#rustc #cargo #command #configuration #cargo-subcommand #env-var


Runs the cargo rustc -- --print cfg command and parses the output

2 unstable releases

0.2.0 Nov 30, 2020
0.1.0 Nov 28, 2020

#2559 in Development tools


314 lines

cargo-rustc-cfg: A Rust library (crate) for running the cargo rustc -- --print cfg command and parsing the output

A Rust library (crate) that runs the cargo rustc -- --print cfg command and parses the output. This is inspired by the rustc-cfg crate, which runs the rustc --print cfg command and parses the output, but it does not take into account any flags or configurations passed from Cargo to the Rust compiler (rustc) when building a project using Cargo. For example, if the RUSTFLAGS environment variable is used to add a target feature, i.e. RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=+crt-static, then the rustc --print cfg command will not list the added target feature in its output because the RUSTFLAGS environment variable is managed by Cargo. However, the cargo rustc -- --print cfg will list the added target feature in its output. This crate is useful for developing third-party Cargo custom subcommands that need compiler configuration information. This crate is not recommeded for build scripts.

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Quick Start

use cargo_rustc_cfg::Cfg;

let cfg = Cfg::host()?;
println("{:?}", cfg);


Add the following to a package's manifest (Cargo.toml):

cargo-rustc-cfg = "0.1"

If using the Rust 2015 Edition, then also add the following to the lib.rs or main.rs source file:

extern crate cargo_rustc_cfg;


Tests are running using the cargo test command. Currently, only documentation tests are implemented because for a relatively simple, small library these provide enough coverage.


The cargo-rustc-cfg project is licensed under either the MIT license or Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE-MIT or LICENSE-APACHE files for more information about licensing and copyright.

No runtime deps