3 releases (breaking)
0.3.0 | Jul 26, 2020 |
0.2.0 | Mar 1, 2018 |
0.1.0 | Aug 28, 2016 |
#2762 in Development tools
440 downloads per month
Used in 2 crates
144 lines
Docs.rs (formerly cratesfyi) is an open source project to host documentation of crates for the Rust Programming Language.
Docs.rs automatically builds crates' documentation released on crates.io using the nightly release of the Rust compiler.
This readme is for developing docs.rs. See the about page for user-facing documentation.
How the documentation is generated
docs.rs uses rustdoc to generate the documentation for every crate release on crates.io. You can read the the rustdoc book for more details.
Changing the build environment
To make a change to the build environment and test that it works on docs.rs, see the wiki.
The recommended way to develop docs.rs is a combination of cargo run
the main binary and docker-compose for the external services.
This gives you reasonable incremental build times without having to add new users and packages to your host machine.
Git Hooks
For ease of use, git_hooks
directory contains useful git hooks
to make your development easier.
# Unix
cd .git/hooks && ln -s ../../.git_hooks/* . && cd ../..
# Powershell
cd .git/hooks && New-Item -Path ../../.git_hooks/* -ItemType SymbolicLink -Value . && cd ../..
Docs.rs requires at least the following native C dependencies.
- gcc
- g++
- pkg-config
- git
- make
- cmake
- zlib
- openssl (with dev pkgs) -- Ubuntu example
sudo apt install libssl-dev
There may be other dependencies that have not been documented.
Getting started
Make sure you have docker-compose and are able to download ~10GB data on the first run. Also ensure that docker is installed and the service is running.
git clone https://github.com/rust-lang/docs.rs.git docs.rs
cd docs.rs
git submodule update --init
# Configure the default settings for external services
cp .env.sample .env
# Create the DOCSRS_PREFIX directory
mkdir -p ignored/cratesfyi-prefix/crates.io-index
# Builds the docs.rs binary
SQLX_OFFLINE=1 cargo build
# Start the external services.
# It may be `docker compose` in newer versions
docker-compose up -d db s3
# anything that doesn't run via docker-compose needs the settings defined in
# .env. Either via `. ./.env` as below, or via any dotenv shell integration.
. ./.env
# allow downloads from the s3 container to support the /crate/.../download endpoint
mcli policy set download docsrs/rust-docs-rs
# Setup the database you just created
cargo run -- database migrate
# Update the currently used toolchain to the latest nightly
# This also sets up the docs.rs build environment.
# This will take a while the first time but will be cached afterwards.
cargo run -- build update-toolchain
# Build a sample crate to make sure it works
cargo run -- build crate regex 1.3.1
# This starts the web server but does not build any crates.
# It does not automatically run the migrations, so you need to do that manually (see above).
cargo run -- start-web-server
# If you want the server to automatically restart when code or templates change
# you can use `cargo-watch`:
cargo watch -x "run -- start-web-server"
If you need to store big files in the repository's directory it's recommended to
put them in the ignored/
subdirectory, which is ignored both by git and
Running the database and S3 server outside of docker-compose is possible, but not recommended or supported. Note that you will need docker installed no matter what, since it's used for Rustwide sandboxing.
Running tests
cargo test
To run GUI tests:
They use the browser-ui-test framework. You can take a look at its documentation.
Pure docker-compose
If you have trouble with the above commands, consider using docker-compose up --build
which uses docker-compose for the web server as well.
This will not cache dependencies - in particular, you'll have to rebuild all 400 whenever the lockfile changes -
but makes sure that you're in a known environment so you should have fewer problems getting started.
You can also use the web
container to run builds on systems which don't support running builds directly (mostly on Mac OS or Windows):
# run a build for a single crate
docker-compose run web build crate regex 1.3.1
# or build essential files
docker-compose run web build add-essential-files
# rebuild the web container when you changed code.
docker-compose build web
Note that running tests is not supported when using pure docker-compose.
Please file bugs for any trouble you have running docs.rs!
The services started by Docker-Compose are defined in docker-compose.yml. Three services are defined:
name | access | credentials | description |
web | http://localhost:3000 | N/A | A container running the docs.rs binary |
db | postgresql://cratesfyi:password@localhost:15432 | - | Postgres database used by web |
s3 | http://localhost:9000 | cratesfyi - secret_key |
MinIO (simulates AWS S3) used by web |
Rebuilding Containers
To rebuild the site, run docker-compose build
Note that docker-compose caches the build even if you change the source code,
so this will be necessary anytime you make changes.
If you want to completely clean up the database, don't forget to remove the volumes too:
$ docker-compose down --volumes
I see the error standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "no such file or directory"
when I use docker-compose.
You probably have CRLF line endings.
This causes the hashbang in the docker-entrypoint to be /bin/sh\r
instead of /bin/sh
This is probably because you have git.autocrlf
set to true,
set it to input
I see the error /opt/rustwide/cargo-home/bin/cargo: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
when running builds.
You are most likely not on a Linux platform. Running builds directly is only supported on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
. On other platforms you can use the docker-compose run web build [...]
workaround described above.
See rustwide#41 for more details about supporting more platforms directly.
All tests are failing or timing out
Our test setup needs a certain about of file descriptors.
At least 4096 should be enough, you can set it via:
$ ulimit -n 4096
See cargo run -- --help
for a full list of commands.
Starting the web server
# This command will start web interface of docs.rs on http://localhost:3000
cargo run -- start-web-server
# Builds <CRATE_NAME> <CRATE_VERSION> and adds it into database
# This is the main command to build and add a documentation into docs.rs.
# For example, `docker-compose run web build crate regex 1.1.6`
cargo run -- build crate <CRATE_NAME> <CRATE_VERSION>
# alternatively, via the web container
docker-compose run web build crate <CRATE_NAME> <CRATE_VERSION>
# Builds every crate on crates.io and adds them into database
# (beware: this may take months to finish)
cargo run -- build world
# Builds a local package you have at <SOURCE> and adds it to the database.
# The package does not have to be on crates.io.
# The package must be on the local filesystem, git urls are not allowed.
# Usually this command can be applied directly to a crate root
# In certain scenarios it might be necessary to first package the respective
# crate by using the `cargo package` command.
# See also /docs/build-workspaces.md
cargo run -- build crate --local /path/to/source
# Adds a directory into database to serve with `staticfile` crate.
cargo run -- database add-directory <DIRECTORY> [PREFIX]
# Updates repository stats for crates.
# environment variable in order to run this command.
# Set DOCSRS_GITLAB_ACCESSTOKEN to raise the rate limit for GitLab repositories,
# or leave it blank to fetch repositories at a slower rate.
cargo run -- database update-repository-fields
If you want to explore or edit database manually, you can connect to the database
with the psql
. ./.env
The database contains a blacklist of crates that should not be built.
# List the crates on the blacklist
cargo run -- database blacklist list
# Adds <CRATE_NAME> to the blacklist
cargo run -- database blacklist add <CRATE_NAME>
# Removes <CRATE_NAME> from the blacklist
cargo run -- database blacklist remove <CRATE_NAME>
If you want to revert to a precise migration, you can run:
cargo run -- database migrate <migration number>
# Run a persistent daemon which queues builds and starts a web server.
cargo run -- daemon --registry-watcher=disabled
# Add crates to the queue
cargo run -- queue add <CRATE> <VERSION>
Updating vendored sources
The instructions & links for updating Font Awesome can be found on their website. Similarly, Pure-CSS also explains on theirs.
When updating Font Awesome, make sure to change $fa-font-path
in scss/_variables.scss
(it should be at the top of the file) to ../-/static
. This will point font awesome at the correct path from which to request font and icon resources.
Docs.rs is run and maintained by the docs.rs team. You can find us in #t-docs-rs on zulip
~26K SLoC