1 unstable release

0.11.2 May 24, 2023

#166 in #cosmwasm

Used in 2 crates


6.5K SLoC


docs.rs Crates.io Codecov

A Rust tool for interacting with CosmWasm smart contracts. It provides a type-safe interface to CosmWasm contracts and allows you to easily interact with them. It does this by providing a set of macros that generate type-safe interfaces to your contracts. You can then combine your contract interfaces into a single object that can be shared with others to ease integration efforts and encourage collaboration.

The documentation here gives you a brief overview of the functionality that cw-orchestrator provides. We provide more documentation at orchestrator.abstract.money.

How it works

Interacting with a CosmWasm contract is done by calling the contract's endpoints using the appropriate message for that endpoint (ExecuteMsg,InstantiateMsg, QueryMsg, MigrateMsg, etc.). cw-orchestrator generates typed interfaces for your contracts, allowing them to be type-checked at compile time. This generic interface then allows you to write environment-generic code, meaning that you can re-use the code that you write to deploy your application to cw-multi-test when deploying to test/mainnet.

Maintained Interfaces

We maintain a small set of interfaces ourselves that we use in our own projects. These interfaces are maintained by the Abstract team and are a good reference for how to use the library.

Codebase Latest Version
cw-plus GitHub tag (latest SemVer)
wyndex GitHub tag (latest SemVer)
AbstractSDK Crates.io

Creating an Interface

In order to generate a typed interface to your contract you can either pass the contract's message types into the contract macro or you can add the interface macro to your endpoint function exports!

The contract Macro

Provide your messages to a new struct that's named after your contract.

use cw_orch::contract;
// Provide the messages in the order Init, Exec, Query, Migrate.
#[interface(InstantiateMsg, ExecuteMsg, QueryMsg, MigrateMsg)]
pub struct Cw20;

Then implement a constructor for it:

use cw_orch::{CwEnv,Contract};
impl<Chain: CwEnv> Cw20 <Chain>{
    pub fn new(name: &str, chain: Chain) -> Self {
        Self(Contract::new(name, chain))

The interface_entry_point Macro

You create a contract interface by adding the interface_entry_point macro to your contract endpoints. The name of the generated interface will be the crate name in PascalCase.

fn instantiate(...)

fn execute(...)

You now have a contract interface that you can use to interact with your contract.


You can then use this interface to interact with the contract:

// ## Environment setup ##
let sender = Addr::unchecked("sender");
// Create a new mock chain (backed by cw-multi-test)
let chain = Mock::new(&sender);

let cw20_base: Cw20<Chain> = Cw20::new("my_token", chain);
// Upload the contract
// instantiate a CW20 token
let cw20_init_msg = cw20_base::msg::InstantiateMsg {
    decimals: 6,
    name: "Test Token".to_string(),
    initial_balances: vec![Cw20Coin {
        address: sender.to_string(),
        amount: 1000000u128.into(),
    marketing: None,
    mint: None,
    symbol: "TEST".to_string(),
cw20_base.instantiate(&cw20_init_msg, None, None)?;

// Query balance
// Notice that this query is generated by a macro and not defined in the object itself!
// There is also no need to provide a return type of the query.
let balance: Cw20BalanceResponse = cw20_base.balance(sender.to_string())?;


cw-orchestrator provides two additional macros that can be used to improve the scripting experience.


The ExecuteFns macro can be added to the ExecuteMsg definition of your contract. It will generate a trait that allows you to call the variants of the message directly without the need to construct the struct yourself.

The macros should only be added to the structs when the "interface" trait is enable. This is ensured by the interface feature in the following example


#[cfg_attr(feature="interface", derive(cw_orch::ExecuteFns))]
pub enum ExecuteMsg{
    Freeze {},
    UpdateAdmins { admins: Vec<String> },
    /// the `payable` attribute will add a `coins` argument to the generated function
    #[cfg_attr(feature="interface", derive(cw_orch::payable))]
    Deposit {}

// Define the interface, which is generic over the CosmWasm environment (Chain)
struct Cw1<Chain>

impl<Chain: CwEnv> Cw1<Chain> {
    pub fn test_macro(&self) {

We recommend shielding the ExecuteMsgFns macro behind a feature flag to avoid pulling in cw-orchestrator by default.


The QueryFns derive macro works in the same way as the ExecuteFns macro but it also uses the #[returns(QueryResponse)] attribute from cosmwasm-schema to generate the queries with the correct response types.

impl_into Attribute

For nested messages (execute and query) you can add an impl_into attribute. This expects the enum to implement the Into trait for the provided type. This is extremly useful when working with generic messages:

// An execute message that is generic.
pub enum ExecuteMsg<T>{

#[cfg_attr(feature="interface", derive(cw_orch::ExecuteFns))]
#[cfg_attr(feature="interface", impl_into(ExecuteMsg<T>))]
pub enum Foo {
    Bar { msg: String },

impl From<Foo> for ExecuteMsg<Foo> {
    fn from(msg: Foo) -> Self {

// Now the following is possible:

struct Example<Chain>

impl<Chain: CwEnv> Example<Chain> {
    pub fn test_macro(&self) {
        // function `bar` is available because of the `impl_into` attribute! 


We'd really appreciate your help! Please read our contributing guidelines to get started.


The documentation is generated using mdbook. Edit the files in the docs/src folder and run

just serve-docs

to view the changes.


To test the full application you can run the following command:

cargo test --jobs 1 --all-features


Enjoy scripting your smart contracts with ease? Build your contracts with ease by using Abstract.


This software is provided as-is without any guarantees.


cw-orchestrator is inspired by terra-rust-api and uses cosmos-rust for protocol buffer gRPC communication.


~704K SLoC