Cargo Features

Cyphernet has no features set by default.

cyphernet = { version = "0.5.2", features = ["all", "eidolon", "tor", "i2p", "nym", "mixnets", "dns", "p2p-ed25519", "p2p-secp256k1", "x25519", "ed25519", "secp256k1", "bip340", "sha2", "sha3", "blake3", "noise_all", "noise_sha2", "noise_sha3", "noise_blake3", "noise_x25519", "noise_secp256k1", "pem", "multibase", "serde"] }
all = bip340, blake3, dns, ed25519, eidolon, mixnets, multibase, noise_all, p2p-ed25519, p2p-secp256k1, pem, secp256k1, serde, sha2, sha3, x25519
eidolon all? = eidolon-auth


Affects cyphernet::auth

tor mixnets?


Enables tor of cypheraddr and socks5-client

i2p mixnets?

Enables i2p of cypheraddr and socks5-client

nym mixnets?

Enables nym of cypheraddr and socks5-client

mixnets all? = i2p, nym, tor
dns all?

Enables dns of cypheraddr and socks5-client

p2p-ed25519 all?

Enables p2p-ed25519 of cypheraddr

p2p-secp256k1 all?

Enables p2p-secp256k1 of cypheraddr

x25519 all?

Elliptic curve algorithms

Enables x25519 of cyphergraphy

ed25519 all?

Enables ed25519 of cyphergraphy

secp256k1 all?

Enables secp256k1 of cyphergraphy

bip340 all?

Enables bip340 of cyphergraphy

sha2 all?


Enables sha2 of cyphergraphy

sha3 all?

Enables sha3 of cyphergraphy

blake3 all?

Enables blake3 of cyphergraphy

noise_all all? = noise_blake3, noise_secp256k1, noise_sha2, noise_sha3, noise_x25519

Noise variants algorithms

noise_sha2 noise_all?

Enables sha2 of noise-framework


Digest algorithms

noise_sha3 noise_all?

Enables sha3 of noise-framework

noise_blake3 noise_all?

Enables blake3 of noise-framework

noise_x25519 noise_all?

Enables x25519 of noise-framework


Elliptic curves

noise_secp256k1 noise_all?

Enables secp256k1 of noise-framework

pem all?


Enables pem of cyphergraphy

multibase all?

Enables multibase of cyphergraphy

serde all?

Enables serde of cypheraddr

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

eidolon-auth eidolon?
noise-framework noise_blake3? noise_secp256k1? noise_sha2? noise_sha3? noise_x25519?