#discovery #dht #ethereum #command-line-tool #p2p #search #discv5

bin+lib discv5-cli

Simple CLI utility for creating and debugging discovery v5 servers

12 unstable releases (5 breaking)

0.7.1 Oct 15, 2024
0.5.0 Jun 6, 2023
0.3.0 Dec 12, 2022
0.2.4 May 28, 2021
0.1.1 May 20, 2020

#48 in #dht

Download history 159/week @ 2024-10-11 27/week @ 2024-10-18 11/week @ 2024-11-01 5/week @ 2024-11-08 17/week @ 2024-12-06 1/week @ 2024-12-13 40/week @ 2024-12-27

746 downloads per month

MIT license

835 lines


Build Status Doc Status Crates Status

Documentation at docs.rs


This is a simple CLI utility for creating and debugging discovery v5 servers.


This can be installed via cargo:

$ cargo install discv5-cli


The following can be viewed by running discv5-cli --help

Simple CLI utility for creating and debugging discovery v5 servers

Usage: discv5-cli [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

          Performs packet operations
          Requests an ENR from a node
          Runs a discv5 test server
          Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -v, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
          Sets the logging verbosity level.

          [default: info]

          Possible values:
          - trace: Trace level
          - debug: Debug level
          - info:  Info level
          - warn:  Warn level
          - error: Error level

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary)

  -V, --version
          Print version information


The discv5-cli server provides the following options, which can be viewed by running discv5-cli server --help:

Runs a discv5 test server

Usage: discv5-cli server [OPTIONS]

  -l, --listen-address <LISTEN_ADDRESS>
          Specifies the listening address of the server. [default:]
  -p, --listen-port <LISTEN_PORT>
          Specifies the listening UDP port of the server. [default: 9000]
  -i, --enr-address <ENR_ADDRESS>
          Specifies the IP address of the ENR record. Not specifying this results in an ENR with no IP field, unless the -w switch is used.
  -u, --enr-port <ENR_PORT>
          Specifies the UDP port of the ENR record. Not specifying this results in an ENR with no UDP field, unless the -w switch is used.
  -q, --enr-seq-no <ENR_SEQ_NO>
          Specifies the ENR sequence number when creating the ENR.
  -d, --enr-eth2 <ENR_ETH2>
          Specifies the Eth2 field as ssz encoded hex bytes.
  -w, --enr-default
          The Enr IP address and port will be the same as the specified listening address and port.
  -k, --static-key
          Use a fixed static key (hard-coded). This is primarily for debugging.
  -t, --secp256k1-key <SECP256K1_KEY>
          Specify a secp256k1 private key (hex encoded) to use for the nodes identity.
  -e, --enr <ENR>
          A base64 ENR that this node will initially connect to.
  -n, --peer-update-min <PEER_UPDATE_MIN>
          The minimum number of peers required to update the IP address. Cannot be less than 2. [default: 2]
  -b, --break-time <BREAK_TIME>
          The time to wait between successive searches. Default is 10 seconds. [default: 10]
  -s, --stats <STATS>
          Displays statistics on the local routing table. [default: 10]
  -x, --no-search
          Prevents the server from doing any peer searches.
  -o, --bootstrap <BOOTSTRAP>
          Bootstraps the server peers from a specified file.
  -h, --help
          Print help information

In order to create an up-to-date bootstrap.json file, you can query a beacon-chain rpc using the /eth/v1/node/peers endpoint as specified in the beacon-chain api. For example, run curl | jq on the same machine as your beacon-chain client to get an output in the same format as the example example.bootstrap.json.


The peer list should be kept private to prevent information leakage and node doxxing. As such, bootstrap.json is ignored in the .gitignore file.


The discv5-cli packet provides the following options, which can be viewed by running discv5-cli packet --help:

Performs packet operations

Usage: discv5-cli packet <COMMAND>

  decode  Decodes a packet
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help information


The discv5-cli request-enr provides the following options, which can be viewed by running discv5-cli request-enr --help:

Requests an ENR from a node

Usage: discv5-cli request-enr --multiaddr <MULTIADDR>

  -m, --multiaddr <MULTIADDR>             The multiaddr of the node to request their ENR from
  -h, --help                              Print help information
  -l, --listen-address <LISTEN_ADDRESS>   Specifies the listening address of the server. [default:]
  -p, --listen-port <LISTEN_PORT>         Specifies the listening UDP port of the server. [default: 9001]


Running a server

$ discv5-cli server -e -KO4QMMX2IadOccPtAC29ueqrRzNEO5omCNRRTctz-QR20eyMwVR9yl6IDsoxmkg4naImuve8u2H6FO9fsmlXxso-suCAsKEZXRoMpBKJsWLAgAAAP__________gmlkgnY0gmlwhC0ftqSJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQI3vMd58jjnDZQm0KGQpbuWGSW9Bnon1GsF07XnlHna6YN0Y3CCekqDdWRwgsau --enr-port 50862 --enr-address --break-time 5 --bootstrap bootstrap.json

2022-12-07T23:07:04.808Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::node] Node Id: 0x773e..b498
2022-12-07T23:07:04.808Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::node] Base64 ENR: enr:-IS4QArehERF1NJQn3zuGT5dAYBHNMjPCJCfGvs00AsMqyY6M80hoHZThbfveHbd-0GYqMy8mQiAAql5SlwpBRofc9IBgmlkgnY0gmlwhC0ftqSJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQL89kiZJgAhIf3hS6kAlou02R7IjayJWbULmBGTh52YUYN1ZHCCxq4
2022-12-07T23:07:04.808Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::node] ip:, udp port:50862
2022-12-07T23:07:04.811Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server] Connecting to ENR. ip: Some(, udp_port: Some(50862),  tcp_port: Some(31306)
2022-12-07T23:07:05.504Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server] Server listening on
2022-12-07T23:07:05.505Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server] Query service running...
2022-12-07T23:07:05.505Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Searching for peers...
2022-12-07T23:07:05.505Z INFO  [discv5::service] Discv5 Service started
2022-12-07T23:07:05.505Z INFO  [discv5::service] Ip4
2022-12-07T23:07:11.152Z WARN  [discv5::service] NODES Response failed, but was partially processed from: Node: 0xb48c..4c2e, addr:
2022-12-07T23:07:14.976Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Query Completed. Nodes found: 16
2022-12-07T23:07:14.976Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Node: 0xb48c..4c2e
2022-12-07T23:07:14.976Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Node: 0xb498..1ac2
2022-12-07T23:07:14.976Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Node: 0xb49a..f73c
2022-12-07T23:07:14.976Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Node: 0xb4a7..b1f0
2022-12-07T23:07:14.976Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Node: 0xb4b8..6f72
2022-12-07T23:07:14.977Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Node: 0xb4d1..e58e
2022-12-07T23:07:14.977Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Node: 0xb4e1..b19b
2022-12-07T23:07:14.977Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Node: 0xb4e2..921e
2022-12-07T23:07:14.977Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Node: 0xb4f5..566a
2022-12-07T23:07:14.977Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Node: 0xb4f3..6657
2022-12-07T23:07:14.977Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Node: 0xb4fe..49a9
2022-12-07T23:07:14.977Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Node: 0xb4fa..ad8e
2022-12-07T23:07:14.977Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Node: 0xb402..11d6
2022-12-07T23:07:14.977Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Node: 0xb402..cc3c
2022-12-07T23:07:14.977Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Node: 0xb402..6648
2022-12-07T23:07:14.977Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Node: 0xb403..b511
2022-12-07T23:07:14.978Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Bucket 251 statistics: Connected peers: 0 (Incoming: 0, Outgoing: 0), Disconnected Peers: 2
2022-12-07T23:07:14.978Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Bucket 252 statistics: Connected peers: 0 (Incoming: 0, Outgoing: 0), Disconnected Peers: 10
2022-12-07T23:07:14.978Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Bucket 253 statistics: Connected peers: 0 (Incoming: 0, Outgoing: 0), Disconnected Peers: 16
2022-12-07T23:07:14.979Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Bucket 255 statistics: Connected peers: 0 (Incoming: 0, Outgoing: 0), Disconnected Peers: 16
2022-12-07T23:07:14.979Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Bucket 256 statistics: Connected peers: 1 (Incoming: 0, Outgoing: 1), Disconnected Peers: 15
2022-12-07T23:07:14.979Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Bucket 247 statistics: Connected peers: 0 (Incoming: 0, Outgoing: 0), Disconnected Peers: 1
2022-12-07T23:07:14.979Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Bucket 254 statistics: Connected peers: 0 (Incoming: 0, Outgoing: 0), Disconnected Peers: 16
2022-12-07T23:07:14.979Z INFO  [discv5_cli::server::query] Bucket 248 statistics: Connected peers: 0 (Incoming: 0, Outgoing: 0), Disconnected Peers: 1
2022-12-07T23:07:15.668Z WARN  [discv5::service] NODES Response failed, but was partially processed from: Node: 0xb7c6..0a8c, addr:

Requesting an ENR

$ discv5-cli request-enr /ip4/

2022-12-07 20:54:20,658 INFO [discv5::service] Discv5 Service started
2022-12-07 20:54:20,658 INFO [discv5::service] Ip4
2022-12-07 20:54:20,658 INFO [discv5_cli::request_enr] Requesting ENR for: /ip4/
2022-12-07 20:54:20,908 INFO [discv5_cli::request_enr] ENR Found:
2022-12-07 20:54:20,908 INFO [discv5_cli::request_enr] Sequence No:1545
2022-12-07 20:54:20,908 INFO [discv5_cli::request_enr] NodeId:0x9f89..e7b4
2022-12-07 20:54:20,910 INFO [discv5_cli::request_enr] Libp2p PeerId:16Uiu2HAkyBFMsXS4Rpc3SfpaasFtLR6uKTnWqsUB8U8EMy24A5YU
2022-12-07 20:54:20,910 INFO [discv5_cli::request_enr] IP:
2022-12-07 20:54:20,910 INFO [discv5_cli::request_enr] TCP Port:31306
2022-12-07 20:54:20,910 INFO [discv5_cli::request_enr] UDP Port:25674
2022-12-07 20:54:20,910 INFO [discv5_cli::request_enr] Known multiaddrs:
2022-12-07 20:54:20,910 INFO [discv5_cli::request_enr] /ip4/
2022-12-07 20:54:20,910 INFO [discv5_cli::request_enr] /ip4/
2022-12-07 20:54:20,911 INFO [discv5::service] Discv5 Service shutdown

Decoding a packet

$ discv5-cli -- packet decode --packet 9fd3c9ced567380bd7f0b25b4e8cb250401f9654bb92990b36f0220b65e8c96b029c629d897d25ed861b6b80c002c0c910ce86ccdea0de1f5721efc3c2e01a2a7288d986074592d40e4b8eee5c44e8ae56ff8f8bda79fd8d3e899e36fdc07b24d74edc8ab189775f9aedd8918fd03f7f52d98b --nodeid d94f5e91dbd9c22221fc9d778347fca7b9f49745071199c2a8960073a98169d9

2022-12-07T20:08:20.265Z INFO  [discv5_cli::packet] Using decoding node id: 0xd94f..69d9
2022-12-07T20:08:20.265Z INFO  [discv5_cli::packet] Packet decoded: (Packet { iv: 212446919118329375467898179749707297360, header: PacketHeader { message_nonce: [86, 230, 107, 84, 45, 19, 246, 151, 176, 105, 149, 81], kind: Message { src_id: NodeId { raw: [238, 233, 154, 181, 126, 7, 103, 153, 11, 0, 123, 98, 184, 185, 96, 132, 106, 88, 170, 186, 22, 234, 9, 223, 97, 84, 167, 121, 21, 83, 116, 203] } } }, message: [212, 14, 75, 142, 238, 92, 68, 232, 174, 86, 255, 143, 139, 218, 121, 253, 141, 62, 137, 158, 54, 253, 192, 123, 36, 215, 78, 220, 138, 177, 137, 119, 95, 154, 237, 216, 145, 143, 208, 63, 127, 82, 217, 139] }, [159, 211, 201, 206, 213, 103, 56, 11, 215, 240, 178, 91, 78, 140, 178, 80, 100, 105, 115, 99, 118, 53, 0, 1, 0, 86, 230, 107, 84, 45, 19, 246, 151, 176, 105, 149, 81, 0, 32, 238, 233, 154, 181, 126, 7, 103, 153, 11, 0, 123, 98, 184, 185, 96, 132, 106, 88, 170, 186, 22, 234, 9, 223, 97, 84, 167, 121, 21, 83, 116, 203])


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