#ffi #c #gcc #nightly #rustc #required #embed

yanked c_rs

Embed C code inside your Rust code. GCC and rustc nightly required.

1 unstable release

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.9 May 14, 2022

#15 in #gcc

MPL-2.0 license

657 lines

Status: works, v0.1.9

What's this?

Meet c_rs. It is a fork of no longer maintained project.

This crate lets you write C code directly inside Rust.

GCC and rustc nightly are required!

So how do I use it?

Specify your Cargo.toml with

git = "https://github.com/mrMiiao/c_rs"
version = "*"
features = ["build"]

git = "https://github.com/mrMiiao/c_rs"
version = "*"
features = ["macro"]

And put this to Build.rs

extern crate c_rs;
fn main()
    c_rs::build("src/main.rs", "crate_name", |cfg|
        // cfg is a gcc::Config object. You can use it to add additional
        // configuration options to the invocation of the C compiler.

Example of main.rs

extern crate c_rs;
use c_rs::c;
use c_rs::ctypes::_void;

    #include <stdio.h>
        void hello_world() {
            puts("Hello, World!");

extern "C" {
    fn hello_world() -> _void;

fn main() {

You can find more examples here


  • Fix header linkage error
  • Add local header support using "crate"
  • Add ctypes


~25K SLoC