#ieee-754 #deserialize #serialization #serde #utilities #no-alloc

no-std double-int

The double-int format represents an integer that can be stored in an IEEE 754 double-precision number without loss of precision

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jan 16, 2024

#2045 in Encoding


129 lines


crates.io Documentation dependency status MIT or Apache 2.0 licensed
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The double-int format represents an integer that can be stored in an IEEE 754 double-precision number without loss of precision.

This crate has been designed for use with OpenAPI tooling that wish to support integer-based format: double-int fields. See docs in the OpenAPI format registry.


#[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize)]
struct Config {
    count: DoubleInt,

let config = toml::from_str::<Config>(r#"
    count = 42
assert_eq!(config.count, 42);

let config = toml::from_str::<Config>(r#"
    count = -42
assert_eq!(config.count, -42);

// count is outside the bounds of a double-int (> 2^53 in this case)
// (this would usually be accepted by an i64)
let config = toml::from_str::<Config>(r#"
    count = 36028797018963968

