1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jul 24, 2024

#1004 in Command-line interface


90 lines



This library provides a very light-weight API, for a singular purpose: Collect the command line arguments in 3 std structures based on the number of dashes prefixed.

  • Vector $\leftarrow$ 0 dashes $\leftarrow$ Positional arguments (values only).
  • HashSet $\leftarrow$ 1 dash $\leftarrow$ Flags (keys only).
  • HashMap $\leftarrow$ 2 dashes $\leftarrow$ Key - value pairs.

Syntax example:

./my_program --debug_level=2 -verb path/to/file 

These arguments are classified as:

  • Positional:
    1. ./my_program
    2. path/to/file
  • Flags:
    1. verb
  • Pairs:
    1. debug_level with value 2


Just initialize the CLIParser struct and you are good to go.

use cliparser::CLIParser;

fn main() {

	// Initialize parser
	let parser = CLIParser::new().init().unwrap();
	// Extract parsed data structures
	let posit_arguments = parser.posits.clone(); // Vector
	let flags = parser.flags.clone(); // HashSet
	let pairs = parser.pairs.clone(); // HashMap

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