#json #configure #json-parser #human #line #string #conf


A human editable configure file in JSON parser

3 releases

0.1.4 Nov 10, 2023
0.1.3 Nov 9, 2023
0.1.2 Nov 8, 2023

#2106 in Encoding


632 lines

A JSON compatable configure file parser

This crate is mainly for read not write from a human editable configure file in JSON. Most of the configure key accessing methods are immutable.

Besides standard JSON, following features are supported:

  • Comments begin with '#' which can take a whole line or trailing part of a line
  • Both single and double quotation marks strings are allowed
  • For JSON Arry and Object, trailing comma is allowed


Parse from str

use conf_json::value;
let s = r##"
	# this is a json conf file
		# comment line
		"null_key": null,
		"i64_key": 1,
		"i64_sci_key": 123E+4,
		"i64_0x_key": 0xAf,
		"f64_key": 3.14,
		"f64_sci_key": 3.14e-2,
		"true_key": true,
		"false_key": false,  # comment in line
		'single_quote_key': 'a single quote value',
		"object_key": {
			"inner_key1": "abc",
			"inner_key2": 3.14E3,
		"array_key": [1, "abc", ],
println!("data source:");
println!("{}", s);
let v = s.parse::<value::Value>().unwrap();

// basic accessing
println!("\nbasic accessing assertion begin ...");
assert_eq!(v["i64_key"].as_i64(), 1);
assert_eq!(v["f64_key"].as_f64(), 3.14);
assert_eq!(v["object_key"]["inner_key1"].as_str(), "abc");
assert_eq!(v["array_key"][1].as_str(), "abc");
println!("basic accessing assertion pass");

// iter over JSON Array
println!("\niter over JSON Array:");
v["array_key"].iter_array().for_each(|v| {println!("{:?}", v); });

// iter over JSON Object
println!("\niter over JSON Object:");
v.iter_object().for_each(|(k, v)| { println!("{}: {:?}", k, v); });

Load from str

use conf_json;
let v: conf_json::value::Value = "\"abc\"".as_bytes().into();
assert_eq!(v.as_str(), "abc");

Load from file

use conf_json;
let v = conf_json::load_from_file("sample.conf").unwrap();
assert_eq!(v["f64_key"].as_f64(), 3.14);

Load from any type T t that implements std::io::Read trait

use conf_json;
let t = b"123";
let v: conf_json::value::Value = t.as_slice().into();
assert_eq!(v.as_i64(), 123);

In Cargo.toml

conf_json = "0.1.4"

No runtime deps