2 way for use this crate:

  • Directly create object: let durylog=DLog::new(); and use like durylog.d("Log message");
  • Initialize logger: DLog::new().init_logger().ok(); and use with log macro like debug!("Log message");

Read documentation and examples.

Output (on console and/or file) for default settings is like:

2023/01/02 18.01.27 : DEBUG  : Debug message

First tag is datetime stamp, second tag is level name followed by log message tag


Directly usage with default settings:

use durylog::DLog;

fn main() {
    let durylog=DLog::new();

    println!("{}", durylog.get_status()); // This prints all current crate settings (in this case are defaults)

    durylog.e("Error message");
    durylog.w("Warning message");
    durylog.i("Info message");
    durylog.d("Debug message");
    durylog.t("Trace message");

This will log on stdout without colors.

Directly usage with custom settings:

use durylog::DLog;

fn main() {
    let durylog=DLog::new()
    .with_color() // Enable colors in console output (default disabled)
    .widh_timestamp_format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") // Change default timestamp
    .widh_custom_separator(" | ") // Change default separator pattern for items
    .with_file("durylog-custom.log").unwrap(); // Enable logging on file (default disable)

println!("{}", durylog.get_status()); // This prints all current crate settings (in this case there are custom)

    durylog.e("Error message");
    durylog.w("Warning message");
    durlog.i("Info message");
    durylog.d("Debug message");
    durylog.t("Trace message");

This will log on stdout with colors, different formatting for timestamp and different tags separator and in file durylog-custom.log are added same log lines as in console.

Macros usage with default settings:

use durylog::{error,warn,info,debug,trace,DLog};

fn main() {

    error!("Error message");
    warn!("Warning message");
    info!("Info message");
    debug!("Debug message");
    trace!("Trace message");

This will log on stdout without colors.

Macros usage with custom settings:

use durylog::{error,warn,info,debug,trace,DLog};

fn main() {
        .with_color() // Enable colors in console output (default disabled)
        .widh_timestamp_format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") // Change default timestamp
        .widh_custom_separator(" | ") // Change default separator pattern for items
        .with_file("log-custom.log").unwrap() // Enable logging on file (default disable)

    error!("Error message");
    warn!("Warning message");
    info!("Info message");
    debug!("Debug message");
    trace!("Trace message");

This will log on stdout with colors, different formatting for timestamp and different tags separator and in file log-custom.log are added same log lines as in console.


~34K SLoC