5 releases

0.1.5 Nov 29, 2019
0.1.4 Nov 17, 2019
0.1.3 Sep 27, 2019
0.1.2 Sep 27, 2019
0.1.1 Sep 27, 2019

#693 in Debugging

MIT license

155 lines


A dead simple logging library for rust. Currently supports colors, logging levels, and a simpler syntax. This library requires no dependencies (except for winapi if you are using windows sorry.)


simply add this to your Cargo.toml

aver = "0.1.5"


You can just start using aver in your project by including it with extern crate aver. Then using one of its commands.

log_trace!("this is a trace method, it is disabled by default (see below)");
log_debug!("same as above!");
log_info!("any of these can take ", "any ", "number of arguments");
log_warn!("can they be of any type? ", true);
log_error!("An error");
log_fatal!("Even worse than ana error!");

Log levels

Aver comes with 8 logging levels: All, Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal, Off. In order of increasing precedence. You can set the log level with aver::set_log_level(LogLevel), by default aver uses Info meaning that trace and debug will be disabled.


Using colors is as simple as:

log_info!(aver::colors::blue(), "this will be shown in blue!", aver::colors::reset(), " and this won't");
log_info!(aver::colors::on_blue(), "this will be shown on blue!", aver::colors::reset(), " and this won't");

Currently white, grey, red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and magenta are supported for text color, and on_white, on_grey, on_red, on_yellow, on_green, on_cyan, on_blue, and on_magenta are supported for background colors.

