4 releases
0.2.1 | Dec 21, 2021 |
0.2.0 | Nov 11, 2021 |
0.1.1 | Feb 19, 2021 |
0.1.0 | Feb 19, 2021 |
#118 in Database implementations
Used in photonic-dynamic-runner
Minimal schema-less database management system with ACID guaranties.
Current status: WIP (See roadmap section for details)
Client application creates a so called instance of db-core. When instance is created it opens data store, initializes its internal components, and restores state from the last checkpoint. Using created instance client application can initiate transactions, create or open existing object, read and write data, delete objects, and then commit or rollback changes. Instance can be cloned and moved to other thread in a multithreaded application. In the end, application can shutdown all instances.
Database initialization (this is one-time action):
use db_core::instance::Instance;
use db_core::FileState;
use db_core::FileType;
use db_core::FileDesc;
use db_core::instance::Read;
use db_core::instance::Write;
use db_core::config::ConfigMt;
use std::path::Path;
// Block size for the database.
let block_size = 8192;
// Create an empty directory for the database files.
let dspath = "/tmp/db-core-test-db";
if Path::new(dspath).exists() {
std::fs::remove_dir_all(dspath).expect("Failed to delete test dir on cleanup");
std::fs::create_dir(dspath).expect("Failed to create test dir");
// Transaction log directory.
let log_dir = "/tmp/db-core-test-tranlog";
if Path::new(log_dir).exists() {
std::fs::remove_dir_all(log_dir).expect("Failed to delete test dir on cleanup");
std::fs::create_dir(log_dir).expect("Failed to create test dir");
// Define initial database files. There should be at least one file of each type (data store,
// versioning store, checkpont store).
let mut fdset = vec![];
let desc1 = FileDesc {
state: FileState::InUse,
file_id: 3,
extent_size: 16,
extent_num: 3,
max_extent_num: 65500,
file_type: FileType::DataStoreFile,
let desc2 = FileDesc {
state: FileState::InUse,
file_id: 4,
extent_size: 10,
extent_num: 3,
max_extent_num: 65500,
file_type: FileType::VersioningStoreFile,
let desc3 = FileDesc {
state: FileState::InUse,
file_id: 5,
extent_size: 10,
extent_num: 3,
max_extent_num: 65500,
file_type: FileType::CheckpointStoreFile,
// Create a database.
Instance::initialize_datastore(dspath, block_size, &fdset).expect("Failed to init datastore");
Instance startup and termination, transaction management, read and write data:
// Some random data.
let data = b"Hello, world!";
// Prepare configuration.
let conf = ConfigMt::new();
let mut c = conf.get_conf();
// Start instance and open existing database.
let instance = Instance::new(conf.clone()).expect("Failed to create instance");
// Begin transaction.
let mut trn = instance.begin_transaction().expect("Failed to begin transaction");
// Create a new object.
let file_id = 3;
let mut obj = instance.open_create(file_id, &mut trn, data.len()).expect("Failed to create object");
let obj_id = obj.get_id();
// Write some data.
obj.write_next(data).expect("Failed to write");
// Commit transaction.
instance.commit(trn).expect("Failed to commit");
// Begin transaction.
let mut trn = instance.begin_transaction().expect("Failed to begin transaction");
// Open object for reading and read some data.
let mut obj = instance.open_read(&obj_id, &trn).expect("Failed to open for reading");
let mut read_buf = vec![0u8;data.len()];
let mut read = 0;
let len = read_buf.len();
while read < len {
let r = obj.read_next(&mut read_buf[read..len]).expect("Failed to read");
if r == 0 {break;}
read += r;
assert_eq!(read_buf, data);
// Delete object (if object is in use wait for other transaction to finish for 1 second).
let wait_lock_ms = 1000;
instance.delete(&obj_id, &mut trn, wait_lock_ms).expect("Failed to delete object");
// Rollback transaction.
instance.rollback(trn).expect("Failed to rollback");
// Spawn another instance in a different thread.
let ss = instance.get_shared_state().expect("Failed to get shared state");
let th = std::thread::spawn(move || {
let instance2 = Instance::from_shared_state(ss).expect("Failed to create instance");
// ...
// Add a database file.
let new_file_id = instance.add_datafile(FileType::DataStoreFile, 1000, 10, 1000).expect("Failed to add data file");
// Terminate instance.
- Allow storing data directly on block device.
- Implement vacuuming.
- Add more tests.
See issues for details.
Contributions are welcome! Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for details.