#server-side-rendering #web-apps #client-side #server-side #static-site #framework

no-std asteracea

A web application framework for Rust. Asteracea can be used for client-side and server-side rendering and for statically rendered and deployed sites (and combinations thereof) without specific changes to an app's code.

2 releases

0.0.2 Oct 8, 2020
0.0.1 Oct 5, 2020

#1879 in Web programming


307 lines


Lib.rs Crates.io Docs.rs

Rust 1.45.0 Build Status Crates.io - License

GitHub open issues open pull requests crev reviews

Asteracea is a web application framework aiming to combine the strengths of Angular and React while fully supporting Rust's lifetime model.

Note: Asteracea is experimental software.
While it appears to work well so far, there likely will be breaking changes to the template syntax.


Please use cargo-edit to always add the latest version of this library:

cargo add asteracea

Design goals

  • Little boilerplate / Useful defaults

    Most generated boilerplate code is adjusted automatically to what is required. For example, the signature of a component's .render method changes if a Node is generated.

    There is still room for improvement here without sacrificing readability.

  • Co-location / DRY

    Intent shouldn't need to be reiterated in multiple places (split declaration, initialisation and usage).

    For now, short form captures nested in the component templates provide a way to centralise some semantics (similarly to React's Hooks but without their control flow limitations).

    Further improvements in this area are planned.

  • Robust code

    Element names are statically checked against lignin-schema by default, but other schemata can be defined similarly. Empty elements like <br> cannot contain children.

    Similar checks for attributes and event names are planned.

  • No default runtime

    Asteracea components compile to plain Rust code with (usually) no further dependencies, which helps keep bundles small.

    Use lignin-dom or lignin-html to transform rendered Node trees into live user interfaces.


Empty component

The most simple (Node-rendering) component can be written like this:

asteracea::component! {
  [] // Empty node sequence

// Render into a bump allocator:
let mut bump = lignin::bumpalo::Bump::new();
  Empty::new().render(&mut bump),
  lignin::Node::Multi(&[]) // Empty node sequence

Unit component

If the component body isn't a Node expression, the component will return () by default and won't require a Bump reference to be rendered.

A different return type can be specified after the render argument list.

asteracea::component! {
  Unit(/* ::new arguments */)(/* .render arguments */) /* -> () */
  {} // Empty Rust block

asteracea::component! {
  Offset(base: usize)(offset: usize) -> usize

  |pub base: usize = {base}|; // ²
  { self.base + offset }

assert_eq!(Unit::new().render(), ());
assert_eq!(Offset::new(2).render(3), 5);

² https://github.com/Tamschi/Asteracea/issues/2

Counter component

For a relatively complex example, see this parametrised counter:

use asteracea::component;
use std::cell::RefCell;

fn schedule_render() { /* ... */ }

component! {
  pub Counter(initial: i32, step: i32)()

  |value = RefCell::<i32>::new(initial)|; // shorthand capture
  |step: i32 = {step}|; // long form capture, ²

    "The current value is: " !{*self.value.borrow()} <br>

      !{self.step} // shorthand bump_format call
      +"click" {
        *self.value.borrow_mut() += self.step;

impl Counter {
  pub fn value(&self) -> i32 {

  pub fn set_value(&self, value: i32) {

² https://github.com/Tamschi/Asteracea/issues/2


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

Code of Conduct


Planned features


Asteracea strictly follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 with the following exceptions:

  • The minor version will not reset to 0 on major version changes (except for v1).
    Consider it the global feature level.
  • The patch version will not reset to 0 on major or minor version changes (except for v0.1 and v1).
    Consider it the global patch level.

This includes the Rust version requirement specified above.
Earlier Rust versions may be compatible, but this can change with minor or patch releases.

Which versions are affected by features and patches can be determined from the respective headings in CHANGELOG.md.


~59K SLoC