#clamp #numbers #values #fit #return #cast #panic


Clamp integer and float values to the values that fit within both the original number type and the receiving type

3 unstable releases

0.2.2 Oct 25, 2024
0.2.1 Oct 25, 2024
0.2.0 Oct 25, 2024
0.1.1 Oct 24, 2024
0.1.0 Oct 24, 2024

#739 in Rust patterns

36 downloads per month

MIT license


ClampTo provides clamping rust primative number types and casting to another primative number type.

The clamp_to functions clamp the values and return it as the receiver type.

The try_clamp_to functions will return an Ok with the value cast as the receiver type if it fit within the receiver type, or an Err if it does not.

The checked_clamp_to functions will return an value cast as the receiver type if it fit within the receiver type, or panic if it does not.

Using the [ClampTo] trait

The ClampTo trait is a convience trait that will return an inferred type based on the usage of the trait.

use clamp_to::ClampTo;

let a: u32 = 4242;
let clamped_u8: u8 = a.clamp_to();                     // 255u8
let clamped_u16: u16 = a.clamp_to();                   // 4242u16
let try_clamped_u8: u8 = a.try_clamped_to();           // Err(ClampError)
let try_clamped_u16: u16 = a.try_clamped_to();         // Ok(4242u16)
let checked_clamped_u8: u8 = a.checked_clamped_to();   // Panic
let checked_clamped_u16: u16 = a.checked_clamped_to(); // 4242u16

Using the [Clamp] trait

Sometimes it's difficult to get an inferred type, and the generics to make [ClampTo] get messy.
[Clamp] gives direct access to each of the receiver types (ie, clamp_to_u8, clamp_to_f32, etc) and is the trait [ClampTo] uses to do it's clamping.

use clamp_to::Clamp;

let a: u32 = 4242;
let clamped_u8 = a.clamp_to_u8();                     // 255u8
let clamped_u16 = a.clamp_to_u16();                   // 4242u16
let try_clamped_u8 = a.try_clamped_to_u8();           // Err(ClampError)
let try_clamped_u16 = a.try_clamped_to_u16();         // Ok(4242u16)
let checked_clamped_u8 = a.checked_clamped_to_u8();   // Panic
let checked_clamped_u16 = a.checked_clamped_to_u16(); // 4242u16

The tables below describe the clamping limits from one type to another. All clamping is designed to be the intersection of the ranges of the two types. For example, clamping an i8 (-128..=127) to a u8 (0..=255) will clamp the i8 to 0..=127. This ensures any negative values will not be interpreted as a large unsigned value.

Blank values in the tables means the values represented by the type can be entirely contained within the new type.

[usize] and [isize] follow the corresponding types for the system. [u64]/[i64] for a 64 bit system, etc.

clamp_to_u8() clamp_to_u16() clamp_to_u32() clamp_to_u64()
u16 0..=255
u32 0..=255 0..=65535
u64 0..=255 0..=65535 0..=4294967295
i8 0..=127 0..=127 0..=127 0..=127
i16 0..=255 0..=32767 0..=32767 0..=32767
i32 0..=255 0..=65535 0..=2147483647 0..=2147483647
i64 0..=255 0..=65535 0..=4294967295 0..=9223372036854775807
f32 0..=255 0..=65535 0..=16777215 0..=16777215
f64 0..=255 0..=65535 0..=4294967295 0..=9007199254740991
clamp_to_i8() clamp_to_i16() clamp_to_i32() clamp_to_i64()
u8 0..=127
u16 0..=127 0..=32767
u32 0..=127 0..=32767 0..=2147483647
u64 0..=127 0..=32767 0..=2147483647 0..=9223372036854775807
i16 -128..=127
i32 -128..=127 -32768..=32767
i64 -128..=127 -32768..=32767 -2147483648..=2147483647
f32 -128..=127 -32768..=32767 -8388608..=16777215 -8388608..=16777215
f64 -128..=127 -32768..=32767 -2147483648..=2147483647 -4503599627370496..=9007199254740991
clamp_to_f32() clamp_to_f64()
u32 0..=16777215
u64 0..=16777215 0..=9007199254740991
i32 -8388608..=16777215
i64 -8388608..=16777215 -4503599627370496..=9007199254740991
f64 -3.4028235e38..=3.4028235e38

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