Cargo Features

bstree-file-readonly = { version = "0.1.1", default-features = false, features = ["u24_u24", "u24_u64", "u24_i56", "u32_u24", "u32_u32", "u32_u56", "u32_u64", "u32_i56", "u32_i64", "u32_f64", "u40_u48", "u40_i40", "u40_f64", "u48_u48", "u48_i40", "u48_f64", "u56_u48", "u56_i40", "u56_f64", "u64_u24", "u64_u32", "u64_u56", "u64_u64", "u64_i56", "u64_i64", "u64_f64", "str_u48", "str_i40", "str_f64", "str_str", "qat2s", "all"] }
default = qat2s

The qat2s feature is set by default whenever bstree-file-readonly is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

u24_u24 all?

On feature per possible (ID, VAL) couple.
- VAL is the type of the indexed value (the -- non-uniqe -- key of the binary-search tree).
- ID is the type of identifier allowing to retrieve the record the value is associated with
it may contains a String of counts, i.e. something which is not necessarily a record identifier.

u24_u32 u24_u40 u24_u48 u24_u56 u24_u64 all?
u24_i24 u24_i32 u24_i40 u24_i48 u24_i56 all?
u24_i64 u24_f32 u24_f64 u24_str u32_u24 all?
u32_u32 all? qat2s
u32_u40 u32_u48 u32_u56 all?
u32_u64 all? qat2s
u32_i24 u32_i32 u32_i40 u32_i48 u32_i56 all?
u32_i64 all?
u32_f32 u32_f64 all? qat2s
u32_str u40_u24 u40_u32 u40_u40 u40_u48 all?
u40_u56 u40_u64 u40_i24 u40_i32 u40_i40 all?
u40_i48 u40_i56 u40_i64 u40_f32 u40_f64 all?
u40_str u48_u24 u48_u32 u48_u40 u48_u48 all?
u48_u56 u48_u64 u48_i24 u48_i32 u48_i40 all?
u48_i48 u48_i56 u48_i64 u48_f32 u48_f64 all?
u48_str u56_u24 u56_u32 u56_u40 u56_u48 all?
u56_u56 u56_u64 u56_i24 u56_i32 u56_i40 all?
u56_i48 u56_i56 u56_i64 u56_f32 u56_f64 all?
u56_str u64_u24 all?
u64_u32 all? qat2s
u64_u40 u64_u48 u64_u56 all?
u64_u64 all? qat2s
u64_i24 u64_i32 u64_i40 u64_i48 u64_i56 all?
u64_i64 all?
u64_f32 u64_f64 all? qat2s
u64_str str_u24 str_u32 str_u40 str_u48 all?
str_u56 str_u64 str_i24 str_i32 str_i40 all?
str_i48 str_i56 str_i64 str_f32 str_f64 all?
str_str all?
qat2s default = u32_f32, u32_f64, u32_u32, u32_u64, u64_f32, u64_f64, u64_u32, u64_u64
all = str_f32, str_f64, str_i24, str_i32, str_i40, str_i48, str_i56, str_i64, str_str, str_u24, str_u32, str_u40, str_u48, str_u56, str_u64, u24_f32, u24_f64, u24_i24, u24_i32, u24_i40, u24_i48, u24_i56, u24_i64, u24_str, u24_u24, u24_u32, u24_u40, u24_u48, u24_u56, u24_u64, u32_f32, u32_f64, u32_i24, u32_i32, u32_i40, u32_i48, u32_i56, u32_i64, u32_str, u32_u24, u32_u32, u32_u40, u32_u48, u32_u56, u32_u64, u40_f32, u40_f64, u40_i24, u40_i32, u40_i40, u40_i48, u40_i56, u40_i64, u40_str, u40_u24, u40_u32, u40_u40, u40_u48, u40_u56, u40_u64, u48_f32, u48_f64, u48_i24, u48_i32, u48_i40, u48_i48, u48_i56, u48_i64, u48_str, u48_u24, u48_u32, u48_u40, u48_u48, u48_u56, u48_u64, u56_f32, u56_f64, u56_i24, u56_i32, u56_i40, u56_i48, u56_i56, u56_i64, u56_str, u56_u24, u56_u32, u56_u40, u56_u48, u56_u56, u56_u64, u64_f32, u64_f64, u64_i24, u64_i32, u64_i40, u64_i48, u64_i56, u64_i64, u64_str, u64_u24, u64_u32, u64_u40, u64_u48, u64_u56, u64_u64

Obtained copying features in toto.txt and doing:
cat toto.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | sed -r 's/(.*)/"\1",/' | tr -d '\n'