#2d-game-engine #game-engine #ssr #gamedev #wasm #ide #wasm32-wasi


The lib for building Dorothy SSR games in Rust running on target wasm32-wasi

4 releases

0.1.4 Dec 14, 2023
0.1.3 Nov 1, 2023
0.1.2 Aug 29, 2023
0.1.0 May 6, 2023

#784 in Game dev

MIT license

6.5K SLoC

Dora SSR

Dora SSR (多萝珍奇引擎)

English | 中文

IppClub Static Badge

Dora SSR is a game engine for rapid development of games on various devices. It has a built-in easy-to-use Web IDE development tool chain that supports direct game development on mobile phones, open source handhelds and other devices.

Category Badges
Provided Game Dev Tools Static Badge
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Supported Languages Static Badge
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Supported Platforms Android

Key Features

Feature Description
Cross-Platform Supported native architectures:
Android (x86_64, armv7, arm64)
Windows (x86)
Linux (x86_64, arm64)
iOS (arm64)
macOS (x86_64, arm64)
Node Based Manages game scenes based on tree node structure.
ECS Easy-to-use ECS module for efficient game entity management.
Multi-threaded Asynchronous processing of file read and write, resource loading and other operations.
Lua Upgraded Lua binding with support for inheriting and extending low-level C++ objects.
YueScript Supports YueScript language, strong expressive and concise Lua dialect.
Teal Supports for the Teal language, a statically typed dialect for Lua.
TypeScript Supports TypeScript, a statically typed superset of JavaScript that adds powerful type checking (with TSTL).
TSX Supports TSX, allows embedding XML/HTML-like text within scripts, used with TypeScript.
Wa Supports the Wa language, a simple, reliable, and statically typed language running on the built-in WASM runtime with Wa bindings.
Rust Supports the Rust language, running on the built-in WASM runtime with Rust bindings.
2D Animation 2D skeletal animations support with Spine2D, DragonBones and a builtin system.
2D Physics 2D physics engine support with PlayRho.
Web IDE Built-in out-of-the-box Web IDE, providing file management, code inspection, completion, highlighting and definition jump.

dora on android
Database Supports asynchronous operation of SQLite for real-time query and managing large game configuration data.
Excel Supports reading Excel spreadsheet data and synchronizing it to SQLite tables.
CSS Layout Provides the function of adaptive Flex layout for game scenes through CSS (with Yoga).
Effect System Support the functions of Effekseer game effects system.
Tilemap Supports the Tiled Map Editor TMX map file parsing and rendering.
Yarn Spinner Supports the Yarn Spinner language, making it easy to write complex game story systems.
ML Built-in machine learning algorithm framework for innovative gameplay.
Vector Graphics Provides vector graphics rendering API, which can directly render SVG format files without CSS (with NanoVG).
ImGui Built-in ImGui, easy to create debugging tools and UI interface.
Audio Supports FLAC, OGG, MP3 and WAV multi-format audio playback.
True Type Supports True Type font rendering and basic typesetting.
2D Platformer Basic 2D platformer game functions, including game logic and AI development framework.
L·S·D Provides open art resources and game IPs that can be used to create your own games - "Luv Sense Digital".


Example Projects

Loli War

Zombie Escape


Luv Sense Digital



  • 1. Download and install the APK package on the running terminal for games.
  • 2. Run the software, and access the server address displayed by the software through the browser of a PC (tablet or other development device) on the LAN.
  • 3. Start game development.


  • 1. Ensure that you have the X86 Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2022 (the MSVC runtime package vc_redist.x86) installed to run the application. You can download it from the Microsoft website.
  • 2. Download and decompress the software.
  • 3. Run the software and access the server address displayed by the software through a browser.
  • 4. Start game development.


  • 1. Download and decompress the software. Or you can get software using Homebrew with:
     brew install --cask ippclub/tap/dora-ssr
  • 2. Run the software and access the server address displayed by the software through a browser.
  • 3. Start game development.


  • 1. Installation from PPA.
    • Ubuntu Jammy
     sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ippclub/dora-ssr
     sudo apt update
     sudo apt install dora-ssr
    • Debian Bookworm
     sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 9C7705BF
     sudo add-apt-repository -S "deb https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ippclub/dora-ssr/ubuntu jammy main"
     sudo apt update
     sudo apt install dora-ssr
  • 2. Run the software and access the server address displayed by the software through a browser.
  • 3. Start game development.

Build Game Engine

Quick Start

  • Step One: Create a new project

    • In the browser, open the right-click menu of the Workspace on the left side of the Dora Dora editor.
    • Click on the menu item New and choose to create a new folder.
  • Step Two: Write game code

    • Create a new game entry code file of Lua (YueScript, Teal, TypeScript or TSX) under the project folder, named init.
    • Write Hello World code:
  • Lua

local _ENV = Dora

local sprite = Sprite("Image/logo.png")
  for i = 3, 1, -1 do
  print("Hello World")
    Scale(0.1, 1, 0.5),
    Scale(0.5, 0.5, 1, Ease.OutBack)
  • Teal
local sleep <const> = require("sleep")
local Ease <const> = require("Ease")
local Scale <const> = require("Scale")
local Sequence <const> = require("Sequence")
local Sprite <const> = require("Sprite")

local sprite = Sprite("Image/logo.png")
if not sprite is nil then
    for i = 3, 1, -1 do
    print("Hello World")
      Scale(0.1, 1, 0.5),
      Scale(0.5, 0.5, 1, Ease.OutBack)
  • YueScript

    The story of YueScript, a niche language supported by Dora SSR, can be found here.

_ENV = Dora

with Sprite "Image/logo.png"
   \once ->
     for i = 3, 1, -1
       print i
       sleep 1
     print "Hello World!"
     \perform Sequence(
       Scale 0.1, 1, 0.5
       Scale 0.5, 0.5, 1, Ease.OutBack
  • TypeScript
import { Sprite, Ease, Scale, Sequence, sleep } from 'Dora';

const sprite = Sprite("Image/logo.png");
if (sprite) {
  sprite.once(() => {
    for (let i of $range(3, 1, -1)) {
    print("Hello World");
      Scale(0.1, 1, 0.5),
      Scale(0.5, 0.5, 1, Ease.OutBack)
  • TSX

    A much easier approach for building a game scene in Dora SSR. Take the tutorials here.

import { React, toNode } from 'DoraX';
import { Ease } from 'Dora';

  <sprite file='Image/logo.png'>
      <event name="Count" param="3"/>
      <delay time={1}/>
      <event name="Count" param="2"/>
      <delay time={1}/>
      <event name="Count" param="1"/>
      <delay time={1}/>
      <scale time={0.1} start={1} stop={0.5}/>
      <scale time={0.5} start={0.5} stop={1} easing={Ease.OutBack}/>
)?.slot("Count", (_, param) => print(param));
  • Rust

    You can write code in Rust, build it into WASM file named init.wasm, upload it to engine to run. View details here.

use dora_ssr::*;

fn main () {
  let mut sprite = match Sprite::with_file("Image/logo.png") {
    Some(sprite) => sprite,
    None => return,
  let mut sprite_clone = sprite.clone();
  sprite.schedule(once(move |mut co| async move {
    for i in (1..=3).rev() {
      p!("{}", i);
      sleep!(co, 1.0);
    p!("Hello World");
      ActionDef::scale(0.1, 1.0, 0.5, EaseType::Linear),
      ActionDef::scale(0.5, 0.5, 1.0, EaseType::OutBack),
  • Step Three: Run the game

    Click the 🎮 icon in the lower right corner of the editor, then click the menu item Run. Or press the key combination Ctrl + r.

  • Step Four: Publish the game

    • Open the right-click menu of the project folder just created through the game resource tree on the left side of the editor and click the Download option.
    • Wait for the browser to pop up a download prompt for the packaged project file.

For more detailed tutorials, please check official documents.




Welcome to participate in the development and maintenance of Dora SSR. Please see Contributing Guidelines to learn how to submit Issues and Pull Requests.

Dora SSR Joins the Open Atom Foundation

We are delighted to announce that the Dora SSR project has officially become a donation and incubation project under the Open Atom Foundation. This new stage of development signifies our steadfast commitment to building a more open and collaborative gaming development environment.

About the Open Atom Foundation

The Open Atom Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and promoting the development of open-source technologies. Within this foundation's community, Dora SSR will utilize broader resources and community support to propel the project's development and innovation. For more information, please visit the foundation's official website.



Dora SSR uses the MIT License.

[!NOTE] Please note that Dora SSR integrates the Spine Runtime library, which is a commercial software. The use of Spine Runtime in your projects requires a valid commercial license from Esoteric Software. For more details on obtaining the license, please visit the official Spine website.
Make sure to comply with all licensing requirements when using Spine Runtime in your projects. Alternatively, you can use the integrated open-source DragonBones system as an animation system replacement. If you only need to create simpler animations, you may also explore the Model animation module provided by Dora SSR to see if it meets your needs.

