#drop #move #moving #pass #instance #dropped #dropping

no-std drop-move

A Rust library to support moving out of drop

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Dec 27, 2020

#204 in No standard library

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MIT license

463 lines


This crate allows implementing Drop as "pass by move". Here is an example of how this can be used to call a FnOnce from drop.

use drop_move::{drop_move_wrap, DropMove, DropHandle};

drop_move_wrap! {
    /// Runs a function when dropped.
    pub struct DropGuard<F: FnOnce()>(DropGuardInner {
        func: F,

impl<F: FnOnce()> DropMove for DropGuardInner<F> {
    fn drop_move(self_: DropHandle<Self>) {

impl<F: FnOnce()> DropGuard<F> {
    pub fn new(f: F) -> Self {
        DropGuardInner { func: f }.into()

let mut x: u32 = 0;
    let y = Box::new(&mut x); // Box is not Copy, so the closure will only be FnOnce.
    let guard = DropGuard::new(move || **y += 1);

assert_eq!(x, 1);

By implementing the DropMove trait, we were able to have func run when the DropGuard goes out of scope. The usual Drop trait only allows drop(&mut self), which does not allow moving the members of the DropGuard, as is required to call a FnOnce. The reason they do not allow drop(self) is that it would be too easy to accidentally end up dropping self, leading to an infinite loop. According to Rust's usual semantics self would be dropped at the end of the scope, and even if a special case were added for drop(self) it could still easily happen in a function called by drop.

These problems are mostly avoided by wrapping self in a DropHandle, which will only drop each member of the structure when it goes out of scope, rather than calling drop recursively. Semantically, drop_move can be thought of as destructuring DropGuard. Each unmoved member will be dropped when it goes out of scope. These members can be accessed by value through into_inner. The original DropGuard can be obtained from into_outer, but you must be careful to avoid infinite recursion when using this.

Given this destructuring viewpoint, it should be no surprise that drop_move also supports destructuring, which is normally not allowed for types that implement Drop. Here, we can convert the DropGuard back into the function it contains.

impl<F: FnOnce()> DropGuard<F> {
    /// Extract the function.
    pub fn into_inner(self) -> F {
        let inner: DropGuardInner<F> = self.into();

How this works is that drop_move_wrap! expands into two structure definitions.

/// Runs a function when dropped.
pub struct DropGuard<F: FnOnce()>(DropMoveWrapper<DropGuardInner<F>>);

/// Runs a function when dropped.
struct DropGuardInner<F: FnOnce()> {
    func: F,

The outer structure DropGuard provides the public interface, while DropGuardInner contains the actual members of the struct. Neither will implement Drop. Instead, DropMoveWrapper will implement Drop based on the DropMove you provide. The structure members can be borrowed from a DropGaurd using &self.0.func, because DropMoveWrapper implements Deref. They can moved by converting the DropGaurd to a DropGuardInner with DropMoveWrapper::into_inner(self.0) or self.into().

Notice that the doc comments and attributes have been duplicated for both structures. In fact, doc comments are treated as attributes by the compiler.

The macro also creates a few trait implementations.

impl<F: FnOnce()> From<DropGuard<F>> for DropGuardInner<F> {
    fn from(x: DropGuard<F>) -> Self {

impl<F: FnOnce()> From<DropGuardInner<F>> for DropGuard<F> {
    fn from(x: DropGuardInner<F>) -> Self {

impl<F: FnOnce()> DropMoveTypes for DropGuardInner<F>
    type Outer = DropGuard<F>;

The implementation of DropMoveTypes lets DropMoveWrapper and DropHandle know the relationship between DropGuard and DropGuardInner. It is implemented on the inner structure because this will keep the implementation private in the common case that the inner structure is private but the outer is public. The From implementations are so that they know how to convert back and forth, and also function as convenience methods for creating and destructuring DropGuards.

You may be wondering why drop_move takes a DropHandle rather than just passing the inner structure DropGuardInner, which would behave correctly for destructuring and would drop the members individually. However, you wouldn't easily be able to call a &self or &mut self function, which would want an instance of DropGuard instead. It would require reconstructing the DropGuard again so that it can be borrowed, then carefully destructuring it after the call to avoid infinite drop recursion. DropHandle allows you to avoid this error prone construction as it implements Deref for the outer structure, so you can call its methods directly.

See drop_move_wrap!'s docs for the macro's full supported syntax. See the source for DropGuard for the full example.

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