#package #distribution #cargo-subcommand #applications #binary #archive #manifest

app cargo-sls-distribution

A Cargo subcommand which packages a binary crate into a distribution archive

9 unstable releases (3 breaking)

Uses old Rust 2015

0.4.5 Aug 25, 2017
0.4.4 Jun 12, 2017
0.4.3 May 1, 2017
0.4.2 Apr 30, 2017
0.1.0 Jan 4, 2017

#706 in Cargo plugins


658 lines



A Cargo subcommand which packages binary crates in a format compatible with the SLS specification for easy distribution and execution. The package layout is designed to split immutable files from mutable state and configuration.

The crate is packaged with a simple daemonizing script, a manifest describing the content of the package, and other user-defined content:

        manifest.yml                      # simple package manifest
            [service-name]                # crate executable
            init.sh                       # daemonizing script
                check.sh                  # monitoring script
    var/                                  # application configuration and data

Packages are produced as a gzipped tarball named [service-name]-[service-version].sls.tgz.


Install via Cargo and run as a subcommand:

$ cargo install cargo-sls-distribution
$ cargo sls-distribution

The path of the created package will be printed to standard out.


Configuration is specified in the package.metadata.sls-distribution section of your Cargo.toml.

# A Maven-style group name for the distribution.
# Required.
product-group = "com.foobar"

# A list of command line arguments to supply to the crate when running it.
# Defaults to an empty list.
args = ["server", "var/conf/server.yml"]

# A list of command line arguments to supply to the crate when checking its status.
# If not provided, no monitoring script will be generated.
check-args = ["check", "var/conf/server.yml"]

# If set, the service version will be derived from `git describe` rather than the Cargo package version.
# Defaults to false.
git-version = true

# A map of extended manifest attributes.
# Defaults to an empty map.
manifest-extensions = { key = "value" }

# An array of information about services that this depends on.
product-group = "com.foobar"
product-name = "my-service"
minimum-version = "1.1.0"

The contents of the deployment, service, and var directories will be added to the archive if present, though this can be controlled as you would for cargo package, via the standard package.include and package.exclude fields as well as .gitignore files:

exclude = ["var/data/*"]


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