7 releases

0.2.3 Sep 12, 2022
0.2.2 Aug 30, 2022
0.1.3 Feb 21, 2022
0.1.2 Jan 9, 2022

#943 in Game dev


5.5K SLoC

Crossbundle CLI


Crate Info Documentation MIT/Apache 2.0 GitHub Stars

The crossbundle is a command-line tool that encapsulates boring stuff of Android and iOS build/packaging processes and helps mobile developers to create and maintain applications written in rust programming language.

Support status

Supported operating systems for build (iOS only on macOS):

Name Status

Packaging Strategy status:

Name Description Status
Android APK Supported via -s=native-apk flag.
Android AAB Supported via -s=native-aab flag.
Android Gradle Supported via -s=gradle-apk flag.
Apple Debug APP Default build strategy. Works only on Simulator and could be run on iPhone with Dev Certificate.
Apple Debug IPA Works only on Simulator and could be run on iPhone with Dev Certificate. 🆗
Apple Release IPA Not supported yet. Crossbundle should generate xcodeproj, but user should build and sign IPA manually. 🛠

Supported game engines:

Name Description Status
Bevy Default build method. Injects ndk-glue into generated tmp lib.rs file. 🆗
Macroquad Supported via app_wrapper = "quad" inside Cargo.toml metadata. Also, can work as cargo-quad-apk but with all crossbundle features.
placeholder Don't find your game engine here? Open an issue! We are happy to add support for new engines. 🛠

✅ = Works and tested — 🆗 = Works but may contain bugs — 🛠 = Under development


cargo install --git=https://github.com/dodorare/crossbow crossbundle

See installation documentation for more details on how to setup environment on your platform.

Cargo.toml Metadata syntax

# Cross-platform user-friendly application name for your app.
app_name = "Example"
# Cross-platform assets directory path relatively to project path.
assets = ["assets"]
# Cross-platform icon path to generate icons for Android and iOS.
icon = "../../assets/images/icon.png"

# Android application wrapper: supports ndk-glue and quad
app_wrapper = "quad"
# The user-friendly application name for your app. Displayed in the applications menu
app_name = "Example"
# Path to AndroidManifest.xml file
manifest_path = "path/to/AndroidManifest.xml"
# Android resources directory path relatively to project path.
resources = ["res/android"]
# Android assets directory path relatively to project path.
assets = ["assets"]
# Android targets to build on debug or release.
debug_build_targets = ["aarch64-linux-android"]
release_build_targets = ["aarch64-linux-android"]

# Complete support of ALL AndroidManifest.xml attributes
package = "com.example.ExampleProject"

# Adds a uses-permission element to the AndroidManifest.xml.
# Note that android_version 23 and higher, Android requires the application to request permissions at runtime.
name = "android.permission.INTERNET"

# Specifies that an app wants a particular permission, but only if the app is installed on a device running
# Android 6.0 (API level 23) or higher. If the device is running API level 22 or lower, the app does not have the specified permission.
# See https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/uses-permission-sdk-23-element
name = "android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
max_sdk_version = 31

# See https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/service-element
name = "UpdateService"
intent_filter = []
meta_data = []

# See https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/queries-element#provider
authorities = "org.khronos.openxr.runtime_broker;org.khronos.openxr.system_runtime_broker"
# Note: The `name` attribute is normally not required for a queries provider, but is non-optional
# as a workaround for aapt throwing errors about missing `android:name` attribute.
# This will be made optional if/when cargo-apk migrates to aapt2.
name = "org.khronos.openxr"

# See https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/meta-data-element
name = "com.oculus.vr.focusaware"
value = "true"

# Apple targets to build on debug or release.
debug_build_targets = ["aarch64-apple-ios"]
release_build_targets = ["aarch64-apple-ios", "x86_64-apple-ios"]
# Apple resources directory path relatively to project path.
resources = ["res/apple"]

CLI options and flags

To see the complete documentation for each command/subcommand you can write -h or --help:

crossbundle -h
crossbundle build android -h
crossbundle run ios -h
crossbundle install -h
# ...

Result of crossbundle -h:

    crossbundle [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

    -c, --current-dir <CURRENT_DIR>    The current directory where to run all commands
    -h, --help                         Print help information
    -q, --quiet                        No output printed to stdout
    -v, --verbose                      A level of verbosity, and can be used multiple times
    -V, --version                      Print version information

    build      Starts the process of building/packaging/signing of the rust crate
    help       Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    install    Installs bundletool and Android Studio's sdkmanager
    new        Creates a new Cargo package in the given directory. Project will be ready to
               build with `crossbundle`
    run        Executes `build` command and then deploy and launches the application on the

Result of crossbundle run android -h (this command extends crossbundle build android):

Executes `build` command and then deploy and launches the application on the Android device/emulator

    crossbundle run android [OPTIONS]

        Activate all available features of selected package

    --example <EXAMPLE>
        Build the specified example

    --export-path <EXPORT_PATH>
        Path to export Gradle project. By default exports to `target/android/` folder

    --features <FEATURES>
        Space or comma separated list of features to activate. These features only apply to the
        current directory's package. Features of direct dependencies may be enabled with
        `<dep-name>/<feature-name>` syntax. This flag may be specified multiple times, which
        enables all specified features

    -h, --help
        Print help information

    --lib <LIB>
        Only compile rust code as a dynamic library. By default: "crossbow-android"

        Enable logging attach after run

        Do not activate the `default` feature of the current directory's package

        Build optimized artifact with the `release` profile

    -s, --strategy <STRATEGY>
        Build strategy specifies what and how to build Android application: with help of Gradle,
        or with our native approach [default: gradle-apk]

    --sign-key-alias <SIGN_KEY_ALIAS>
        Signing key alias

    --sign-key-pass <SIGN_KEY_PASS>
        Signing key password

    --sign-key-path <SIGN_KEY_PATH>
        Path to the signing key

    -t, --target <TARGET>...
        Build for the given android architecture. Supported targets are:
        `armv7-linux-androideabi`, `aarch64-linux-android`, `i686-linux-android`,

    --target-dir <TARGET_DIR>
        Directory for generated artifact and intermediate files

Result of crossbundle build ios -h (this command extends crossbundle build ios):

Executes `build` command and then deploy and launches the application on the iOS device/emulator

    crossbundle run ios [OPTIONS]

        Activate all available features of selected package

    --bin <BIN>
        Specify custom cargo binary

    -d, --debug
        Run in debug mode

    -d, --device
        Install and launch on the connected device

    -D, --device-id <DEVICE_ID>
        Connected device id

    --example <EXAMPLE>
        Build the specified example

    --features <FEATURES>
        Space or comma separated list of features to activate. These features only apply to the
        current directory's package. Features of direct dependencies may be enabled with
        `<dep-name>/<feature-name>` syntax. This flag may be specified multiple times, which
        enables all specified features

    -h, --help
        Print help information

    --identity <IDENTITY>
        The id of the identity used for signing. It won't start the signing process until you
        provide this flag

        Do not activate the `default` feature of the current directory's package

    --profile-name <PROFILE_NAME>
        Provisioning profile name to find in this directory:
        `~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/`

    --profile-path <PROFILE_PATH>
        Absolute path to provisioning profile

        Build optimized artifact with the `release` profile

    -s, --strategy <STRATEGY>
        Build strategy specifies what and how to build iOS application: with help of XCode, or
        with our native approach [default: native-ipa]

    -s, --simulator-name <SIMULATOR_NAME>
        Simulator device name [default: "iPhone 13"]

    -t, --target <TARGET>...
        Build for the given apple architecture. Supported targets are: `aarch64-apple-ios`,
        `aarch64-apple-ios-sim`, `armv7-apple-ios`, `armv7s-apple-ios`, `i386-apple-ios`,

    --target-dir <TARGET_DIR>
        Directory for generated artifact and intermediate files

    --team-identifier <TEAM_IDENTIFIER>
        The team identifier of your signing identity


Shared library "<lib_name>" not found

If you ran into problem of missing shared library in the apk/aab - you can fix this by placing your .so file into target/<rust-triple>/<profile>/tools/libname.so. The builder will pick the library up and put it in the final package.


Licensed under MIT or Apache-2.0.


~1.5M SLoC