2 releases

0.1.1 Oct 27, 2019
0.1.0 Oct 14, 2019

#77 in #alias

MIT license

1.5K SLoC


GitHub Centoria at crates.io

Centoria - function manager for macOS and Linux.


initialize or reload centoria:

# bash or zsh
$ source $(cet init)

# fish
$ source (cet init | psub)

Add a function that work as alias:

$ cet add search rg

Remove a function:

$ cet remove search

You can use conditional statement:

# if `which rg` returns success code (exit 0), you can use `search` command.
$ cet add search rg --condition "which rg"

If you want to pass the arguments anywhere, you can specify them using {INDEXER} as placeholder.

  • You want the 1st arguments, please use {0} for placeholder.
  • You want the 1st, 2nd and 3rd arguments, please use {0..3} for placeholder.
  • You want the 2nd and later arguments, please use {2..} for placeholder.
  • You want the 2nd and later arguments, but they are optional, please use {2..?} for placeholder.
    • ? acts as optional parameter
      • Single Optional : {0?}
      • Multiple Optional : {0..?}
# explicitly set the position of a parameter for search
$ cet add search "rg {0..}" --condition "which rg"
# "show-err-logs nginx" expands as "tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log"
$ cet add show-err-logs "tail -f /var/log/{0}/error.log"

Centoria also supports functions as sub-command:

# `docker c` expands as `docker container`
$ cet add c container --program docker
# also use function (this function has no meaning, but an example)
$ cet add prune "{0} prune" --program docker
# remove
$ cet remove prune --program docker

Execute the function:

# direct (required `cet init`)
$ search "Hello" ./README.md
# via centoria
$ cet exec search -- "Hello" ./README.md
# subcommands (direct, required `cet init`)
$ docker c
# subcommands (via centoria)
$ cet exec docker -- c

If you want to use centoria as collection of subcommands:

# 1st, create a base command
$ cet add centoria "CENTORIA_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/config.toml cet exec {0} -- {1..?}" --shell bash
# 2nd, write functions to /path/to/config.toml
$ vim /path/to/config.toml
# 3rd, execute via base command
$ centoria search "Hello" ./README.md

For more information about Centoria, please see the result of cet help or cet help <COMMAND>.

Centoria TOML configuration

Centoria find configuration from the following paths:

  • System configuration directory
    • Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/centoria/centoria.toml or $HOME/.config/centoria/centoria.toml
    • macOS: $HOME/Library/Preferences/centoria/centoria.toml
    • Windows: $APPDATA/centoria/centoria.toml
  • $HOME/.centoria.toml

If you add a new function from command-line, Centoria creates a new file in $HOME/.centoria.toml.

example centoria.toml :

runas = 'alias'
command = 'rg'
condition = 'which rg'

runas = 'function'
command = 'tail -f /var/log/{0}/error.log'
description = 'show error logs'
descriptions = [
  'application name' # description of argument {0}

runas = 'subcommand'
command = 'docker'

command = 'container'


~161K SLoC