#display #art #cli #generative-art #slideshow #command-line-interface

app artloop

artloop is a command-line interface that cycles through all applications within a folder on a timed interval for art installations

1 unstable release

0.0.0 Dec 23, 2019

#6 in #slideshow

MIT license

106 lines


artloop is a command-line interface that cycles through all generative art applications within a folder on a timed interval.

artloop currently only works on macOS due to how the script looks for executables inside of *.app/Contents/MacOS/*.


with cargo:

cargo install artloop

with npm:

npm install artloop

to confirm artloop is installed, you can run which artloop in your terminal.


to start artloop, provide a relative folder location and a number of minutes each artwork should run.

artloop <FOLDER> --time <MINUTES>
# example: artloop ./content --time 10

artloop will run until the script is canceled with CTRL + C (^C)

running automatically at startup

to have artloop run at startup, add a line to $HOME/.bash_profile which calls the artloop script and supplies a relative folder path containing applications.


creating compatible artwork

For now, any creative coding project (e.g. openFrameworks, Processing, Unity) that is bundled as a macOS application package (i.e. a file that ends in .app) will work with artloop.

Next versions will enable web based project folders that will launch in a web view.


Copyright © 2019 Zach Krall
This project is MIT licensed.


~26K SLoC