#graph #isomorphism #cypher #test #gdl


Test utility for checking if two graphs are isomorphic

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Apr 3, 2021

#6 in #isomorphism

Apache-2.0 OR MIT

298 lines


A test utility to check if two property graphs are equal, i.e., isomorphic. The check is performed by computing a canonical string representation for each graph. If the canonical representations are identical, the graphs are considered isomorphic. The crate is supposed to be used as a test utility, it is not designed for large scale graph comparisons.

Property graph data model

A property graph consists of nodes and relationships. Nodes have zero or more labels, relationships have zero or one relationship type. Both, nodes and relationships have properties, organized as key-value-pairs. Relationships are directed, starting at a source node and pointing at a target node.


The crate contains a Graph trait which defines a property graph. Users are supposed to implement the trait for their custom graph implemention. The crate also provides a gdl feature which allows for simple graph definition using a declarative language. Check out the gdl on crates.io for more information about the language.

Testing for equality:

use ::gdl::Graph as GdlGraph;
use assert_graph_iso::*;

let g1 = "(a), (b), (a)-[:REL { foo:42 }]->(b)".parse::<GdlGraph>().unwrap();
let g2 = "(a), (b), (b)-[:REL { foo:42 }]->(a)".parse::<GdlGraph>().unwrap();

assert!(equals(&g1, &g2))

Compare the canonical representations for easier debugging:

use ::gdl::Graph as GdlGraph;
use assert_graph_iso::*;

let g1 = "(a:Label1), (b:Label2), (a)-->(b)".parse::<GdlGraph>().unwrap();
let g2 = "(a:Label2), (b:Label1), (b)-->(a)".parse::<GdlGraph>().unwrap();

assert_eq!(canonicalize(&g1), canonicalize(&g2))


Apache 2.0 or MIT

