3 unstable releases
0.1.1 | Jul 7, 2021 |
0.1.0 | Aug 1, 2020 |
0.0.0 | Jul 22, 2020 |
#8 in #supervision
539 lines
Easy, Erlang-inspired fault-tolerance framework for Rust Futures.
- The secrets of Erlang's legendary reliability.
- Idiomatic Rust API with low-level control.
- Simple. Easy to learn and use.
- Plays nicely with the existing Futures Ecosystem
- Uses no unstable features or unsafe code.
- High performance and (relatively) low memory
- Lightweight: ~600 lines of code, 6 deps, fresh build in seconds.
- No
Box<dyn Any>
, LOL.
Everything is believed to work correctly, but we're still too new to be sure. The API may change slightly before 1.0, but nothing major, I hope.
Please note that this is a more general purpose, lower-level tool than most libraries that claim to be inspired by erlang. It is the plan that other libraries will provide a higher level experience. I'm working on some, which will be coming soon:
The Backplane (that's a fancy word for 'motherboard') is a dynamic
mesh of Device
s - owned objects representing a backplane
presence. On dropping a Device
or calling its disconnect()
other Devices that have chosen to hear about it will be notified.
All erlang-style reliability springs from this one capability to be notified of the failure of your dependencies. It is the lower-level tool upon which more advanced concepts such as the famous supervisors are built.
Creating a Device
is easy:
use async_backplane::Device;
fn device() -> Device { Device::new() }
What is a Device
? What does having a presence in the backplane mean?
- We maintain a list of
to notify. - When we
, we will notify those Devices.
There are two triggers for a disconnect:
- The
is dropped. - The
method is called.
Once a Device
has disconnected, you can no longer use it. No more
linking, no more messaging, it is done.
The Device
is a futures Stream
and can be polled for Message
s. A
message is one of two things:
- A request to shut down with the
of the requestor. - A notification that another
has disconnected. This contains theDeviceID
of the disconnecting Device and anOption<Fault>
describing the nature of the disconnect.
Here's an example of polling it in an async fn:
use async_backplane::{Device, Message};
use futures_lite::StreamExt; // for `.next()` on Stream
async fn next_message(device: &mut Device) -> Option<Message> {
This is much more useful if there is something to listen for, which is where linking comes in!
Linking is how we configure Devices to notify each other when they
disconnect (drop or have .disconnect()
called on them). There are
three types of link mode (LinkMode
- be notified when the other Device disconnects.Notify
- notify the other Device when this Device disconnects.Peer
- both notify each other when they disconnect.
Linking is pretty easy if you have a pair of Devices (such as when you're spawning a new Device):
use async_backplane::Device;
// `l` will be notified when `r` disconnects
fn monitor(l: &Device, r: &Device) { l.link(r, LinkMode::Monitor); }
// `r` will be notified when `l` disconnects
fn notify(l: &Device, r: &Device) { l.link(r, LinkMode::Notify); }
// `l` will be notified when `r` disconnects
// `r` will be notified when `l` disconnects
fn peer(l: &Device, r: &Device) { l.link(r, LinkMode::Peer); }
Now we have something to listen for, let's keep restarting a failing task for all eternity:
use async_backplane::*;
use futures_lite::StreamExt; // for `.next()` on Stream
use smol::Task; // just a small and simple futures executor
async fn never_stop<F: Fn(Device)>(mut device: Device, spawn: F) {
loop { /// We want to go forever
let d = Device::new();
device.link(&d, LinkMode::Monitor);
while let Some(message) = device.next().await {
match message {
Message::Shutdown(id) => (), // ignore!
Message::Disconnected(_id, _fault) => { break; } // restart!
/// This is quite obviously not going to succeed. Maybe yours should!
fn failing_task(device: Device) {
smol::Task::spawn(async {
fn main() {
In a sense, we have just written our first supervisor! A new crate, async-supervisor is coming soon with erlang-style supervisors.
Managed devices
Exciting as all this low level control over how we respond to exits is, if we take the erlang model seriously, we generally leave this to supervisors, and most of our tasks are not supervisors.
Non-supervisor tasks just want to get on with their work. That means
if any Device they are monitoring disconnects with a Fault
, they too
will want to disconnect with a Fault
. In this sense, links are a
dependency graph between Device
s (which are proxies for the
computations using those Device
We call this extremely common scenario managed mode. It can be
accessed through the Device.manage()
use async_backplane::*;
use smol::Task;
fn example() {
let device = Device::new();
Task::spawn(async move {
device.manage(async { Ok(()) }); // Succeed!
There are three logical steps here:
- Creating the Device (
). - Spawning a Future on the executor (
). - In the spawned Future, putting the Device into managed mode
with an async block to execute (
device.manage(async { Ok(()) })
The async block you provide to Device.manage()
should return a
of some kind. If you return Ok
, the Device will be
considered to have completed without fault. If you return Err
, the
Device will be considered to have faulted.
Managed devices will run until the first of:
- The provided future/async block returning a result.
- The provided future/async block unwind panicking.
- A Device sending us a message:
- On receiving a shutdown request, complete successfully.
- On receiving a disconnect notification that is fatal, fault.
By calling .manage()
, you are giving up ownership of the Device
permanently. When one of the above happens, any Devices that are
monitoring us will be notified.
The manage()
method returns a Result<T, Crash<C>>
where T
are the success and error types of the Result<T,C>
returned by
the async block. Crash
is just an enum with an arm for each kind of
failure. It contains detailed information about what went wrong, whereas
any notification of our disconnection contains only basic information.
I'm still trying to work out what to do with crashes. I don't want
this library to be too opinionated or to bloat the dependency tree too
much. Maybe I'll do an opinionated library that uses this one, or
maybe you'll just create your own manage_panic()
function in each
project and use that? Suggestions gratefully received!
Dynamic link topologies
Often, we will want to use Device.manage()
to get the automatic
management behaviour, but we'll also want to link with new Devices as
part of that work But manage()
takes ownership of the Device
permanently, so what do we do?
A Line
is a cloneable reference to a Device
in the style of an
(and indeed, contains one). The gotcha is that because the
is non-owning, the Device
it references could have
disconnected by the time you try to use it, so linking may fail:
use async_backplane::*;
fn example() {
let a = Device::new();
let b = Device::new();
let line = b.line();
a.link_line(line, LinkMode::Monitor) // suspiciously like `.link()`...
.unwrap(); // b clearly did not disconnect yet
// ... spawn both ...
Note that link_line()
consumes the Line
. This is because
internally, the list of notifiable Device
s is actually a list of
, so we avoid a clone in the case you no longer need the Line
You can link between Lines
directly as well, since Line
also has a
use async_backplane::*;
fn demo() {
let a = Device::new();
let b = Device::new();
let c = Device::new();
let c2 = c.line();
let d = Device::new();
let d2 = d.line();
a.link(&b, LinkMode::Peer); // Device-Device link
b.link_line(c2, LinkMode::Peer).unwrap(); // Device-Line link
c2.link_line(d2, LinkMode::Peer).unwrap(); // Line-Line link
// ... now go spawn them all ...
Any time you will want dynamically link while you are using
, you should create a Line
A note of caution on dynamic topologies
Once you have linked with something through a Line
, you should only
unlink it through the Line
. Device-to-Device linkage is fast because
it avoids the work that would make it handle this case correctly. In
general, you should only link or unlink with Device
s when you know
you have not previously linked with the corresponding Line
Differences from Erlang/OTP
While I am very heavily inspired by Erlang and the OTP principles, there's a bit of an impedance mismatch Rust and Erlang, in particular when it comes to ownership versus garbage collection. backplane is thus an adaptation of the principles that "feels right" for Rust.
Where it's ended up after a few months of R+D is as a lower level tool that tries not to be too pushy and opinionated and is extremely small.
Here are some of the more striking differences
Separation between Device and logic
In erlang, when you wish to spawn a process, you provide a 0-arity
function. By default, it works essentially like Device.manage()
without the transfer of ownership.
In backplane, I do not want to force my choice of executor or
execution policy on you, so creating a Device
is totally independent
of spawning the Future that will use it, out of necessity.
This means that while most code will called Device.manage()
, you
have full freedom to implement whatever logic you want and to store
the Device
where you want.
Separation between Device and Mailbox
In erlang, all messages sent to a process go through the same channel
(the mailbox). In a sense, a Device does have a mailbox, but it is of
strictly limited utility. Device
s do not handle any messages other
than Message
, whereas erlang messages may be anything. In order to
exchange general messages with the tasks using the Device
s, you
would need to e.g. open an async-channel
Why erlang?
Your author has been an Elixir programmer by profession for the last few years and has come to appreciate deeply the principles underlying the reliability of Erlang, upon which Elixir is based. Above all, what I value is the simplicity. The entire system is simple enough to be able to reason about at scale.
Haven't other people already tried this? Why reinvent the wheel?
Much of it is taste. I don't think any existing solutions really capture the essence of what erlang reliability is about, or give a feel for its essential beauty. People seem to get too tied up in actors and supervision and focus less on the fundamentals.
Existing solutions also tend to be large, complex things that are difficult to learn and reason out and pull in a lot of dependencies. The whole point of erlang to me is that it makes concurrency and dependency so simple, you can reason about them at scale. But I fear we're drifting back to discussing taste.
I also gave a specific comparison with bastion on reddit by request. Just my opinion, others are available.
Library pairing recommendations
These work great alongside async-backplane
- async-oneshot - a fast, small, full-featured, no-std compatible oneshot channel library.
- async-channel - great all-purpose async-aware MPMC channel.
- smol - small, high-performance multithreaded futures executor.
These will, when they're finished:
- async-supervisor - erlang-style supervisors for async-backplane.
- async-oneshot-local -
the single-threaded partner to
I didn't spend terribly long developing the benchmarks, you should conduct your own if it really matters.
Here are numbers from my Ryzen 3900X:
Running target/release/deps/device-90347ed9496e0aaa
running 11 tests
test create_destroy ... bench: 231 ns/iter (+/- 3)
test device_monitor_drop ... bench: 526 ns/iter (+/- 11)
test device_monitor_drop_notify ... bench: 604 ns/iter (+/- 12)
test device_monitor_error_notify ... bench: 632 ns/iter (+/- 9)
test device_peer_drop_notify ... bench: 659 ns/iter (+/- 10)
test device_peer_error_notify ... bench: 671 ns/iter (+/- 10)
test line_monitor_drop ... bench: 634 ns/iter (+/- 11)
test line_monitor_drop_notify ... bench: 687 ns/iter (+/- 11)
test line_monitor_error_notify ... bench: 717 ns/iter (+/- 8)
test line_peer_drop_notify ... bench: 764 ns/iter (+/- 14)
test line_peer_error_notify ... bench: 778 ns/iter (+/- 9)
test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 11 measured; 0 filtered out
Running target/release/deps/line-750db620e6752c99
running 6 tests
test create_destroy ... bench: 8 ns/iter (+/- 0)
test line_monitor_drop ... bench: 637 ns/iter (+/- 8)
test line_monitor_drop_notify ... bench: 670 ns/iter (+/- 11)
test line_monitor_error_notify ... bench: 698 ns/iter (+/- 8)
test line_peer_drop_notify ... bench: 843 ns/iter (+/- 7)
test line_peer_error_notify ... bench: 917 ns/iter (+/- 11)
And it still performs reasonably on my old 2015 macbook pro:
Running target/release/deps/device-8add01b9803770b5
running 11 tests
test create_destroy ... bench: 212 ns/iter (+/- 9)
test device_monitor_drop ... bench: 585 ns/iter (+/- 64)
test device_monitor_drop_notify ... bench: 771 ns/iter (+/- 39)
test device_monitor_error_notify ... bench: 798 ns/iter (+/- 39)
test device_peer_drop_notify ... bench: 964 ns/iter (+/- 40)
test device_peer_error_notify ... bench: 941 ns/iter (+/- 304)
test line_monitor_drop ... bench: 805 ns/iter (+/- 48)
test line_monitor_drop_notify ... bench: 975 ns/iter (+/- 48)
test line_monitor_error_notify ... bench: 993 ns/iter (+/- 55)
test line_peer_drop_notify ... bench: 1,090 ns/iter (+/- 62)
test line_peer_error_notify ... bench: 1,181 ns/iter (+/- 65)
test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 11 measured; 0 filtered out
Running target/release/deps/line-c87021ef05fddd66
running 6 tests
test create_destroy ... bench: 13 ns/iter (+/- 4)
test line_monitor_drop ... bench: 793 ns/iter (+/- 51)
test line_monitor_drop_notify ... bench: 968 ns/iter (+/- 357)
test line_monitor_error_notify ... bench: 1,018 ns/iter (+/- 54)
test line_peer_drop_notify ... bench: 1,343 ns/iter (+/- 70)
test line_peer_error_notify ... bench: 1,370 ns/iter (+/- 77)
Note that when linking, it is cheaper to use a Device than a Line, that is:
is fastest.device.link_line()
is slightly more expensive.line.link_line()
is slightly more expensive still.
If performance really matters, always link Device to Device. Also spend some time optimising this library, because we didn't yet.
Forthcoming work
- no_std support.
- Actors. Maybe.
- Fixed
I also fixed the clippy lints and rearranged a tiny bit of code.
Copyright and License
Copyright (c) 2020 James Laver, async-backplane Contributors
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
~12K SLoC