ast-grep-core is used at run time in 9 crates. It's used at build time in 1 crate (of which 1 optionally, ).

Number of dependers ast-grep-core version Downloads/month
5 0.36.1 5.9K
0 0.35.0 16K
2 0.33.1 20
1 0.17.1 4
1 0.13.2 2
1 0.1.18 2
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) ast-grep-core version
43K 1 ast-grep ^0.36.1
22K 6 ast-grep-config ^0.36.1
22K 3 ast-grep-dynamic ^0.36.1
22K 5 ast-grep-language ^0.36.1
22K 1 ast-grep-lsp ^0.36.1
ast-grep-py ^0.33.1
ast-grep-napi ^0.33.1
ast-grep-wasm ^0.1.5
ast-grep-pyo3 ^0.13.0