#static-site-generator #watch #rebuild #config #feature-poor

bin+lib casaubon

A feature-poor static site generator

6 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.3.2 Jun 11, 2019
0.3.1 Jun 11, 2019
0.2.0 Jan 24, 2019
0.1.1 Jan 23, 2019

#1542 in Text processing

MIT license

710 lines


Casaubon is a static site generator written in Rust. I had very specific goals in mind when writing Casaubon and it is not meant to be all things for all people. Casaubon does what it is intended to do and no more.


  • Convention over configuration
  • Learn Rust
  • Fast compile times


  • Extensibility
  • Flexibility


(requires Cargo)

$ cargo install casaubon

Run tests

$ cargo test


Create a new project

$ casaubon new

Generate HTML files

$ casaubon build

Watch files for changes and rebuild. Note that there is no dev server built in.

$ casaubon watch

build and watch both accept a --drafts flag if you wish to include drafts in the generated HTML files.


Casuabon is not intended to be as flexible as most static site generators. Currently, the only configuration option is the name of the site, which can be set in casaubon.toml.


Casuabon expects the first line of post files to consist of a # followed by a space and the name of the post, followed by a | and the post date (YYYY-MM-DD), followed by two newlines. For example:


# First Post | 2000-01-01

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet....

In this example, the post's title would get parsed as "First Post", and the post's body would get parsed as "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...". The slug gets parsed from the filename, and in this case would be 'first-post'.


Casaubon creates a number of templates for you in the templates directory. These include:

Title Description
layout.html The main layout. All page content gets injected into the {{ contents }} variable. The title of the page is available in the {{ page_title }} variable.
post.html The template for rendering a single post. Variables available include {{ date }}, {{ title }}, and {{ body }}.
post_listing.html This template is for the list of posts on the index page. The {{ post_listing }} variable contains the result of compiling the post_listing_item.html template against each post.
post_listing_item.html This template determines how each post will appear in the main listing. Variables available include {{ date }}, {{ title }}, and {{ slug }}.


~275K SLoC