cargo-util-schemas is used at run time in 52 crates (of which 4 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 14 crates. It's used at build time in 5 crates (of which 3 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 1 crate.

Number of dependers cargo-util-schemas version Downloads/month
30 0.7.2 58K
0 0.7.0 644K
1 0.6.0 42K
6 0.5.0 4.9K
10 0.4.0 7.6K
8 0.3.1 850
3 0.2.0 250
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) cargo-util-schemas version
108K 124 cargo ^0.7.0
57K 15 cargo-generate ~0.7
16K cargo-shear ^0.7.1
950 1 debcargo ^0.7
2.8K 4 dylint optional ^0.7
130 cargo-playdate ^0.5
130 cargo-depot ^0.4.0
1 heat-sdk-cli ^0.4.0
cargo-override ^0.5.0
clippy-reviewdog-filter ^0.3.0
cargo-machete-nk ^0.3.0
cargo-information ^0.3.0
cargo-ninja ^0.2
my-cargo ^0.5.0