#task #build #task-runner #cli

app drip-rs

drip-rs executes code and runs tasks

1 stable release

1.0.0 Aug 21, 2022

#51 in #task-runner

CC0 license

299 lines

💦 drip

Crates.io Crates.io versions Build status Build status license


drip-rs exec FILE_PATH [ARGS...]
drip-rs misc CMD [ARGS...]
drip-rs {-h|--help|help}
drip-rs {-V|--version}


Install with cargo install

$ cargo install drip-rs

Build from source

$ git clone https://github.com/nullputra/drip-rs
$ cd drip
$ cargo build --release

Show version information

# cmd, pwsh, or bash
$ cargo install drip
$ drip-rs -V
drip-rs 1.0.0


drip-rs -h

# Not only "cmd(drip)" but also "pwsh(.\drip)" and "bash(drip)" can be used in the same way.
$ drip-rs -h
drip-rs 1.0.0
Nullputra <stdnlptr@gmail.com>

    drip.exe <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Print help information
    -V, --version    Print version information

    exec    Execute scripts according to extension
    help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    misc    Running scripts independent of extension

drip-rs exec

# Not only "cmd(drip)" but also "pwsh(.\drip)" and "bash(drip)" can be used in the same way.
$ cat drip.toml
symbol = ">"

cpp = [
    "g++ -g -O2 -std=c++17 -W $FILE_PATH -o $FILE_PATH_WITHOUT_EXT",
py = { cmd = "py -3 $FILE_PATH", sh = "python3 $FILE_PATH" }

$ drip-rs exec tests\data\fft.py
scrs: "py -3 tests\data\fft.py"
args: []
> py -3 tests\data\fft.py
1 4 11 26 36 40 32

$ drip-rs exec tests\data\z-algorithm.cpp
scrs: ["g++ -g -O2 -std=c++17 -W tests\data\z-algorithm.cpp -o tests\data\z-algorithm", "tests\data\z-algorithm"]
args: []
> g++ -g -O2 -std=c++17 -W tests\data\z-algorithm.cpp -o tests\data\z-algorithm
> tests\data\z-algorithm
z-algorithm works

drip-rs misc

# Not only "cmd(drip)" but also "pwsh(.\drip)" and "bash(drip)" can be used in the same way.
$ cat drip.toml
symbol = ">"

COMMIT_MSG = "Fix src\\main.rs"

echo = "echo $0"
# When the contents of "cmd" and "sh" match,
# they can be specified together by "common".
echo_confirm = { common = "echo $0", confirm = true }
# This is equivalent to the following:
# echo_confirm = { cmd = "echo $0", sh = "echo $0", confirm = true }
echo2 = ["echo $0", "echo $1"]
push = { common = [
    "git add --all",
    'git commit -m "$COMMIT_MSG"',
    "git push origin master",
], confirm = true }

$ drip-rs misc echo arg0
scrs: "echo arg0"
args: ["arg0"]
> echo arg0

$ drip-rs misc echo_confirm arg0
scrs: "echo arg0"
args: ["arg0"]
Continue? y
> echo arg0

$ drip-rs misc echo2 arg0 arg1
scrs: ["echo arg0", "echo arg1"]
args: ["arg0", "arg1"]
> echo arg0
> echo arg1

$ drip-rs misc push
scrs: ["git add --all", "git commit -m "Fix src\\main.rs"", "git push origin master"]
args: []
Continue? n
Error: Aborted


# cmd, pwsh or bash
$ git clone https://github.com/nullputra/drip-rs
$ cd drip-rs
$ cargo run -- exec tests\data\fft.py
scrs: "py -3 tests\data\fft.py"
args: []
> py -3 tests\data\fft.py
1 4 11 26 36 40 32

Future outlook

  • I'd like to support linux as well.



Licensed under CC0 1.0 (no credit needed).


~120K SLoC