#numeral #integer #bignum


Convert numbers to Chinese numerals

6 releases

0.2.2 Mar 20, 2022
0.2.1 Mar 18, 2022
0.1.2 Feb 25, 2022

#230 in Value formatting



Chinese Numerals

Converts primitive integers and big integers to Chinese numerals.

According to 《五经算术》, for representing numbers larger than 1,0000, there have been ten names (亿, 兆, 京, 垓, 秭, 壤, 沟, 涧, 正, and 载) and three systems (下数 short scale, 中数 mid-scale, 上数 long scale). Plus the myriad scale, in which each name represents a number 1,0000 times the previous, this crate can convert integers to four scales.


Add to Cargo.toml:

chinese-numerals = "0.2"

All structs have implemented Display trait's normal (with "{}") and alternative (with "{:#}") formats, converting to lowercase and uppercase Chinese numbers. Besides, ChineseNumeral trait provides following functions:

Premitive Integers

For each scale, a struct has been implemented to perform the convertion.

ShortScaleInt has implemented From trait for i8, u8, i16, u16, i32, and u32, and TryFrom trait for i64, u64, i128, u128, isize, and usize.

MyriadScaleInt, MidScaleInt, and LongScaleInt have implemented From trait for all premitive integers.


use chinese_numerals::{ChineseNumeral, ShortScaleInt, MidScaleInt};

let num = ShortScaleInt::from(1_0203_0405);
assert_eq!("一垓零二兆零三万零四百零五", format!("{}", num));
assert_eq!("壹垓零贰兆零叁万零肆佰零伍", format!("{:#}", num));

let num = MidScaleInt::from(1_0203_0405);
assert_eq!("一億零二百零三萬零四百零五", num.to_lowercase_trad());
assert_eq!("壹億零貳佰零叄萬零肆佰零伍", num.to_uppercase_trad());

Big Integers

For scales except short scale, a struct has been implemented to perform the convertion from BigInt and BigUint.

MyriadScaleBigInt, MidScaleBigInt, and LongScaleBigInt have implemented TryFrom trait for both BigInt and BigUint.


To enable bigint feature, set dependencies in Cargo.toml:

num-bigint = "0.4"
chinese-numerals = { version = "0.2", features = ["bigint"] }


use chinese_numerals::{ChineseNumeral, LongScaleBigInt};
use num_bigint::BigUint;

// 130_5480_5271_5637_0597_2964
let num = BigUint::new(vec![463665380, 3016835882, 707]);
let num = LongScaleBigInt::try_from(num).expect("Out of range");


