Cargo Features

bevy_mod_speedup = { version = "0.6.0", default-features = false, features = ["full_speed", "exclusive_fullscreen", "power", "priority", "request_fast_gpu", "unattended", "egui"] }
default = full_speed

The full_speed feature is set by default whenever bevy_mod_speedup is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

full_speed default = power, priority, request_fast_gpu

Enables Win32_Foundation and Win32_UI_HiDpi of windows ^0.59.0

Affects bevy_mod_speedup::exclusive_fullscreen

power full_speed

Enables Win32_System_Threading of windows ^0.59.0

Affects bevy_mod_speedup::power

priority full_speed

Enables process, pthread, sched, ucontext and user of nix, Win32_Foundation, Win32_System_Power, Win32_System_Registry and Win32_System_SystemServices of windows ^0.59.0

Affects bevy_mod_speedup::priority

request_fast_gpu full_speed

Affects bevy_mod_speedup::request_fast_gpu


Affects bevy_mod_speedup::unattended


Enables egui ^0.30.0

Affects bevy_mod_speedup::egui