1 unstable release

0.1.0 Feb 7, 2024

#568 in Operating systems




Why, by the verities on thee made good, may they not be my oracles as well, and set me up in hope

Banquo is an offline monitor for Signal Temporal Logic (STL) written in Rust. The name Banquo comes from a character in Shakespeare's tragedy MacBeth who's role is to observe in place of the audience.

What is Temporal Logic?

Temporal logic is a higher-order logic which allows for reasoning about propositions over time. This is useful in formal verification, where it is desirable to determine if a system properties holds for a certain amount of time. In addition to supporting the first-order logic operators, temporal logic introduces the following temporal operators with associated semantics:

Operator Symbols Meaning
Next $\varphi$ $\bigcirc$, X $\varphi$ must hold at the next timestep
Always $\varphi$ $\square$, G $\varphi$ must hold at all times in the future
Eventually $\varphi$; $\diamond$, F $\varphi$ must hold at least once in the future
$\varphi$ Until $\psi$ $\mathcal{U}$ $\varphi$ must hold until and including the time that $\psi$ holds

What is STL

Signal Temporal Logic (STL) is an extension of temporal logic which allows for real-time and real-value constraints. This means that, while basic temporal logic only allows for discrete (integer) times and true/false propositions, STL can handle times and states that are decimals. This allows us to express constraints on systems with continous state variables - a useful feature for evaluating real world systems.

Signal Temporal Logic also incorporates Metric Temporal Logic (MTL), which is an extension of temporal logic that introduces support for bounded temporal operators. Operators that are bounded only apply for the states associated with all times within the bound. One special case is when a bounded operator is used on the right side of an implication - in this scenario the time 0 of the right-side bound is the time when the left side is true.

These two extensions allow us to express system requirements in a compact and explicit manner, like so:

$$ \Box ((gear=2 \wedge speed \geq 30) \rightarrow \diamond{0,4}\ gear=3) $$

In English, this formula represents the safety requirement that whenever the car speed exceeds 30 miles an hour in second gear then in the next 4 seconds the gear will be changed to third.

You can read more information about temporal logics here.

What is a Monitor?

Once we have a requirement for our system, we would like to be able to analyze our system to ensure that it does not violate the requirement. To do so, we must generate a system trace, which is a set that contains a set of times and the system state at each time. Given a trace, we evaluate our formula for each time to decide if the system violated the requirement. This type of evaluation is called monitoring, and can be done offline (when the entire trace is available) or online (when the trace is evaluated as it is generated). The result of evaluating a trace is a single value that represents the success or failure of the system to satisfy the requirement. Intuitively we might expect the result of an evaluation to be a boolean value indicating success or failure, but we can define other result values that convey additional semantics beyond solely satisfaction.

Currently Banquo only supports offline monitoring, but online support is planned in the future.

What Types of Evaluation Can Banquo Do?

Banquo supports the following monitoring semantics:


Robustness is a measure of how close a system came to violating a requirement, or in the case of a violation how much the system violated the requirement. This is represented as a floating point value, with negative values indicating a requirement violation. As an example, given the requirement $\square x \leq 10$ and the trace:

Time x
0.0 1.0
1.0 3.2
2.0 9.1
3.0 8.7

we can see that the closest the trace ever comes to violating the requirement is at time 2.0, and that the distance from violation is 0.9.

Hybrid Distance

Systems with both discrete and continuous states can be represented as Hybrid Automata (HA), where the state of the system is a pair formed by the discrete and contious states. HAs also have guards which restrict the transition between discrete states based on the continuous state variables of the system. An example of a system representable as an HA is a traffic light, which has the discrete states ${GREEN, RED, YELLOW}$ as well as a real-valued internal timer measuring when to switch between discrete states. The guards of the traffic light would be the following:

From To Condition
Green Yellow timer >= 10
Yellow Red timer >= 3
Red Gree timer >= 12

Given a hybrid automaton, we can write requirements about the continuous states of the system but we are required to specify the discrete states in which the requirement is valid. As a consequence, it is not always possible to measure the robustness of a requirement and we need to develop another measure to ensure that we can provide a valid evaluation at each time. The solution to this problem is to introduce hybrid distance, which either computes the robustness of the formula or computes the distance to the discrete state in which the robustness can be computed. Hybrid distance is represented as a pair where the first component is the shortest path distance to the target state and the second component is either the robustness if the first component is 0, or the distance from the closest transition guard if the first component is non-zero.

Extending Banquo

Banquo formulas are defined as traits and the implementations provided by this crate are designed to be as general as possible to allow users to define their own operators or expressions. An expression is the terminal part of the formula, which evaluates to a concrete value that is passed back up the formula chain. Below is an example of creating a new expression:

use std::collections::HashMap;

use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;

use banquo::{Formula, Trace};

struct PropositionError {
    name: String,

impl fmt::Display for PropositionError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "Missing proposition {}", &self.name)

struct Proposition {
    name: String,

impl Formula<HashMap<String, bool>> for Proposition {
    type Metric = f64;
    type Error = PropositionError;

    fn evaluate(&self, trace: &Trace<HashMap<String, bool>>) -> Result<Trace<Self::Metric>, Self::Error> {
        let mut result = Trace::new();

        for (time, state) in trace {
            let prop = state
                .ok_or_else(|| PropositionError { name: self.name.clone() })?;

            result.insert(time, if prop { f64::INFINITY } else { f64::NEG_INFINITY });


An operator transforms the output of its subformulas, which can be expressions or other operators. An example of creating a new operator is as follows:

use banquo::{Bottom, Formula, Trace};

struct Prev<F> {
    subformula: F,

impl<F, S, M> Formula<S> for Prev<F>
    F: Formula<S, Metric = M>,
    M: Bottom + Clone,
    type Metric = M;
    type Error = F::Error;

    fn evaluate(&self, trace: &Trace<S>) -> Result<Trace<Self::Metric>, F::Error> {
        let evaluated = self.subformula.evaluate(trace)?;
        let mut iter = evaluated.into_iter().rev().peekable();
        let mut result = Trace::new();

        while let Some((time, _)) = iter.next() {
            let prev = iter
                .map(|(_, metric)| metric.clone())

            result.insert(time, prev);


While both expressions and operators implement the same trait, it is important to note that they have different meanings. For more information on the Formula trait or its semantics, please consult the documentation available on docs.rs.

Installing Banquo

Banquo can be added to your project with the command cargo add banquo. This will insert a line in your Cargo.toml file with the latest version of this library.

Building Banquo

Banquo has few dependencies and should build on almost every system supported by Cargo. Building can be accomplished using the command cargo build.


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