3 unstable releases

0.2.1 Mar 30, 2024
0.2.0 Mar 29, 2024
0.1.0 Jun 9, 2023

#1884 in Command line utilities


473 lines

Bash $RANDOM Cracker

A tool to brute-force the internal seed of Bash's $RANDOM variable after only 2-3 samples, in seconds. Able to predict all future values to break the randomness.

For context, the bash shell has a dynamic variable called $RANDOM you can access at any time to receive a random 15-bit number:

3916 29151 6095

To seed this random number generator, you can set the variable directly to get the same values every time:

24879 21848 15683
24879 21848 15683

There are 2 different calculations depending on your bash version, which may make one seed give two different outputs.
All versions >= 5.1 will add a small extra step, and to this tool, are considered the "new" versions, while any lower versions are considered "old". This can be set explicitly using the --version (-v) argument in this tool, or otherwise, it will simply try both.


$ bashrand crack -n 3 $RANDOM $RANDOM $RANDOM
Seed: 2137070299 +3 (old)
  Next 3 values: [22404, 16453, 2365]
22404 16453 2365

Bash $RANDOM Cracker - Showcase


Use bashrand crack and provide 2-3 $RANDOM variables for it to brute-force the seed. Afterward, you can use bashrand get to get an arbitrary part of the sequence in advance, providing the seed found in the first step. See example above as well.

$ bashrand --help
Bash $RANDOM Cracker

Usage: bashrand [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  crack    Provide random numbers to brute-force the seed
  get      Get random numbers from a seed
  seeds    Get next N seeds from a seed
  collide  Find a seed where both old and new versions are the same
  help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -v, --version <VERSION>
          Which bash version to use for generation (check with `bash --version`)

          [default: both]

          Possible values:
          - old:  Bash versions 5.0 and older
          - new:  Bash versions 5.1 and newer
          - both: Try both old and new versions if unsure

  -n, --number <NUMBER>
          Number of values to generate

          [default: 10]
$ bashrand crack --help
Provide random numbers to brute-force the seed

Usage: bashrand crack [OPTIONS] <NUMBERS> <NUMBERS>...

          2-3 $RANDOM numbers as input for brute-forcing the seed

          2 => multiple possible seeds, 3 => single seed
$ bashrand get --help
Get random numbers from a seed

Usage: bashrand get [OPTIONS] <SEED>

          Seed to use for generating random numbers

The subcommands seeds and collide are for more advanced use, check them out if you want to.


cargo install bashrand

Or download and extract a pre-compiled binary from the Releases page.

Reverse Engineering (How?!)

To implement the $RANDOM algorithm, the first requirement is understanding the algorithm. Luckily Bash is open-source meaning all the clear and documented code is available. I used this repository to look for anything related to the generation of this variable, and found the definition here:

INIT_DYNAMIC_VAR ("RANDOM", (char *)NULL, get_random, assign_random);

It assigns two functions to the variable: get_random() and assign_random. The first is when you access the variable like echo $RANDOM, and the second is for when you assign a value yourself to the variable, like RANDOM=1337.

get_random() is the most interesting as we want to predict its output. It calls the get_random_number() function which itself calls brand() inside the /lib/sh/random.c file. Here it starts to get interesting:

#define BASH_RAND_MAX 32767   /* 0x7fff - 16 bits */

/* Returns a pseudo-random number between 0 and 32767. */
int brand () {
  unsigned int ret;

  rseed = intrand32 (rseed);
  if (shell_compatibility_level > 50)
    ret = (rseed >> 16) ^ (rseed & 65535);
    ret = rseed;
  return (ret & BASH_RAND_MAX);

First, notice the BASH_RAND_MAX variable that is a 15-bit mask over the output. Also the shell_compatibility_level is the bash version, meaning if it is greater than version 50 (5.0) it will use a slightly different calculation. In both cases however it first gets a random number from intrand32(), and that already contains the core of the algorithm!

bits32_t h, l, t;
u_bits32_t ret;

/* Can't seed with 0. */
ret = (last == 0) ? 123459876 : last;
h = ret / 127773;
l = ret - (127773 * h);
t = 16807 * l - 2836 * h;
ret = (t < 0) ? t + 0x7fffffff : t;

return (ret);

These are some simple calculations that we can recreate in any programming language. Importantly, it uses a last variable as its only argument in the calculation, which is given by rseed = intrand32(rseed) in the calling function. This means there is an internal seed that is iterated every time this function is called. If we can sync up with this seed, we will be able to predict any future values by copying the algorithm.

The initial seed value is complicated, and is calculated with a lot of unpredictable data. If you remember it was also possible to set the seed, using assign_random(). Looking at this function, it takes the value we set it to, and passes it to sbrand(), a very simple function that simply sets the seed directly to the provided value:

/* Set the random number generator seed to SEED. */
void sbrand (seed) unsigned long seed; {
  rseed = seed;
  last_random_value = 0;

So in theory, if the seed was set manually, we could now simply try many seeds until we find one that matches the output. But what about seeds that aren't set manually? This case happens a lot more often. Luckily, the internal seed is an integer of only 32 bits, easily brute-forcible with such a fast algorithm. After some testing, we can find the search space is actually only 30 bits for the newer bash versions and 31 bits for old bash versions.

This program implements this brute-force method to search through the whole space in a few seconds, and shows the found seeds together with future values it predicts.


~60K SLoC