#mutable-borrow #analysis #run-time #check #automatic #tool #error


A rust-lang static analysis tool to automatically check for runtime borrow violations

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Nov 11, 2023

#2311 in Development tools

31 downloads per month

MIT license

352 lines


A rust-lang static analysis tool to automatically check for runtime borrow violations.

use autoken::MutableBorrow;

fn foo() {
    let _my_guard = MutableBorrow::<u32>::new();

    // Autoken statically issues a warning here because we attempted to call a function which could
    // mutably borrow `u32` while we already have an active mutable borrow from `_my_guard`.

fn bar() {
    let _my_guard_2 = MutableBorrow::<u32>::new();
warning: called a function expecting at most 0 mutable borrows of type u32 but was called in a scope with at least 1
 --> src/main.rs:8:5
8 |     bar();
  |     ^^^^^

Checking Projects

AuToken is a framework for adding static analysis of runtime borrowing to your crate. If you are an end-user of a crate with integrations with AuToken and wish to check your project with the tool, this is the section for you! If, instead, you're building a crate and wish to integrate with AuToken, you should skip to the Integrating AuToken section.

If you wish to install this tool through cargo, you should run a command like:

cargo +nightly-2023-09-08 install cargo-autoken -Z bindeps

This will likely require you to faff around with rustup toolchains. Because this process could vary from user to user, the best instructions for setting up an appropriate toolchain are provided by rustup, cargo, and rust.

If you wish to install from source, assuming your current working directory is the same as the repository's README, cargo-autoken can be installed like so:

cargo install --path src/cargo -Z bindeps

You can run AuToken validation on a target binary crate by running:

cargo autoken check

...in its directory.

Have fun!

Ignoring False Positives

AuToken is, by nature, very conservative. After all, its whole job is to ensure that only one borrow of a given type exists at a given time, even if you're potentially borrowing from several different sources at once!

let cell_1 = MyCell::new(1u32);
let cell_2 = MyCell::new(2u32);

let borrow_1 = cell_1.borrow_mut();
let borrow_2 = cell_2.borrow_mut();
warning: called a function expecting at most 0 mutable borrows of type u32 but was called in a scope with at least 1
  --> src/main.rs:10:27
10 |     let borrow_2 = cell_2.borrow_mut();
   |                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^

If you're sure you're doing something safe, you can ignore these warnings using the assume_no_alias method.

let cell_1 = MyCell::new(1u32);
let cell_2 = MyCell::new(2u32);

let borrow_1 = cell_1.borrow_mut();
let borrow_2 = autoken::assume_no_alias(|| cell_2.borrow_mut());

See assume_no_alias_in and assume_no_alias_in_many for more forms of this function.

Making Sense of Control Flow Errors

The weirdest diagnostic message you are likely to encounter while using AuToken is this one:

let cell_1 = MyCell::new(1u32);

let my_borrow = if some_condition {
} else {
warning: not all control-flow paths to this statement are guaranteed to borrow the same number of components
  --> src/main.rs:9:21
9  |       let my_borrow = if some_condition {
  |  _____________________^
10 | |         Some(cell_1.borrow_mut())
11 | |     } else {
12 | |         None
13 | |     };
  | |_____^

This error occurs because of a fundamental limitation of AuToken's design. AuToken analyzes your programs by traversing through the control-flow graph rustc generates to analyze, among other things, borrow checking. Every time it encounters a call to borrow_mutably or borrow_immutably, it increments the theoretical number of mutable or immutable borrows a given control flow block may have and vice versa with unborrow_mutably and unborrow_immutably. If there's a divergence in control flow as introduced by an if statement or a loop, AuToken will visit and analyze each path separately.

But what happens when those two paths join back together? How many borrows does a user have if one path borrows u32 mutably and the other doesn't borrow it at all? AuToken doesn't know the answer to this question and just guesses randomly. Because this guess is probably wrong, it emits a warning to tell you that it really can't handle code written like this.

So, if this type of code can't be analyzed by AuToken, what can be done? The best solution is to use a method AuToken integration writers are strongly encouraged to implement: borrow_on_loan (or borrow_mut_on_loan, or get_mut_on_loan... just search for _on_loan in the docs!). This method ties the borrow to an externally provided MutableBorrow instance, which should be defined outside of all the conditional logic.

let cell_1 = MyCell::new(1u32);

let mut guard = MutableBorrow::<u32>::new();
let my_borrow = if some_condition {
    Some(cell_1.borrow_mut_on_loan(&mut guard))
} else {

If this is too hard to manage, you could also strip the token of all static borrow analysis entirely using the strip_lifetime_analysis method. This is far more dangerous, however, because AuToken essentially forgets about the existence of that borrow and potentially lets invalid borrows slip by.

let cell_1 = MyCell::new(1u32);

let my_borrow = if some_condition {
} else {

Finally, if things get really bad, you could ignore the entire section with assume_black_box. This function is, very much, a last resort, because it prevents the static analysis tool from even looking at anything in the called closure. You should read its documentation for details before even thinking about touching it!

Potential Borrows

You may occasionally stumble across a fallible borrow method in your local AuToken-integrate crate which takes in a PotentialMutableBorrow or PotentialImmutableBorrow "loaner" guard. The reason for these guards is somewhat similar to why we need loaner guards for other conditionally created borrows with the added caveat that, because these borrow guards are being used with a fallible borrow method, it is assumed that the aliasing with an existing borrow can be handled gracefully at runtime. Because of this assumption, PotentialMutableBorrows do not emit a warning if another confounding borrow guard is already in scope.

let my_cell = MyCell::new(1u32);

let mut my_loaner_1 = PotentialMutableBorrow::<u32>::new();
let borrow_1 = my_cell.try_borrow_mut(&mut my_loaner_1).unwrap();

// This should not trigger a static analysis warning because, if the specific cell is already
// borrowed, the function returns an `Err` rather than panicking.
let mut my_loaner_2 = PotentialMutableBorrow::<u32>::new();
let not_borrow_2 = my_cell.try_borrow_mut(&mut my_loaner_2).unwrap_err();

If the borrow cannot be handled gracefully, one may create a MutableBorrow or ImmutableBorrow guard and downgrade it to a PotentialMutableBorrow or PotentialImmutableBorrow guard so that the static analyzer will start reporting these potentially problematic borrows again.

let my_cell = MyCell::new(1u32);

let mut my_loaner_1 = PotentialMutableBorrow::<u32>::new();
let borrow_1 = my_cell.try_borrow_mut(&mut my_loaner_1).unwrap();

// Unlike the previous example, this code cannot handle aliasing borrows gracefully, so we should
// create a `MutableBorrow` first to get the alias check and then downgrade it for use in the
// fallible borrowing method.
let mut my_loaner_2 = MutableBorrow::<u32>::new().downgrade();
let not_borrow_2 = my_cell.try_borrow_mut(&mut my_loaner_2).unwrap();

Dealing With Dynamic Dispatches

AuToken resolves dynamic dispatches by collecting all possible dispatch targets ahead of time based around what gets unsized to what and assumes that any of those concrete types could be called by an invocation of a given unsized type. This can occasionally be overly pessimistic. You can help this along by making the dynamically dispatched traits more fine grained. For example, instead of using an FnMut(u32, i32, f32), you could use an FnMut(PhantomData<MyHandlers>, u32, i32, f32). Likewise, if you have a trait MyBehavior, you could parameterize it by a marker generic type to make it even more fine-grained.

If something is really wrong, you could, once again, use assume_black_box to hide the unsizing coercions that create these dynamic dispatch targets. Once again, this is, very much, a last resort and you should certainly read its documentation for details before even thinking about touching it!

Dealing With Foreign Code

AuToken has no clue how to deal with foreign code and just ignores it. If you have a foreign function that calls back into userland code, you can tell AuToken that the code is, indeed, reachable with something like this:


if false {  // reachability hint to AuToken

Integrating AuToken

This section is for crate developers wishing to add static analysis to their dynamic borrowing schemes. If you're interested in using one of those crates, see the checking projects section.

There are four primitive borrowing functions offered by this library:

These functions, in reality, do absolutely nothing and are compiled away. However, when checked by the custom AuToken rustc wrapper, they virtually "borrow" and "unborrow" a global token of the type T and raise a warning if it is possible to violate the XOR mutability rules of that virtual global token.

Usually, these functions aren't called directly and are instead called indirectly through their RAII'd counterparts MutableBorrow and ImmutableBorrow.

These primitives can be used to introduce additional compile-time safety to dynamically checked borrowing and locking schemes. Here's a couple of examples:

You could make a safe wrapper around a RefCell...

use autoken::MutableBorrow;
use std::cell::{RefCell, RefMut};

struct MyRefCell<T> {
    inner: RefCell<T>,

impl<T> MyRefCell<T> {
    pub fn new(value: T) -> Self {
        Self { inner: RefCell::new(value) }

    pub fn borrow_mut(&self) -> MyRefMut<'_, T> {
        MyRefMut {
            token: MutableBorrow::new(),
            sptr: self.inner.borrow_mut(),

struct MyRefMut<'a, T> {
    token: MutableBorrow<T>,
    sptr: RefMut<'a, T>,

let my_cell = MyRefCell::new(1u32);
let _a = my_cell.borrow_mut();

// This second mutable borrow results in an AuToken warning.
let _b = my_cell.borrow_mut();
warning: called a function expecting at most 0 mutable borrows of type u32 but was called in a scope with at least 1
  --> src/main.rs:33:22
33 |     let _b = my_cell.borrow_mut();
   |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^

You could make a reentrancy-protected function...

fn do_not_reenter(f: impl FnOnce()) {
    struct ISaidDoNotReenter;

    let _guard = autoken::MutableBorrow::<ISaidDoNotReenter>::new();

do_not_reenter(|| {
    // Whoops!
    do_not_reenter(|| {});
warning: called a function expecting at most 0 mutable borrows of type main::do_not_reenter::ISaidDoNotReenter but was called in a scope with at least 1
 --> src/main.rs:6:9
6 |         f();
  |         ^^^

You could even deny an entire class of functions where calling them would be dangerous!

use autoken::{ImmutableBorrow, MutableBorrow};

struct IsOnMainThread;

fn begin_multithreading(f: impl FnOnce()) {
    let _guard = MutableBorrow::<IsOnMainThread>::new();

fn only_call_me_on_main_thread() {
    let _guard = ImmutableBorrow::<IsOnMainThread>::new();
    // ...

begin_multithreading(|| {
    // Whoops!
warning: called a function expecting at most 0 mutable borrows of type main::IsOnMainThread but was called in a scope with at least 1
 --> src/main.rs:6:9
6 |         f();
  |         ^^^

Pretty neat, huh.

Dealing with Limitations

If you read the checking projects section like I asked you not to, you'd hear about four pretty major limitations of AuToken. While most of these limitations can be overcome by tools provided by AuToken, the second limitation—Control Flow Errors— requires a bit of help from developers wishing to integrate with AuToken. You are strongly encouraged to read that section before this section, since it motivates the necessity for these special method variants.

In summary:

  1. For every guard object, provide a strip_lifetime_analysis function similar to MutableBorrow's.
  2. For every guard object, provide a way to acquire that object with a "loaner" borrow object. The recommended suffix for this variant is on_loan. The mechanism for doing so is likely very similar to MutableBorrow's loan method.
  3. For conditional borrow methods which check their borrow before performing it, the method should be made to loan a PotentialMutableBorrow or PotentialImmutableBorrow instead.

All of these methods rely on being able to convert the RAII guard's type from its originally borrowed type to Nothing—a special marker type in AuToken which indicates that the borrow guard isn't actually borrowing anything. Doing this requires you to keep track of the borrowed type at the type level since AuToken lacks the power to analyze runtime mechanisms for doing that. Here's an example of how to accomplish this:

struct MyRefMut<'a, T, B = T> {
    //                 ^ notice the addition of this special parameter?
    token: MutableBorrow<B>,
    sptr: RefMut<'a, T>,

With that additional parameter in place, we can implement the first required method: strip_lifetime_analysis. Its implementation is relatively straightforward:

use autoken::Nothing;

struct MyRefMut<'a, T, B = T> {
    token: MutableBorrow<B>,
    sptr: RefMut<'a, T>,

impl<'a, T, B> MyRefMut<'a, T, B> {
    pub fn strip_lifetime_analysis(self) -> MyRefMut<'a, T, Nothing<'static>> {
        MyRefMut {
            token: self.token.strip_lifetime_analysis(),
            sptr: self.sptr,

let my_cell = MyRefCell::new(1u32);
let my_guard = if my_condition {
} else {

The 'static lifetime in Nothing doesn't really mean anything. Indeed, the lifetime in Nothing is purely a convenience lifetime whose utility will become more clear when we implement the second required method: borrow_mut_on_loan.

Writing this method is also relatively straightforward:

use autoken::Nothing;

struct MyRefCell<T> {
    inner: RefCell<T>,

impl<T> MyRefCell<T> {
    pub fn borrow_mut_on_loan<'l>(
        loaner: &'l mut MutableBorrow<T>
    ) -> MyRefMut<'_, T, Nothing<'l>> {
        MyRefMut {
            token: loaner.loan(),
            sptr: self.inner.borrow_mut(),

let my_cell = MyRefCell::new(1u32);

let mut my_loaner = MutableBorrow::<u32>::new();
let my_guard = if my_condition {
    Some(my_cell.borrow_mut_on_loan(&mut my_loaner))
} else {

Here, we're using the placeholder lifetime in Nothing to limit the lifetime of the loans to the reference to the loaner. Pretty convenient.

Finally, fallible borrow method variants can be implemented in a way almost identical to the previous example's:

use autoken::{Nothing, PotentialMutableBorrow};

struct MyRefCell<T> {
    inner: RefCell<T>,

impl<T> MyRefCell<T> {
    pub fn try_borrow_mut<'l>(
        loaner: &'l mut PotentialMutableBorrow<T>
    ) -> Result<MyRefMut<'_, T, Nothing<'l>>, BorrowMutError> {
        self.inner.try_borrow_mut().map(|sptr| MyRefMut {
            token: loaner.loan(),

let my_cell = MyRefCell::new(1u32);

let mut my_loaner_1 = PotentialMutableBorrow::<u32>::new();
let borrow_1 = my_cell.try_borrow_mut(&mut my_loaner_1).unwrap();

let mut my_loaner_2 = PotentialMutableBorrow::<u32>::new();
let not_borrow_2 = my_cell.try_borrow_mut(&mut my_loaner_2).unwrap_err();

How exciting!

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