1 unstable release

0.1.0 May 15, 2024

#1878 in Asynchronous

Custom license

842 lines

The cocoro crate shows a different approach to coroutines in Rust from the one in std::ops that's guarded by the coroutine_trait feature.

A coroutine is a state machine that may consume "input" values one at a time, and each time "yields" a value or "returns" with a final value. A coroutine can yield arbitrarily many times but may only return once.

In this crate, the core coroutine trait looks like:

pub trait SuspendedVisitor<Y, R, I, N>
    N: Coro<Y, R, I>,
    type Out;
    fn on_yield(self, y: Y, next: N) -> Self::Out;
    fn on_return(self, r: R) -> Self::Out;

pub trait Suspended<Y, R, I> {
    type Next: Coro<Y, R, I>;
    fn visit<X>(
        visitor: impl SuspendedVisitor<Y, R, I, Self::Next, Out = X>,
    ) -> X;

pub trait Coro<Y, R, I = ()>: Sized {
    type Next: Coro<Y, R, I>;
    type Suspend: Suspended<Y, R, I, Next = Self::Next>;
    fn resume(self, input: I) -> Self::Suspend;

Note the following differences from std::ops::Coroutine:

  • The resume method takes self by value, not by a pinned exclusive reference.
  • The types for "yield" and "return" are generic parameters rather than associated types.
  • The resume method returns a Suspend type that wraps the state of the coroutine, which provides to a "visitor" a handle to a coroutine that can be resumed again.

The Suspended trait can be thought of as an abstraction over an enum. Indeed, many implementations of coroutines will use the following enum which is provided by the crate:

pub enum Suspend<Y, R, N> {
    Yield(Y, N),

The Yield and Return variants are imported into the crate's root namespace, so they can be used withoutthe Suspend:: prefix.

In addition, the Coro trait provides a number of default combinators that should feel familiar to anyone working with Iterator, for example:

  • map_yield to transform the yielded values with an FnMut
  • map_return to transform the return value with an FnOnce
  • flatten to flatten a coroutine that returns another coroutine into a single coroutine

This crate makes no attempt to use fancy macros or code transformations to let you write coroutines as if they were procedural functions, as the coroutine_trait feature does. Instead, it is designed for a functional style where the elements yielded and returned are transformed with pipelines of combinators, with an emphasis on type-safety.


A basic counter

Here's a coroutine that yields successive integers and never returns:

use cocoro::{Coro, Suspended, Yielded};

struct Counter(i32);
impl Coro<i32, (), ()> for Counter {
    type Next = Self;
    type Suspend = Yielded<i32, Self>;
    fn resume(self, _: ()) -> Self::Suspend {
        Yielded(self.0, Counter(self.0 + 1))

let mut counter = Counter(0);
for _ in 0..10 {
    let Yielded(n, next) = counter.resume(());
    println!("{}", n);
    counter = next;

Notice how the Counter struct is immutable, and the next state is returned from the resume method by constructing a new Counter instance.

Because the Next associated type is Self, we are able to mutate the variable counter in-place. However, in the next example, we'll see a coroutine that yields with a state of a different type than itself.

Furthermore, we can irrefutably match the Yielded struct because the Suspend associated type of the coroutine is known at compile time and transparent to the user. More generally, when the Suspend associated type of a coroutine isn't known (e.g. because it's not constrained by bounds on a function parameter or on an impl Coro return type from the function that the coroutine came from), the Suspended trait provides a visit method that can be converted to a Suspend enum to pattern-match against, or visited directly with a SuspendedVisitor.

It's more common to use helper functions and combinators to create coroutines, rather than implement the Coro trait directly.

Using the yield_with() function, we can do the same thing as above with a closure:

use cocoro::{yield_with, Coro, Void, Yield};
let mut i = 0;
let _: Option<Void> = yield_with(|()| {
    i += 1;
.for_each(|n| {
    println!("{}", n);

Static-sized countdown

use cocoro::{Coro, Returned, Suspend, Suspended, Void, Yielded};

struct Three;
struct Two;
struct One;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Blastoff;

impl Coro<i32, Blastoff, ()> for Three {
    type Next = Two;
    type Suspend = Yielded<i32, Self::Next>;
    fn resume(self, _: ()) -> Self::Suspend {
        Yielded(3, Two)

impl Coro<i32, Blastoff, ()> for Two {
    type Next = One;
    type Suspend = Yielded<i32, Self::Next>;
    fn resume(self, _: ()) -> Self::Suspend {
        Yielded(2, One)

impl Coro<i32, Blastoff, ()> for One {
    type Next = Blastoff;
    type Suspend = Yielded<i32, Self::Next>;
    fn resume(self, _: ()) -> Self::Suspend {
        Yielded(1, Blastoff)

impl Coro<i32, Blastoff, ()> for Blastoff {
    type Next = Void;
    type Suspend = Returned<Blastoff>;
    fn resume(self, _: ()) -> Self::Suspend {

let countdown = Three;
let Yielded(n, countdown) = countdown.resume(());
println!("{}", n);
let Yielded(n, countdown) = countdown.resume(());
println!("{}", n);
let Yielded(n, countdown) = countdown.resume(());
println!("{}", n);
let Returned(blastoff) = countdown.resume(());
println!("{:?}!", blastoff);

This shows how the Next associated type can be used to chain together coroutines of different types, as long as they all have the same input and output types (Y, R, and I).

The as_yield() and as_return() helper methods on Suspended provide a convenient way to get an Option of the yielded value or the return value, respectively.

Another thing to note: the Void coroutine can be used as the Next type to statically indicate that the coroutine will not yield again. Because the Void type is not instantiable, it is impossible to Yield from a coroutine whose Next type is Void.

One could have written the same example using closures:

use cocoro::{from_fn, Coro, Returned, Suspended, Void, Yielded};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Blastoff;
let countdown = from_fn(|_| {
    Yielded(3, from_fn(|_| {
    Yielded(2, from_fn(|_| {
    Yielded(1, from_fn(|_| {
    Returned(Blastoff) })) })) }))
let Yielded(n, countdown) = countdown.resume(());
println!("{}", n);
let Yielded(n, countdown) = countdown.resume(());
println!("{}", n);
let Yielded(n, countdown) = countdown.resume(());
println!("{}", n);
let Returned(blastoff) = countdown.resume(());
println!("{:?}!", blastoff);

This is considerably more compact, but formatting it the way that rustfmt wants can look very unapproachable. Nevertheless, this example shows that you can define coroutines with a static, type-safe state machine from ordinary closures and proves that this state information is preserved at compile time with irrefutable pattern matching.

More commonly, you will use the Suspend enum, rather than Yielded or Returned structs, in from_fn() coroutines, especially if the coroutine uses run-time information to determine whether to yield or return.


The main motivation of this crate is to show how the Rust type system could provide compile-time correct-by-construction guarantees that standard library coroutines, or other state machines like Iterator and Future, imply by contract but cannot enforce at compile time: they will never yield again after returning. Most design choices follow from that, including, ultimately, the emphasis on functional combinators, which are helpful to add the missing expressivity that can't come from procedural gen blocks. gen blocks are the reason for Pin, which would have, if used in cocoro coroutines, forced a resume() method to mutably borrow a (pinned) reference rather than accept self by value, which was the only way to "maybe consume" the coroutine, passing it back to the caller on yield but dropping it on return.

Because cocoro coroutines are implemented with combinators and manual impls instead of syntactic sugar like gen blocks or macros that transform code, the trait was designed to be interoperable with other traits and use functional programming patterns make them as expressive as their procedural counterparts.

A cocoro coroutine is a functor over both the yielded type and the return type. The map_yield and map_return combinators correspond to the theoretical map operation on these respective interpretations of the coroutine as a functor.

A coroutine is also a contravariant functor over the input type, so you can contramap_input() with a function that takes a different input type and returns the original input type, and get a new coroutine that uses the contramap() function's input type as its input type.

The flatten() combinator corresponds to the join operation on the monad over the return type. With it and map_return(), the flat_map() combinator can be implemented, corresponding to the bind operation on the monad.

In order to complete the monad axioms, the return operation is implemented with the JustReturn wrapper struct, which is a coroutine that can take anything as an input, never yields, and always returns with the value it was constructed with. Together, the JustReturn struct and flat_map() combinator abide by the monad laws for the functor over the return type.

There is no monad implementation for the functor over the yielded type, but the just_yield struct can be thought of as a pure operation for an applicative functor over the yielded type. The zip() combinator meanwhile is an operation on which the applicative lifta2 function can be derived.

Formalizing operations on coroutines as well-established functional programming concepts is a way to show that the cocoro coroutines are theoretically sound and can be used in a variety of ways that are familiar to functional programmers. Which includes Rust programmers who are familiar with other types with similar traits, like Iterator and Result.


Why is it called cocoro?

I was thinking more along the lines of a pun: "coro" as an abbreviation for "coroutine", and "co" as a prefix meaning "together" or "with" to indicate its complementarity and perhaps subordination to Rust standard library coroutines. As another layer to the pun, "cocoro" sounds like "kokoro", which is the Japanese word for "heart", with all the attendant connotations of mind, spirit, and core-ness.

I was also vaguely gesturing at the idea of co- as a prefix for mathematical duals, especially in the context of category theory. Although a coroutine is not the categorical dual of a routine in any strict sense, one can entertain the concept of a "co-routine" as the dual of a "routine", and thus a co-coroutine as something... routine.

But also the name happened to be free on crates.io.

Why is the resume() method consuming self?

In the std::ops::Coroutine trait, the resume method takes Pin<&mut Self> as the receiver type. This was done with the ability to write gen blocks in mind, where the language would synthesize a state machine out of procedural code. These state machines could include local variables that are references to other local variables in the block, making the type is self-referential immovable after the references may have been created. To enforce this, generators require a Pin<&mut Self> to ensure that the generator is "pinned" in memory and cannot be moved. The same goes for the more well-known, and more stable, Future trait, for which self-referential implementations can be constructed with async blocks.

The cocoro crate does not need to support self-referential types, because it does not try to describe the state machines of gen blocks. Instead, coroutines are hand-written or composed from combinators and closures that are not suspended.

Ok, but why not use &mut self as the reciver for resume()?

This is an experiment to try to express in the type system something that is implicit in the contract of types like Iterator, Future, and, yes, std::ops::Coroutine. The contract is that once you hit the "end" of the iterator/future/coroutine (i.e. it returns None/Ready/Complete), you can't call next()/poll()/resume() again. Some utility functions like Iterator::fuse() attempt to add a runtime safety layer to more concretely define what happens when the contract is violated.

But cocoro chooses a different approach: enforce this contract at compile time. The resume() method consumes self and returns a Suspended enum that can only obtain the coroutine back if it Yields. This makes it impossible to call resume() again after a Return, because the Return variant does not include a coroutine to resume, and calling resume() had already consumed the coroutine.

How's the performance compared to std::ops::Coroutine?

The cocoro coroutines are designed to be as lightweight as possible. But so are the std::ops::Coroutine coroutines, and by people who are much more dedicated and experienced in writing high-performance Rust code.

cocoro coroutines are "stackless" and avoid allocation, just like std::ops::Coroutine coroutines. One potential benefit of cocoro coroutines is that standard library coroutines are desugared into state machines that may be represented as a Rust enum (see the unstable book) which means that every iteration of the state machine may contain a branch. cocoro coroutines, on the other hand, support coroutines that are statically known to proceed deterministically to a particular state, as seen with the just_yield() and just_return() functions. Such coroutines eliminate branches at these points, which may lead to faster code.

However, cocoro coroutines move the data that represents their state around when resumed and suspended, as opposed to standard library coroutines, which must be pinned in memory. This means there may be copy operations in the code generated by cocoro coroutines that don't appear in the code generated by standard library coroutines. I generally expect the compiler to optimize these copies away, but I haven't done any benchmarks to confirm this.

Many basic cocoro combinators are tail recursive and can be optimized by the compiler into loops, but Rust does not guarantee tail call optimization in general.

Why return an associated type instead of a Suspend enum?

This is the secret sauce that allows cocoro coroutines to opt into statically deterministic state machines. The Next associated type of a coroutine is the type of the next state of the coroutine, and if every coroutine were to neecessarily return an enum, the compiler would have to insert a check on that enum's tag when matching the result.

In particular, this lets just_yield() coroutines return a Yielded struct instead of a Suspend enum's Yield variant, and just_return() coroutines return a Returned struct instead of a Suspend enum's Return variant. All three of Suspend, Yielded, and Return implement the Suspended trait, so they are all valid options to return from a coroutine depending on whether it is known to branch at runtime.

Why are the yield and return types generic type parameters?

It's an established convention in Rust that "input" types for a trait are generic types, and "output" types are associated types, as seen in the FnOnce trait. It's important that traits like this can be generic over input types, i.e. implement the trait for arbitrarily many possible input types. This is what allows the Fn series of traits to work with reference types, which are actually higher-ranked types that are generic over an elided lifetime parameter.

The Coro trait is generic over not just the input type, but the yield and return types too. This is to allow a type that implements Coro to implement the trait for arbitrarily many input, yield, and return types. For example, a coroutine that ignores its input can be generic over all I input types, a coroutine that never yields can be generic over all Y yield types, and a coroutine that never returns can be generic over all R return types.

When you use just_yield() to make a coroutine, you can inject that coroutine into any function that takes a coroutine with any return type, or return it from a function that uses impl Coro return type syntax with any return type.

This does mean that type annotations need to be provided in some places that otherwise wouldn't need them if there were Yield and Return associated types. You'll see .yields::<Void>() and .returns::<Void>() a lot in examples to provide required type annotations for code snippets contained within a single function's body. But in real code, you will likely be returning or consuming coroutines through functions that have impl Coro bounds that specify the expected yield, return, and input types, which guide the type checker to select one particular implementation of the Coro trait out of infinitely many.

