1 unstable release

0.14.1 Dec 22, 2024

#3 in #uniffi

MIT license

12K SLoC

Rust 10K SLoC // 0.0% comments Swift 1K SLoC // 0.1% comments Shell 102 SLoC // 0.1% comments


This repository exports UniFFI difined bindings that can be used to call Rust Cooklang parser code from languages other than Rust: Kotlin, Swift, Ruby, Python and some other languages.


UniFFI is a brilliant way to define a cross-language interface and associated tools. Rust compiles a C-compatible library with UniFFI metadata baked. Based on this metadata UniFFI compiler can create snippets of code in foreign language that mirrors exposed Rust API.

This particular library employes new-ish procedural macroses to define exported methods and data-types.

Exposed API

This library exports methods:

    // full parsing, returns full recipe object with meta
    parse_recipe(input: String) -> CooklangRecipe;
    // fast metadata parsing, recipe text is not parsed
    parse_metadata(input: String) -> CooklangMetadata;
    // parse aisle config to use in shopping list
    parse_aisle_config(input: String) -> Arc<AisleConfig>;

    // dereferences component reference to component
    // usage example:
    // let ingredient = deref_component(recipe, Item::IngredientRef { index: 0 });
    deref_component(recipe: &CooklangRecipe, item: Item) -> Component;
    // dereferences ingredient reference to ingredient
    // usage example:
    // let ingredient = deref_ingredient(recipe, 0);
    deref_ingredient(recipe: &CooklangRecipe, index: u32) -> Ingredient;
    // dereferences cookware reference to cookware
    // usage example:
    // let cookware = deref_cookware(recipe, 0);
    deref_cookware(recipe: &CooklangRecipe, index: u32) -> Cookware;
    // dereferences timer reference to timer
    // usage example:
    // let timer = deref_timer(recipe, 0);
    deref_timer(recipe: &CooklangRecipe, index: u32) -> Timer;

    // combines ingredient lists into one
    // usage example:
    // let all_recipe_ingredients_combined = combine_ingredients(recipe.ingredients);
    // if multiple recipes need to be combined, combine their ingredients lists and pass them to this method
    combine_ingredients(ingredients: Vec<Ingredient>) -> IngredientList;
    // combines ingredient lists into one
    // usage example:
    // let combined_ingredients_from_section1 = combine_ingredients_selected(recipe.ingredients, section1.ingredient_refs);
    // let combined_ingredients_from_step1 = combine_ingredients_selected(recipe.ingredients, step1.ingredient_refs);
    combine_ingredients_selected(ingredients: Vec<Ingredient>, indices: Vec<u32>) -> IngredientList;

Exposed data structures

    /// A recipe is a collection of sections, each containing blocks of content.
    struct CooklangRecipe {
        /// Recipe metadata like title, source, etc.
        metadata: CooklangMetadata,
        /// List of recipe sections, each containing blocks of content, like steps, notes, etc.
        sections: Vec<Section>,
        /// List of all ingredients used in the recipe in order of use. Not quantity combined.
        ingredients: Vec<Ingredient>,
        /// List of all cookware used in the recipe.
        cookware: Vec<Cookware>,
        /// List of all timers used in the recipe.
        timers: Vec<Timer>,

    /// Represents a distinct section of a recipe, optionally with a title
    struct Section {
        /// Optional section title (e.g., "Dough", "Topping", etc.)
        title: Option<String>,
        /// List of content blocks in this section. Each block can be a step or a note.
        blocks: Vec<Block>,
        /// Indices of  ingredients used in this section.
        ingredient_refs: Vec<u32>,
        /// Indices of cookware used in this section.
        cookware_refs: Vec<u32>,
        /// Indices of timers used in this section.
        timer_refs: Vec<u32>,

    /// A block can either be a cooking step or a note
    enum Block {
        /// A cooking instruction step
        /// An informational note

    /// Represents a single cooking instruction step
    struct Step {
        /// List of items that make up this step (text and references)
        items: Vec<Item>,
        /// Indices of ingredients used in this step
        ingredient_refs: Vec<u32>,
        /// Indices of cookware used in this step
        cookware_refs: Vec<u32>,
        /// Indices of timers used in this step
        timer_refs: Vec<u32>,

    /// A text note within the recipe
    struct BlockNote {
        /// The content of the note
        text: String,

    /// Represents an ingredient in the recipe
    struct Ingredient {
        /// Name of the ingredient
        name: String,
        /// Optional quantity and units
        amount: Option<Amount>,
        /// Optional descriptor instructions (e.g., "chopped", "diced")
        descriptor: Option<String>,

    /// Represents a piece of cookware used in the recipe
    struct Cookware {
        name: String,
        amount: Option<Amount>,

    /// Represents a timer in the recipe
    struct Timer {
        /// Optional timer name (e.g., "boiling", "baking", etc.)
        name: Option<String>,
        amount: Option<Amount>,

    /// Represents an item in the recipe
    enum Item {
        /// A text item
        Text { value: String },
        /// An ingredient reference index
        IngredientRef { index: u32 },
        /// A cookware reference index
        CookwareRef { index: u32 },
        /// A timer reference index
        TimerRef { index: u32 },

    /// Represents a quantity in the recipe
    struct Amount {
        /// Quantity value
        quantity: Value,
        /// Optional units
        units: Option<String>,

    /// Represents a value in the recipe
    enum Value {
        Number { value: f64 },
        Range { start: f64, end: f64 },
        Text { value: String },

    /// Represents the metadata of the recipe
    type CooklangMetadata = HashMap<String, String>;
    /// Represents a list of ingredients that are grouped by name and quantity
    type IngredientList = HashMap<String, GroupedQuantity>;
    /// Represents a grouped quantity for multiple unit types
    // \
    //  |- <litre,Number> => 1.2
    //  |- <litre,Text> => half
    //  |- <,Text> => pinch
    //  |- <,Empty> => Some
    type GroupedQuantity = HashMap<GroupedQuantityKey, Value>;

    /// Represents a grouped quantity key
    struct GroupedQuantityKey {
        /// Name of the grouped quantity
        name: String,
        /// Type of the grouped quantity
        unit_type: QuantityType,

    /// Represents the type of the grouped quantity
    enum QuantityType {

Shopping list usage example

Not all categories from AisleConfig are referenced in a shopping list. There could be "Other" category if not defined in the config.

    // parse
    let recipe = parse_recipe(text);
    let config = parse_aisle_config(text);
    // object which we'll use for rendering
    let mut result = HashMap<String, HashMap<String,GroupedQuantity>>::New();
    // iterate over each recipe ingredients and fill results into result object.
    let all_recipe_ingredients_combined = combine_ingredients(recipe.ingredients);
    all_recipe_ingredients_combined.iter().for_each(|(name, grouped_quantity)| {
        // Get category name for current ingredient
        let category = config.category_for(name).unwrap_or("Other");
        // Get list of ingredients for that category
        let mut entry = result.get(category).or_default();
        // Get quantity object for that ingredient
        let mut ingredient_quantity = entry.get(name).or_default();
        // Add extra quantity to it

Building for Android


Install rustup https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install.

Then add Android targets.

rustup target add aarch64-linux-android
rustup target add armv7-linux-androideabi
rustup target add i686-linux-android
rustup target add x86_64-linux-android

Install Android NDK https://developer.android.com/studio/projects/install-ndk#default-version.

Add ndk linkers to the PATH variable. Example for ~/.zshrc:

export PATH=$PATH:/Users/dubadub/Library/Android/sdk/ndk/25.2.9519653/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/


Build library:

cargo build --lib --target=x86_64-linux-android --release

Biuld foreight language bindings (this will output Kotlin code into ./out dir:

cargo run --features="uniffi/cli"  \
  --bin uniffi-bindgen generate \
  --library target/x86_64-linux-android/release/libcooklang.so \
  --language kotlin \
  --out-dir out

See example of a Gradle config here with all required tasks.

Building for iOS


Install rustup https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install.

Then add iOS targets.

rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios
rustup target add x86_64-apple-ios

Install iOS SDK https://developer.apple.com/xcode/resources/.

Add ndk linkers to the PATH variable. Example for ~/.zshrc:

export PATH=$PATH:/Users/dubadub/Library/Android/sdk/ndk/25.2.9519653/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/


Build library:

cargo build --lib --target=x86_64-apple-ios --release

Biuld foreight language bindings (this will output Swift code into ./out dir:

cargo run --features="uniffi/cli"  \
  --bin uniffi-bindgen generate \
  --config uniffi.toml \
  --library ../target/x86_64-apple-ios/release/libcooklang_bindings.a \
  --language swift \
  --out-dir out

See example of a Xcode project here.

Combine into universal library:

mkdir -p ../target/universal/release
lipo -create -output ../target/universal/release/libcooklang_bindings.a \
  ../target/x86_64-apple-ios/release/libcooklang_bindings.a \

xcodebuild -create-xcframework
-library ../target/aarch64-apple-ios/release/libcooklang_bindings.a
-library ../target/x86_64-apple-ios/release/libcooklang_bindings.a
-output CooklangParserFFI.xcframework


~301K SLoC