#system-clock #shared-memory #ntp #ec2 #aws #time

bin+lib clock-bound-d

A daemon to provide clients with an error bounded timestamp interval

6 releases (1 stable)

1.0.0 Apr 9, 2024
0.1.4 Nov 16, 2023
0.1.3 Jan 11, 2023
0.1.2 Mar 11, 2022
0.1.0 Nov 1, 2021

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2.5K SLoC

Crates.io License: GPL v2

ClockBound daemon


The clockbound daemon interfaces with chronyd and the Operating System clock to provide clients with a bound on the error of the system clock. The clockbound daemon periodically updates a shared memory segment that stores parameters to calculate the bound on clock error at any time. Clients leverage the C library (in clock-bound-ffi/) or the Rust library (in clock-bound-client/) to open the shared memory segment and read a timestamp interval within which true time exists.


The synchronization daemon - chronyd

The clockbound daemon continuously communicates with chronyd to compose the clock error bound parameters. The chronyd daemon must be running to synchronize the system clock and provide clock correction parameters.

Chrony installation

  • If running on Amazon Linux 2, chronyd is already set as the default NTP daemon for you.
  • If running on Amazon EC2, see the EC2 User Guide for more information on installing chronyd and syncing to the Amazon Time Sync Service.

Chrony permissions

The chronyd daemon has the ability to drop privileges once initialized. The rest of this guide assumes that chronyd runs under the chrony system user, which is the default for most distributions.

Note that this impacts which process can communicate with chronyd. The clockbound daemon communicates with chronyd over chronyd Unix Datagram Socket (usually at /var/run/chrony/chronyd.sock). The chronyd daemon sets permissions such that only processes running under root or the chrony user can write to it.

Chrony configuration

IMPORTANT: configuring the maxclockerror directive

Several sources of synchronization errors are taken into account by clockbound to provide the guarantee that true time is within a clock error bound interval. One of these components captures the stability of the local oscillator the system clock is built upon. By default, chronyd uses a very optimistic value of 1 PPM, which is appropriate for a clock error estimate but not for a bound. The exact value to use depends on your hardware (you should check), otherwise, a value of 50 PPM should be appropriate for most configuration to capture the maximum drift in between clock updates.

Update the /etc/chrony.conf configuration file and add the following directive to configure a 50 PPM max drift rate:

# Ensures chronyd grows local dispersion at a rate that is realistic and aligned with clockbound.
maxclockerror 50



ClockBound daemon can be installed using Cargo. Instructions on how to install Cargo can be found at doc.rust-lang.org.

If it's your first time installing Cargo on an AL2 EC2 instance you may need to also install gcc:

sudo yum install gcc

Run cargo build with the release flag:

cargo build --release

Cargo install will place the ClockBound daemon binary in this relative path:



Systemd configuration

If built from source using cargo, it is recommended to set up systemd to manage the ClockBound daemon.

In the below systemd configuration, please note:

  • The clockbound daemon runs as the chrony user so that it can access the chronyd UDS socket at /var/run/chrony/chronyd.sock.
  • The RuntimeDirectory that contains the file backing the shared memory segment needs to be preserved over clockbound restart events. This lets client code run without interruption when the clockbound daemon is restarted.
  • Depending on the version of systemd used (>=235), the RuntimeDirectory can be used in combination with RuntimeDirectoryPreserve.

Configuration steps:

Move binary to the location you want to run it from:

sudo mv target/release/clockbound /usr/local/bin/clockbound
sudo chown chrony:chrony /usr/local/bin/clockbound

Create unit file /usr/lib/systemd/system/clockbound.service. The contents of this file will vary depending on what version of systemd that you are running.

To determine the version of systemd that you are running, run systemctl --version.

In the example below, the systemd version is 219.

$ systemctl --version
systemd 219

For systemd version >= 235 create file /usr/lib/systemd/system/clockbound.service with the following contents:


ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/clockbound --max-drift-rate 50


For systemd version < 235 create file /usr/lib/systemd/system/clockbound.service with the following contents:


ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /run/clockbound
ExecStartPre=/bin/chmod 775 /run/clockbound
ExecStartPre=/bin/chown chrony:chrony /run/clockbound
ExecStartPre=/bin/cd /run/clockbound
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/clockbound --max-drift-rate 50


Reload systemd:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Enable ClockBound daemon to start at boot:

sudo systemctl enable clockbound

Start ClockBound daemon:

sudo systemctl start clockbound

You can then check the status of the service with:

systemctl status clockbound

Logs are accessible at /var/log/daemon.log or by running the following command:

sudo journalctl -u clockbound

One-off Manual Configuration

The following steps are primarily here for developer or testing purposes.

The ClockBound daemon needs to:

  • Write to a shared memory segment that is backed by file /var/run/clockbound/shm.
  • Read from and write to chrony UDS socket at /var/run/chrony/chronyd.sock. This is permitted if the clockbound daemon runs as the user chrony.
  • Have a --max-drift-rate parameter that matches chronyd configuration.

Commands to support that ClockBound daemon setup:

sudo mkdir /var/run/clockbound
sudo chown root:chrony /var/run/clockbound
sudo chmod g+rwx /var/run/clockbound
sudo -u chrony /usr/local/bin/clockbound --max-drift-rate 50


To communicate with the ClockBound daemon, a client is required.

Clock status

The value of the clock status written to the shared memory segment is driven by the Finite State Machine described below.

Each transition in the FSM is triggered by an update retrieved from chrony with the clock status which can be one of Unknown, Synchronized, or FreeRunning.

State Diagram for ClockStatus in SHM

PTP Hardware Clock (PHC) Support on EC2

To get accurate clock error bound values when chronyd is synchronizing to the PHC (since chronyd assumes the PHC itself has 0 error bound which is not necesarily true), a PHC reference ID and PHC network interface (i.e. ENA interface like eth0) need to be supplied for ClockBound to read the clock error bound of the PHC and add it to chronyd's clock error bound. This can be done via CLI args -r (ref ID) and -i (interface). Ref ID is seen in chronyc tracking, i.e.:

$ chronyc tracking
Reference ID    : 50484330 (PHC0) <-- This 4 character ASCII code
Stratum         : 1
Ref time (UTC)  : Wed Nov 15 18:24:30 2023
System time     : 0.000000014 seconds fast of NTP time
Last offset     : +0.000000000 seconds
RMS offset      : 0.000000060 seconds
Frequency       : 6.614 ppm fast
Residual freq   : +0.000 ppm
Skew            : 0.019 ppm
Root delay      : 0.000010000 seconds
Root dispersion : 0.000001311 seconds
Update interval : 1.0 seconds
Leap status     : Normal

and network interface should be the primary network interface (from ifconfig, the interface with index 0) - on Amazon Linux 2 this will generally be eth0, and on Amazon Linux 2023 this will generally be ens5.

For example:

/usr/local/bin/clockbound -r PHC0 -i eth0

To have your systemd unit do this, you'll need to edit the above line to supply the right arguments.

For example:


ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/clockbound -r PHC0 -i eth0



See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


Licensed under the GPL v2 license.


~166K SLoC