#decimal-number #numbers #convert #digits #emoji

bin+lib digit

A simple lib for converting digits backand forth

1 unstable release

0.2.0 Feb 4, 2024
0.1.0 May 7, 2023

#233 in Value formatting

MIT license

152 lines


digit is a very simple crate for convert one-digit decimal numbers from various types to various types. It is created for educational purposes, but feel free to use your real-world use cases.

The project is following semver, and trying to be as compatible with itself as it is possible. Also the crate is not using external dependencies.


For adding to your project just simply run:

cargo add digit


The crate is not doing anything else, than add a Digit enum with the values from Zero..Nine and implement a few standard traits on it.

Such as:

TryFrom (string types)

The crate is able to understand "0" or "zero" from &str, String or &String and will return the related enum variant:

assert_eq!(Ok(Digit::Zero), Digit::try_from("0"));
assert_eq!(Ok(Digit::One), Digit::try_from("one"));

TryFrom (character types)

under development


under development

TryFrom (number types)

under development


The crate implements termination too, so you could return with a Digit in your main function:

use digit::Digit;

fn main() -> Digit {
    println!("Succesful run!");

Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord

The crate implements these basic features, so you could use Digit in various situations:

assert_eq!(Digit::One, Digit::One);
assert_ne!(Digit::Two, Digit::Three);

assert_eq!(Digit::One <= Digit::One, true);
assert_eq!(Digit::Two < Digit::Three, true);
assert_eq!(Digit::Four > Digit::Five, false);

let mut a = [Digit::Four, Digit::Zero, Digit::Nine];
assert_eq!(a, [Digit::Zero, Digit::Four, Digit::Nine]);

println!("{:?}", Digit::Seven);


under development


I don't see too much space to improve this project, however, if you see something to add... ... feel free to open an issue or a PR.

No runtime deps