#spring #smoothing #motion #damped #springy


Implementation of damped springs for smooth and springy motion

3 releases

0.1.2 Dec 9, 2024
0.1.1 Dec 8, 2024
0.1.0 Dec 8, 2024

#577 in Data structures

MIT license

263 lines


Implementation of damped springs for smooth and springy motion.

Adapted from Ryan Juckett's Damped Springs. License included in source.


See the examples.

First, start by configuring your spring:

// all spring types are generic over `f32` and `f64`!
let config = SpringConfig::new(5.0, 0.5);

Then, pre-compute some spring math:

let params = SpringParams::from(config);

Create a spring or two:

let spring_x = Spring::from_equilibrium(1.0);
let spring_y = Spring::from_equilibrium(2.0);

Then, update your springs either on a fixed time step or on a varying interval (if you're using a game engine):

// fixed time step of 0.1s
let time_step = SpringTimeStep::new(params, 0.1);
loop {
    println!("boing! ({}, {})", spring_x.position, spring_y.position);

// varying time step
loop {
    let time_step = SpringTimeStep::new(params, delta_time);
    println!("boing! ({}, {})", spring_x.position, spring_y.position);

Or, if you're only updating one spring at a varying time interval...

loop {
    spring.update_single(params, delta_time);
    // this creates the `SpringTimeStep` for you!

Working with a spring per dimension? See the collection example.

Why so many types?

  • A Spring is simply the current state of a spring that is being simulated.
  • A SpringConfig describes the user-level parameters of (a) spring(s), like its angular frequency and damping ratio.
  • SpringParams includes pre-computed coefficients to perform efficient spring updating later. It is pre-computed up to the point of delta time.
  • Finally, SpringTimeStep also has pre-computed coefficients, but is now specific to a particular time step interval.

