cpython is used at run time in 33 crates (of which 9 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 29 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 1 crate.

Number of dependers cpython version Downloads/month
12 0.7.2 18K
4 0.5.2 1.5K
4 0.4.1 140
2 0.3.0 130
5 0.2.1 270
7 0.1.0 170
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) cpython version
77K 65 tch optional ^0.7.1
midas_python ^0.4
sfink_callgraph_traversal ^0.1
2 speki-backend ^0.7
1 gym ^0.4.0
lando ^0.1
1 cpython-json ^0.2
unfuck ^0.7
1 lay-simulator-blueqat ^0.5.0
u_interface ^0.7.1
gateway ^0.1
serde_python ^0.2.0
spvn_caller ^0.7
hg-cpython ~0.2.1
rust-http-server ^0.1
djinn ^0.1
frustool ^0.5
lather ^0.1.0
rusty ^0.5
rustypy ~0.3.0
talus ^0.4
youtube-rs ^0.7.1
cog-task optional ^0.7.1
elk-mq optional ^0.7
2 jsonlogic-rs optional ^0.7
pikuseru optional ^0.7
px8 optional ^0.1.0
reform optional ^0.2.1
1 rsrl_domains optional ^0.3
5.9K 4 zbase32 dev ^0.2