#substrate #polkadot #cargo-toml #cli

app diener

dependency diener is a tool for easily changing Substrate, Polkadot or BEEFY dependency versions

11 releases

0.4.6 Dec 28, 2022
0.4.2 Sep 13, 2021
0.4.0 May 27, 2021
0.3.2 Mar 16, 2021
0.2.0 Sep 14, 2020

#270 in #polkadot


623 lines

diener - dependency diener is a tool for easily changing Substrate or Polkadot dependency versions


You can find the full documentation on docs.rs.


The update subcommand changes all Cargo.toml files in a given folder to use a specific branch/path/commit/tag.

Change all Substrate dependencies in a folder to a different branch:

diener update --substrate --branch diener-branch

Or you want to change Polkadot and Substrate dependencies to the same branch:

diener update --branch diener-branch-2

Diener also supports tag and rev as arguments.

If a dependency is belongs to Substrate or Polkadot is currently done by looking at the git url. It also only works for repos called substrate or polkadot.


The patch subcommand adds a patch section for each crate in a given cargo workspace to the workspace Cargo.toml file in some other cargo workspace.

Patch all Substrate git dependencies to be build from a given path:

diener patch --crates-to-patch ../path/to/substrate/checkout --substrate

This subcommand can be compared to .cargo/config without using a deprecated feature of Cargo ;)


Licensed under either of

at your option.

License: Apache-2.0/MIT


~258K SLoC