2 releases

0.1.1 Nov 16, 2023
0.1.0 Nov 16, 2023

#2106 in Procedural macros


341 lines

Simple parser for derive attributes

The code too simple to document. Just checkout the code, will do all the talks.

Typical usage in proc macro

let input = parse_macro_input!(inputTokenStream as DeriveInput);
let ctx = derive_attr_parser::Ctxt::new();
const DEMO: derive_attr_parser::Symbol = derive_attr_parser::Symbol("demo");
let container = derive_attr_parser::from_ast(&ctx, input, DEMO);

Full Demo Derive Code

extern crate proc_macro;

use quote::quote;
use syn::{parse_macro_input, DeriveInput};
use derive_attr_parser::{Ctxt, from_ast, Symbol};

#[proc_macro_derive(DemoDerive, attributes(demo))]
pub fn simuples(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
    let mut input = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput);
    demo_expand(&mut input)
const DEMO: Symbol = Symbol("demo");
fn demo_expand(input: &mut syn::DeriveInput) -> syn::Result<proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
    let ctx = Ctxt::new();
    let cont = from_ast(&ctx, input, DEMO);

    //Do something with the info.
    //eg. Generate System Dynamics Code.

Look into Container, Field, [Val]

Usage of Demo Derive

name = "test",
method = "system_dynamics",
ode_solver = "eula",
input_name = "BassInput",
output_name = "BassOutput"
#[demo(input(name = "BassInput", ty = "struct"))]
#[demo(output(name = "BassOutput", ty = "struct"))]
pub struct Bass {
    #[demo(param(val = "10_000_f64"), input(from = "total_population"))]
    total_population: f64,
    #[demo(param(val = "0.015_f64"))]
    ad_effectiveness: f64,
    #[demo(param(val = "100_f64"))]
    contact_rate: f64,
    #[demo(param(val = "0.011_f64"))]
    sales_fraction: f64,
    #[demo(var(val = "potential_clients * ad_effectiveness"))]
    sales_from_ad: f64,
    val = "clients * contact_rate * sales_fraction * potential_clients / total_population"
    sales_from_wom: f64,

    #[demo(stock(val = "total_population"), output(to = "potential_clients"))]
    potential_clients: f64,
    #[demo(stock, output(to = "clients"))]
    clients: f64,

    from = "potential_clients",
    to = "clients",
    val = "sales_from_ad + sales_from_wom"
    output(to = "sales")
    sales: f64,


~15K SLoC