#javascript #js #chakracore #jsrt

sys build chakracore-sys

Low-level bindings to JSRT, the ChakraCore API

7 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.2.3 Jan 19, 2018
0.2.2 Jun 24, 2017
0.2.0 Feb 10, 2017
0.1.0 Dec 10, 2016
0.0.2 Nov 24, 2016

#645 in Build Utils

Used in 2 crates (via chakracore)

MIT license

363 lines

NOTE: This project is not currently maintained, due to ChakraCore itself is no longer being actively developed.


crates.io version Documentation Language (Rust)

chakracore-rs is an iditiomatic wrapper for ChakraCore, written in Rust.

This repository contains two crates:

  • chakracore-sys - raw bindings to the JavaScript Runtime.
  • chakracore - an idiomatic wrapper, built on the chakracore-sys crate.


This is a wrapper around the JavaScript Runtime (JSRT), used in Microsoft Edge and node-chakracore. The library is still in pre-release and is not yet stable. The tests try to cover as much functionality as possible but memory leaks and segfaults may occur. If you want a more stable library, use the underlying API directly; chakracore-sys.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

chakracore = "0.2"

... and this to your crate root:

extern crate chakracore as js;

NOTE: See additional build instructions for chakracore-sys


Hello World

extern crate chakracore as js;

fn main() {
  let runtime = js::Runtime::new().unwrap();
  let context = js::Context::new(&runtime).unwrap();
  let guard = context.make_current().unwrap();

  let result = js::script::eval(&guard, "5 + 5").unwrap();
  assert_eq!(result.to_integer(&guard), 10);

Function - Multiply

extern crate chakracore as js;

fn main() {
  let runtime = js::Runtime::new().unwrap();
  let context = js::Context::new(&runtime).unwrap();
  let guard = context.make_current().unwrap();

  let multiply = js::value::Function::new(&guard, Box::new(|guard, info| {
      let result = info.arguments[0].to_integer(guard)
                 * info.arguments[1].to_integer(guard);
      Ok(js::value::Number::new(guard, result).into())

  let result = multiply.call(&guard, &[
      &js::value::Number::new(&guard, 191).into(),
      &js::value::Number::new(&guard, 7).into(),

  assert_eq!(result.to_integer(&guard), 1337);


This library handles the static and dynamic linking of the JavaScript Runtime. The rust bindings are generated (on the fly) for the interface, therefore the entire API is exposed and accessable.

A Hello World example can be found in src/lib.rs.

An example of the generated bindings can be found here.


This library builds the ChakraCore component in the source tree. It is cloned by the build script and built in test-mode (same as release, but includes more runtime checks). If custom build settings are desired, ChakraCore can be built manually, out of tree, and specified using two environment variables:

  • CHAKRA_SOURCE: The root of the ChakraCore checkout.
  • CHAKRA_BUILD: The bin directory of the build.
    • Default on Windows: %CHAKRA_SOURCE%\Build\VcBuild\bin\{BUILD_TYPE}.
    • Default on Unix: $CHAKRA_SOURCE/BuildLinux/{BUILD_TYPE}.

This script has not been tested with the --embed-icu option.


By default, this library links ChakraCore dynamically. There is a feature called static that builds it by linking to the generated archive instead. On windows, only shared library builds are available as of this time (see #279).


The library naturally shares all of ChakraCore's dependencies. Beyond this, rust-bindgen is used in the build script, which requires clang-3.8 or later. On Unix pkg-config is required as well.

  • Visual Studio 2013/2015/2017 with:
    • Windows SDK 8.1
    • C++ support
  • clang-3.8 or later. Downloads can be found here.
    Remember to add LLVM directories to PATH during installation.
  • Rust MSVC toolchain (i.e rustup install stable-msvc).
    This is required since ChakraCore uses the MSVC ABI.
  • If building for ARM: Windows 10 SDK (July 2015)
$ brew install cmake icu4c llvm38 pkg-config
Debian-based linuxes
# apt-get install -y build-essential cmake clang libunwind8-dev \
#     libicu-dev llvm-3.8-dev libclang-3.8-dev pkg-config liblzma-dev


  • Windows

    Ensure that you are running in a Visual Studio command line environment, either by sourcing vcvarsall.bat, or by building from the Visual Studio Command Prompt.

    $ cargo test -vv
  • Unix
    $ cargo test -vv [--features static]

In case you find yourself stuck in the build process, open an issue.


This library has been built on macOS 10.12 x86_64, Ubuntu 16.10 x86_64 and Windows 10 x86_x64.


~43K SLoC