#react #logger #data #iot #logging

app dlphn

a humble sensor data logger with a bundled react UI

9 releases (4 breaking)

0.5.1 Jan 20, 2020
0.5.0 Jan 18, 2020
0.4.0 Jan 13, 2020
0.3.1 Jan 12, 2020
0.1.1 Jan 7, 2020

#1699 in Hardware support

26 downloads per month

MIT license

478 lines

Contains (WOFF font, 64KB) brand-icons.a046592b.woff, (WOFF font, 55KB) brand-icons.e8c322de.woff2, (WOFF font, 41KB) icons.0ab54153.woff2, (WOFF font, 51KB) icons.faff9214.woff, (WOFF font, 13KB) outline-icons.cd6c777f.woff2, (WOFF font, 15KB) outline-icons.ef60a4f6.woff


a humble sensor data logger that remembers the data you send it. cause it's smart and stuff.

the api is written in rust using actix-web. the ui is written in typescript using react and redux.



check the releases for a binary build that matches your platform.

in order to build the latest release from source, you will need to use rustup to install the rust toolchain, and then run:

$ cargo install dlphn


$ dlphn

                 ███████████████████▀▀  ▄██████████████████████████████▄
                ▐██████████████▀       ██████████████▀      ▀▀████████████
                █████████████       ▄██████▀ ███████              ▀▀███████
               ▐███████████                ▄█████▀
               ▐█████████▀                ▐██▀▀

[dlphn] listening on
[dlphn] API docs available at:


logging data

~1500 inserts per second via the REST API. results from 2017 intel nuc 3.5GHz i7-7567U kaby lake:

$ make bench
wrk -t10 -c100 -d 30s -s bench/post.lua http://localhost:8080/api/v1/streams/bench/data
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:8080/api/v1/streams/bench/data
  10 threads and 100 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    84.69ms  147.65ms   2.00s    96.57%
    Req/Sec   153.37     25.66   262.00     70.56%
  45957 requests in 30.10s, 3.29MB read
  Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 41
  Non-2xx or 3xx responses: 1
Requests/sec:   1526.97
Transfer/sec:    111.84KB


copyright (c) 2020 todd treece. licensed under the MIT license.


~1M SLoC