Cargo Features

chromimic = { version = "0.12.1", default-features = false, features = ["default-tls", "native-tls", "native-tls-alpn", "native-tls-vendored", "rustls-tls", "rustls-tls-manual-roots", "rustls-tls-webpki-roots", "rustls-tls-native-roots", "boring-tls", "boring-tls-webpki-roots", "boring-tls-native-roots", "blocking", "impersonate", "websocket", "cookies", "gzip", "brotli", "zstd", "deflate", "json", "multipart", "hickory-dns", "stream", "socks", "http3"] }
default = boring-tls, impersonate

These default features are set whenever chromimic is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

default-tls native-tls? = __tls, hyper-tls, native-tls-crate, tokio-native-tls

Note: this doesn't enable the 'native-tls' feature, which adds specific functionality for it.

native-tls native-tls-alpn? native-tls-vendored? = default-tls

Enables native-tls specific functionality not available by default.

native-tls-alpn = native-tls

Enables alpn of native-tls

native-tls-vendored = native-tls

Enables vendored of native-tls

rustls-tls = rustls-tls-webpki-roots
rustls-tls-manual-roots http3? = __tls, hyper-rustls, rustls, rustls-pemfile, tokio-rustls
rustls-tls-webpki-roots rustls-tls? = __tls, hyper-rustls, rustls, rustls-pemfile, tokio-rustls, webpki-roots
rustls-tls-native-roots = __tls, hyper-rustls, rustls, rustls-native-certs, rustls-pemfile, tokio-rustls
boring-tls default = boring-tls-native-roots
boring-tls-webpki-roots = __tls, boring, boring-sys, foreign-types, hyper-boring, tokio-boring, webpki-roots
boring-tls-native-roots boring-tls = __tls, boring, boring-sys, foreign-types, hyper-boring, rustls-native-certs, tokio-boring

Enables io of futures-util, rt-multi-thread and sync of tokio

Affects chromimic::blocking

impersonate default websocket? = __impersonate
websocket = async-tungstenite, impersonate, tungstenite

Enables compat of tokio-util

Affects async_impl::websocket, chromimic::websocket

cookies = cookie_crate, cookie_store

Affects chromimic::cookie

gzip __browser_common? = async-compression, tokio-util

Enables gzip of async-compression

brotli __browser_common? = async-compression, tokio-util

Enables brotli of async-compression

zstd = async-compression, tokio-util

Enables zstd of async-compression

deflate = async-compression, tokio-util

Enables deflate of async-compression



json = serde_json
multipart = mime_guess

Affects async_impl::multipart, blocking::multipart, wasm::multipart

hickory-dns = hickory-resolver
stream = tokio-util, wasm-streams

Enables fs of tokio

socks = tokio-socks
http3 = futures-channel, h3, h3-quinn, quinn, rustls-tls-manual-roots

Experimental HTTP/3 client.

__tls __impersonate? boring-tls-native-roots? boring-tls-webpki-roots? default-tls? rustls-tls-manual-roots? rustls-tls-native-roots? rustls-tls-webpki-roots?

Internal (PRIVATE!) features used to aid testing.
Don't rely on these whatsoever. They may disappear at anytime.

Enables common types used for TLS. Useless on its own.

Affects chromimic::tls

__impersonate impersonate = __browser_common, __tls, boring, boring-sys, foreign-types, hyper-boring, tokio-boring

Affects impersonate::profile

__browser_common __impersonate? = brotli, gzip

Affects chromimic::impersonate

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

serde_json json?

Enables serde_json

Optional deps...


mime_guess multipart?

Enables mime_guess


async-tungstenite not wasm32 websocket?

Enables async-tungstenite ^0.23.0

Enables cookie ^0.17.0

Enables cookie_store ^0.20.0

futures-channel not wasm32 http3?
h3 not wasm32 http3?

Enables h3 ^0.0.3

h3-quinn not wasm32 http3?

Enables h3-quinn ^0.0.4

hickory-resolver not wasm32 hickory-dns?
hyper-tls not wasm32 default-tls?

Enables hyper-tls ^0.5

quinn not wasm32 http3?

Enables quinn ^0.10

tokio-native-tls not wasm32 default-tls?
tokio-socks not wasm32 socks?
tungstenite not wasm32 websocket?

Enables tungstenite ^0.20

wasm-streams wasm32 stream?

Enables wasm-streams ^0.3

rustls-native-certs not wasm32 boring-tls-native-roots? rustls-tls-native-roots?

Enables rustls-native-certs ^0.6

webpki-roots not wasm32 boring-tls-webpki-roots? rustls-tls-webpki-roots?

Enables webpki-roots ^0.25

boring not wasm32 __impersonate? boring-tls-native-roots? boring-tls-webpki-roots?

Enables boring-imp

boring-sys not wasm32 __impersonate? boring-tls-native-roots? boring-tls-webpki-roots?

Enables boring-sys-imp

foreign-types not wasm32 __impersonate? boring-tls-native-roots? boring-tls-webpki-roots?
hyper-boring not wasm32 __impersonate? boring-tls-native-roots? boring-tls-webpki-roots?

Enables hyper-boring-imp

hyper-rustls not wasm32 rustls-tls-manual-roots? rustls-tls-native-roots? rustls-tls-webpki-roots?

Enables hyper-rustls ^0.24.0

native-tls-crate not wasm32 default-tls? native-tls-alpn? native-tls-vendored?

Enables native-tls

rustls not wasm32 rustls-tls-manual-roots? rustls-tls-native-roots? rustls-tls-webpki-roots?

Enables rustls ^0.21.6

rustls-pemfile not wasm32 rustls-tls-manual-roots? rustls-tls-native-roots? rustls-tls-webpki-roots?

Enables rustls-pemfile ^1.0

tokio-boring not wasm32 __impersonate? boring-tls-native-roots? boring-tls-webpki-roots?

Enables tokio-boring-imp

tokio-rustls not wasm32 rustls-tls-manual-roots? rustls-tls-native-roots? rustls-tls-webpki-roots?

Enables tokio-rustls ^0.24

async-compression not wasm32 brotli? deflate? gzip? zstd?
tokio-util not wasm32 brotli? deflate? gzip? stream? websocket? zstd?