9 releases

0.2.2-alpha Apr 16, 2022
0.2.1 Dec 19, 2022
0.2.1-alpha Apr 15, 2022
0.1.3-alpha Apr 3, 2022

#735 in Rust patterns

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A dependency injection library for Rust.


dilib = "0.2.2-alpha"


Basic Usage

use dilib::Container;

struct Printer;
impl Printer {
    pub fn print(&self, s: &str) {
        println!("{}", s);

struct EnglishGreeting;
impl EnglishGreeting {
    pub fn greet(&self) -> String {

struct SpanishGreeting;
impl SpanishGreeting {
    pub fn greet(&self) -> String {

let mut container = Container::new();
container.add_scoped(|| EnglishGreeting).unwrap();
container.add_scoped_with_name("es", || SpanishGreeting).unwrap();

let printer = container.get::<Printer>().unwrap();
let en = container.get::<EnglishGreeting>().unwrap();
let es = container.get_with_name::<SpanishGreeting>("es").unwrap();


Table of Contents


The container is the main storage for the provides, it stores 2 types of providers:

  • Scoped: provides a new instance every time it is requested
  • Singleton: provides a single instance

All this provides can be named or unnamed, using the methods that ends with with_name(...).

Scoped provider

The scoped providers provide a new instance every time they are requested.

use dilib::Container;

let mut container = Container::new();
container.add_scoped(|| String::from("Apple Pie")).unwrap();

let s = container.get::<String>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(s.as_ref(), "Apple Pie");

Singleton provider

The singleton providers provide a single instance.

use dilib::Container;
use std::sync::Mutex;

let mut container = Container::new();

    let c1 = container.get::<Mutex<i32>>().unwrap();
    *c1.lock().unwrap() = 3;

let c2 = container.get::<Mutex<i32>>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(*c2.lock().unwrap(), 3);

Inject trait

The Inject trait provide a way to construct a type using the providers of the container.

To add a type that implements Inject to the container, you use the add_deps methods, this add the type as a Scoped provider.

use std::sync::{Mutex, atomic::AtomicUsize};
use dilib::{Container, Inject};

struct IdGenerator(AtomicUsize);
impl IdGenerator {
  pub fn next(&self) -> usize {
    1 + self.0.fetch_add(1, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst)

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Fruit {
    id: usize,
    tag: String

impl Inject for Fruit {
    fn inject(container: &Container) -> Self {
      let generator = container.get::<IdGenerator>().unwrap();
      let id = generator.next();
      let tag = container.get_with_name::<String>("fruit").unwrap().cloned();
      Fruit { id, tag }

let mut container = Container::new();
container.add_scoped_with_name("fruit", || String::from("b18ap31")).unwrap();

let f1 = container.get::<Fruit>().unwrap();
let f2 = container.get::<Fruit>().unwrap();

assert_eq!(f1.id, 1);
assert_eq!(f1.tag, "b18ap31");

assert_eq!(f2.id, 2);
assert_eq!(f2.tag, "b18ap31");

Bind trait to implementation

Instead of adding a type directly to the container you can bind a trait to its implementation using the macros:

  • add_scoped_trait!(container, name, trait => impl)
  • add_singleton_trait!(container, name, trait => impl)
  • add_scoped_trait!(container, name, trait @ Inject)
  • add_singleton_trait!(container, name, trait @ Inject)

The name is optional.

And you can get the values back using:

  • get_scoped_trait!(container, name, trait)
  • get_singleton_trait!(container, name, trait)
  • get_resolved_trait(container, name, trait)

The name is also optional.

use dilib::{

trait Discount {
  fn get_discount(&self) -> f32;

trait Fruit {
  fn name(&self) -> &str;
  fn price(&self) -> f32;

struct TenPercentDiscount;
impl Discount for TenPercentDiscount {
  fn get_discount(&self) -> f32 {

struct Apple;
struct Orange;

impl Fruit for Apple {
  fn name(&self) -> &str {
  fn price(&self) -> f32 {

impl Fruit for Orange {
  fn name(&self) -> &str {
  fn price(&self) -> f32 {

let mut container = Container::new();
add_singleton_trait!(container, Discount => TenPercentDiscount).unwrap();
add_scoped_trait!(container, "apple", Fruit => Apple).unwrap();
add_scoped_trait!(container, "orange", Fruit => Orange).unwrap();

// All types are returned as `Box<dyn Trait>`
let discount = get_resolved_trait!(container, Discount).unwrap();
let apple = get_resolved_trait!(container, Fruit, "apple").unwrap();
let orange = get_resolved_trait!(container, Fruit, "orange").unwrap();

assert_eq!(discount.get_discount(), 0.1);

assert_eq!(apple.name(), "Apple");
assert_eq!(apple.price(), 2.0);

assert_eq!(orange.name(), "Orange");
assert_eq!(orange.price(), 1.7);

get, get_scoped and get_singleton

There are 3 ways to retrieve a value from the container:

  • get
  • get_scoped
  • get_singleton

And it named variants:

  • get_with_name
  • get_scoped_with_name
  • get_singleton_with_name

get_scoped and get_singleton are self-explanatory, they get a value from a scoped or singleton provider.

But get can get any scoped and singleton value, the difference is that get returns a Resolved<T> and the others returns a T or Arc<T> for singletons.

Resolved<T> is just an enum for a Scoped(T) and Singleton(Arc<T>) where you can convert it back using into_scoped or into_singleton, the advantage of get is that it implements Deref to use the value and its just easier to call get.

Derive Inject

This requires the derive feature.

Inject is implemented for all types that implement Default. and can be used with #[derive].

use dilib::{Singleton, Inject, Container};
use dilib_derive::*;

struct Apple {
  // Singleton is an alias for Arc<T>
  tag: Singleton<String>,
  price: f32

let mut container = Container::new();
container.add_singleton_with_name("apple", String::from("FRUIT_APPLE")).unwrap();
container.add_scoped_with_name("apple_price", || 2.0_f32).unwrap();

let apple = container.get::<Apple>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(apple.tag.as_ref(), "FRUIT_APPLE");
assert_eq!(apple.price, 2.0);

Global Container

This requires the global feature.

dilib also offers a global container so you don't require to declare your own container, and it's easier to access the container with macros like get_scoped!, get_singleton!or just get_resolved!, you can also access the container directly using get_container().

use dilib::{global::init_container, resolve};

init_container(|container| {
    container.add_scoped(|| String::from("Orange")).unwrap();
    container.add_singleton_with_name("num", 123_i32).unwrap();
}).expect("unable to initialize the container");

let orange = resolve!(String).unwrap();
let num = resolve!(i32, "num").unwrap();

assert_eq!(orange.as_ref(), "Orange");
assert_eq!(*num, 123);


This requires the unstable_provide feature.

Why "unstable_provide"?

The feature unstable_provide make possible to have dependency injection more similar to other frameworks like C# EF Core or Java Sprint.

To allow run code before main we use the the ctor crate, which have been tested in several OS, so depending on where you run your application this feature may not be unstable for your use case.

provide macro

You can use the #[provide] macro over any function or type that implements **Inject to register it to the global container.

** Any type that implements `Default` also implements `Inject`.
use std::sync::RwLock;
use dilib::global::init_container;
use dilib::{resolve, Singleton, Inject, provide};

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct User {
    name: &'static str,
    email: &'static str,

trait Repository<T> {
    fn add(&self, item: T);
    fn get_all(&self) -> Vec<T>;

struct Db(RwLock<Vec<User>>);

struct UserRepository(Singleton<Db>);
impl Repository<User> for UserRepository {
    fn add(&self, item: User) {

    fn get_all(&self) -> Vec<User> {

// Initialize the container to register the providers
init_container(|_container| {
// Add additional providers

let user_repository = resolve!(trait Repository<User>).unwrap();
user_repository.add(User { name: "Marie", email: "marie@example.com" });
user_repository.add(User { name: "Natasha", email: "natasha@example.com" });

let users = user_repository.get_all();
let db = resolve!(Db).unwrap();
println!("Total users: {}", db.0.read().unwrap().len());
println!("{:#?}", users);

