#sql-query #query #datafusion #sql #arrow #query-execution

bin+lib datafusion-tui

Terminal based, extensible, interactive data analysis tool using SQL

1 unstable release

0.1.0 May 29, 2022

#31 in #query-execution


2.5K SLoC

datafusion-tui (dft)

DataFusion-tui provides an extensible terminal based data analysis tool that uses DataFusion (single node) and Ballista (distributed) as query execution engines. It has drawn inspiration and several features from datafusion-cli. In contrast to datafusion-cli a focus of dft is to provide an interface for leveraging DataFusions extensibility (for example connecting to ObjectStores or querying custom TableProviders).

The objective of dft is to provide users with the experience of having their own local database that allows them to query and join data from disparate data sources all from the terminal.


Some of the current and planned features are:

  • Tab management to provide clean and structured organization of DataFusion queries, results, and context
    • SQL editor
      • Text editor for writing SQL queries
      • Scrollable query results
      • Track memory usage during query (TODO)
      • Write query results to file (TODO)
      • Multiple SQL Editor tabs (TODO)
    • Query history
      • History of executed queries
    • ExecutionContext information
      • Information from ExecutionContext / Catalog / ObjectStore / State / Config
    • Logs
      • Logs from dft and DataFusion
  • ObjectStore Support
    • S3 with AWS default credentials
    • S3 with custom endpoint / provider (i.e. MinIO)
    • HDFS (TODO)
    • ObjectStore explorer. I.e. able to list files in ObjectStore
    • There are ongoing conversations in DataFusion about adopting a new ObjectStore interface that would come with bindings to S3, ADLS, and GCP. I am monitoring this and plan on updating to use that interface when it is available.
  • TableProvider data sources
    • Delta Table => TODO
    • Google Big Table => (currently in the bigtable branch which isnt up to date with latest DataFusion )
    • ApiTable => Will allow treating API endpoints as tables by handling pagination and authentication. Currently being prototyped in #85
  • Preloading DDL from ~/.datafusion/.datafusionrc for local database available on startup

User Guide

To have the best experience with dft it is highly recommended to define all of your DDL in ~/.datafusion/.datafusionrc so that any tables you wish to query are available at startup. Additionally, now that DataFusion supports CREATE VIEW via sql you can also make a VIEW based on these tables.

The interface is split into several tabs so that relevant information can be viewed and controlled in a clean and organized manner. When not writing a SQL query keys can be entered to navigate and control the interface.

  • SQL Editor: where queries are entered and results can be viewed. Drawing inspiration from vim there are multiple modes.
    • Normal mode
      • q => quit datafusion-tui
      • e => start editing SQL Editor in Edit mode
      • c => clear contents of SQL Editor
      • Enter => execute query
      • Enter the tab number in brackets after a tabs name to navigate to that tab
      • If query results are longer or wider than screen, you can use arrow keys to scroll
    • Edit mode
      • Character keys to write queries
      • Backspace / tab / enter work same as normal
      • esc to exit Edit mode and go back to Normal mode
    • Rc mode
      • l load ~/.datafusion/.datafusionrc into editor
      • r rerun ~/.datafusion/.datafusionrc
      • w write editor contents to ~/.datafusion/.datafusionrc
  • Register custom ObjectStore
    • S3: run / install with --features=s3
      • If you want to use your default AWS credentials, then no further action is required. For example your credentials in ~/.aws/credentials will automatically be picked up.
      • If you want to use a custom S3 provider, such as MinIO, then you must create a s3.json configuration file in ~/.datafusion/object_stores/ with the fields endpoint, access_key_id, and secret_access_key.


~1.5M SLoC