8 releases (5 breaking)

0.6.0 Sep 18, 2023
0.5.0 Aug 26, 2022
0.4.1 Sep 8, 2019
0.4.0 Apr 14, 2019
0.1.0 Jul 7, 2017

#1277 in Cryptography

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Used in sylow


489 lines


Version Docs

This crate implements the DudeCT statistical methods for testing whether functions are constant-time. It is based loosely off of the bencher benchmarking framework.

In general, it is not possible to prove that a function always runs in constant time. The purpose of this tool is to find non-constant-timeness when it exists. This is not easy, and it requires the user to think very hard about where the non-constant-timeness might be.

Import and features

To import this crate, put the following line in your Cargo.toml:

dudect-bencher = "0.6"

Feature flags exposed by this crate:

  • core-hint-black-box (default) — Enables a new best-effort optimization barrier (core::hint::black_box). This will not compile if you're using a Rust version <1.66.


This framework builds a standalone binary. So you must define a main.rs, or a file in your src/bin directory, or a separate binary crate that pulls in the library you want to test.

At a high, level you test a function f by first defining two sets inputs to f, called Right and Left. The way you pick these is highly subjective. You need to already have an idea of what might cause non-constant-time behavior. You then fill in the Left and Right sets such that (you think) f(l) and f(r) will take a different amount of time to run, on average, where l comes from Left and r from Right. Finally, you run the benchmarks and label which set is which.

Here is an example of testing the equality function v == u where v and u are Vec<u8> of the same length. This is clearly not a constant time function. We define the left distribution to be a set of (v, u) where v == u, and the right distribution to be the set of (v, u) where v[6] != u[6].

use dudect_bencher::{ctbench_main, BenchRng, Class, CtRunner};
use rand::{Rng, RngCore};

// Return a random vector of length len
fn rand_vec(len: usize, rng: &mut BenchRng) -> Vec<u8> {
    let mut arr = vec![0u8; len];

// Benchmark for equality of vectors. This does an early return when it finds an
// inequality, so it should be very much not constant-time
fn vec_eq(runner: &mut CtRunner, rng: &mut BenchRng) {
    // Make vectors of size 100
    let vlen = 100;
    let mut inputs: Vec<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)> = Vec::new();
    let mut classes = Vec::new();

    // Make 100,000 random pairs of vectors
    for _ in 0..100_000 {
        // Flip a coin. If true, make a pair of vectors that are equal to each
        // other and put it in the Left distribution
        if rng.gen::<bool>() {
            let v1 = rand_vec(vlen, rng);
            let v2 = v1.clone();
            inputs.push((v1, v2));
        // Otherwise, make a pair of vectors that differ at the 6th element and
        // put it in the right distribution
        else {
            let v1 = rand_vec(vlen, rng);
            let mut v2 = v1.clone();
            v2[5] = 7;
            inputs.push((v1, v2));

    for (class, (u, v)) in classes.into_iter().zip(inputs.into_iter()) {
        // Now time how long it takes to do a vector comparison
        runner.run_one(class, || u == v);

// Crate the main function to include the bench for vec_eq

This is a portion of the example code in examples/ctbench-foo.rs. To run the example, run

cargo run --release --example ctbench-foo

See more command line arguments below

Bencher output

The program output looks like

bench array_eq ... : n == +0.046M, max t = +61.61472, max tau = +0.28863, (5/tau)^2 = 300

It is interpreted as follows. Firstly note that the runtime distributions are cropped at different percentiles and about 100 t-tests are performed. Of these t-tests, the one that produces the largest absolute t-value is printed as max_t. The other values printed are

  • n, indicating the number of samples used in computing this t-value
  • max_tau, which is the t-value scaled for the samples size (formally, max_tau = max_t / sqrt(n))
  • (5/tau)^2, which indicates the number of measurements that would be needed to distinguish the two distributions with t > 5

t-values greater than 5 are generally considered a good indication that the function is not constant time. t-values less than 5 does not necessarily imply that the function is constant-time, since there may be other input distributions under which the function behaves significantly differently.

Command line arguments

  • --filter runs a subset of the benchmarks whose name contains a specific string. Example:
cargo run --release --example ctbench-foo -- --filter ar

will run only the benchmarks with the substring ar in it, i.e., arith, and not vec_eq.

  • --continuous run a benchmark continuously, collecting more samples as it goes along. Example:
cargo run --release --example ctbench-foo -- --continuous vec_eq

will run the vec_eq benchmark continuously.

  • --out outputs raw runtimes in CSV format. Example:
cargo run --release --example ctbench-foo -- --out data.csv

will output all the benchmarks in ctbench-foo.rs to data.csv.


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