Cargo Features

azure-speech = { version = "0.6.0", default-features = false, features = ["tws-rustls-native-roots", "tws-rustls-webpki-roots", "tws-native-tls", "tws-smol-sha1", "tws-fastrand"] }
default = tws-fastrand, tws-rustls-native-roots, tws-smol-sha1

These default features are set whenever azure-speech is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

tws-rustls-native-roots default

Enables ring and rustls-webpki-roots of tokio-websockets ^0.10


Enables ring and rustls-native-roots of tokio-websockets ^0.10


Enables native-tls of tokio-websockets ^0.10

tws-smol-sha1 default

Enables sha1_smol of tokio-websockets ^0.10

tws-fastrand default

Enables fastrand of tokio-websockets ^0.10

azure-speech has 6 features without comments.