7 releases
0.2.1 | Sep 11, 2022 |
0.2.0 | Sep 10, 2022 |
0.1.4 | Sep 10, 2022 |
#1557 in Data structures
373 lines
May God let rust have better constant generics
Array2ds is a none-bloated library in rust for rust by rust for handling staticly sized 2d array/grids to run the examples: cargo run --example 'example_name'
- Uses only Safe Rust, no usage of "unsafe"
- Works I guess
- ✨Magic ✨
- creating 2d arrays
- iterating over rows both mutable and not
- grid sized cant be changed after created
- can index with (row,column) or [row,column] and easily overload to other ways
- can iterate over columns
use array2ds::array2d::*;
use std::io::stdin;
struct Square {
data: char,
impl Default for Square {
fn default() -> Self {
Square { data: '#' }
fn main() {
fn run_game() {
let mut board: Array2d<Square> = Array2d::filled_with_default(3, 3);
println!("enter location as: row col, for example: `0 1`, row: 0 column 1");
let mut winner = false;
let mut current_player = 'X';
while !winner {
let (row, column) = read_grid_location();
if board[[row, column]].data == '#' {
board[[row, column]].data = current_player;
match current_player {
'X' => current_player = 'O',
'O' => current_player = 'X',
_ => panic!("invalid data for square"),
winner = check_horizontal(&board) || check_vertical(&board) || check_diagnol(&board);
} else {
println!("invalid location, try another");
fn read_grid_location() -> (usize, usize) {
let mut buffer = String::new();
stdin().read_line(&mut buffer).unwrap();
let buffer = buffer.trim();
let splitted: Vec<&str> = buffer.split(' ').collect();
if splitted.len() < 2 {
panic!("enter data as `row col` ");
let r = splitted[0].parse::<usize>().unwrap();
let c = splitted[1].parse::<usize>().unwrap();
(r, c)
fn check_diagnol(board: &Array2d<Square>) -> bool{
let mid = &board[(1,1)];
if mid.data == '#'{
return false
if board[[0,0]].data == mid.data && mid.data == board[(2,2)].data{
return true
if board[[2,0]].data == mid.data && mid.data == board[(0,2)].data{
return true
fn check_vertical(board: &Array2d<Square>) -> bool {
for col in 0..3 {
let mut x_count = 0;
let mut o_count = 0;
for row in 0..3 {
match board[[row, col]].data {
'X' => x_count += 1,
'O' => o_count += 1,
_ => {}
if x_count == 3 || o_count == 3 {
return true;
fn check_horizontal(board: &Array2d<Square>) -> bool {
for row in board.iter_rows() {
let mut o_count = 0;
let mut x_count = 0;
for player in row {
match player.data {
'O' => o_count += 1,
'X' => x_count += 1,
_ => {}
if o_count == 3 || x_count == 3 {
return true;
fn print_board(board: &Array2d<Square>) {
for row in board.iter_rows() {
for square in row {
print!("{}", square.data);