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0.2.1 (current) Rating: Negative + Unmaintained Thoroughness: High Understanding: Medium

by yvt on 2021-09-20

This crate provides an atomic cell type to store Option<Arc<T>>.

Major issues

The bounds for Atomic[Option]Ref<T>: Send + Sync are unconstrained, which allows thread-unsafe objects to be sent between threads, potentially leading to data race.

Minor issues

The atomic operations in this crate are riddled with seemingly unnecessary Ordering::SeqCst, which is considered by some (including myself) to be a code smell.

While most atomic operations in this crate are SeqCst, there are a few places where Relaxed is used. Although stress-testing did not reveal any problems, there's a theoretical soundness issue regarding the usage of Relaxed as explained in the next section. It's very possible that the excessive usage of SeqCst is why this issue doesn't seem to surface in practice.

Theoretical issue with the Relaxed memory ordering

Disclaimer: I'm not expert in the C++20 memory model, and therefore the assessment presented here might be incorrect.

Shown below is a simplified code listing of AtomicOptionRef's each method with a syntax loosely inspired by Promela. Brackets indicate the memory orderings for atomic operations ([SC] = SeqCst, [] = Relaxed).

10      [SC] (self.lock & WRITER_BIT) == 0 -> self.lock += 1
11      [SC] out = self.ptr
12      []   out.ref_count += 1
13      [SC] self.lock -= 1
14           return out

    swap(self, in)
20      [SC] (self.lock & WRITER_BIT) == 0 -> self.lock |= WRITER_BIT
21      []   self.lock == WRITER_BIT ->
22      [SC] (out, self.ptr) = (self.ptr, in)
23      []   self.lock = 0
24           return out

Suppose two threads execute the following sequences (multiple execution instances of a single program line are distinguished by alphabetic suffixes):

  • T1: 20a, 21a, 22a, 23a, 24a, 20b, 21b, 22b, 23b, 24b
  • T2: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

Also suppose that T2 observed the write performed by 23b at 10. The question is, which self.ptr will T2 observe at 11? It would be unsafe to observe the self.ptr written by 22a because that self.ptr is returned to the caller by 22b, and by the time 12 is executed, it might refer to an already-deallocated memory region. For this unsafe case to manifest, the total order S = [20a, 22a, 20b, 10, 11, 22b] on SeqCst operations must be valid.

                   |              |
    T1: 20a  21a  22a  23a  24a  20b  21b  22b  23b  24b
         |         |              |         ^    |
         '---------'              |         |    |
                                  |         |    | side-effect observed
                                S |,-------------'
                                  ||        |
                                  vv        |
    T2:                           10        11
                                  |         |
                                  '---------' S

Transitive reduction of the "(strongly|simply)? happens-before" relationship

    T1: 20a -> 21a -> 22a -> 23a -> 24a -> 20b -> 21b -> 22b -> 23b -> 24b
                       '----------------, SC-SC
    T2:                          10 -> 11

  (Note: 23b doesn't (simply) happens-before 10 because 23b uses the `Relaxed`

Transitive reduction of the "coherence-ordered" relationship

    T1: 20a -> 21a    22a    23a    24a    20b -> 21b    22b    23b    24b
                |      |     ^ |            ^      |      ^     ^ |
   on self.lock '------|-----' '------------'      '------|-----' |
                       |                                  |       |
                       '----------------+-----------------'       |
                  on self.ptr           |                         |
                                  v     v
    T2:                          10    11

For this total order to be valid, it must be consistent with the "strongly happen-before" relationship (C++ N4861 31.4 4) and the "coherence-ordered relationship" on every object (C++ N4861 31.4 4.1). It's clear from the above diagram that S meets this requirement.

Furthermore, for 11 to observe the write by 22a, 22b must not happen-before 11, which is also met as shown in the above diagram.

Therefore, it's possible for T2 to observe the write by 22a at 11, meaning, during this method call, AtomicOptionRef::load() can clone Arc<T> that has been previously returned by AtomicOptionRef::swap(), which can cause an undefined behavior because it's possible that this Arc<T> is dropped by the caller, and its control block doesn't exist anymore.

Meta Issues

The homepage field of the package metadata is incorrect. The correct URL is

Crates in the registry are tarball snapshots uploaded by crates' publishers. The registry is not using crates' git repositories. There is absolutely no guarantee that the repository URL declared by the crate belongs to the crate, or that the code in the repository is the code inside the published tarball.

To review the actual code of the crate, it's best to use cargo crev open atomic-ref2. Alternatively, you can download the tarball of atomic-ref2 v0.2.1 or view the source online.