1 unstable release

0.2.0 Mar 10, 2020
0.1.0 Mar 10, 2020

#2645 in Data structures

MIT license

655 lines

Build Status Crate Docs


Cursed data structures
Documentation hosted on docs.rs.

arae = "0.2.0"


use arae::{CurVec, CursedExt, Bounded};

// Create a new `CurVec` of length 10 with the elements 
// initialized via `Default::default`.
let mut vec = CurVec::new_with_default(10);

// Create two cursors pointing the the head of the vec.
let write_cursor = vec.head();
let read_cursor = vec.head();

*vec.get_mut(write_cursor) = 1;

assert_eq!(*vec.get(read_cursor), 1);


arae provides Cursed, a trait for types that provide the ability to access their elements given a Cursor.


use arae::{CurVec, CursedExt, Bounded};

// Create a new `CurVec` of length 10 with the elements
// initialized via `Default::default`.
let mut vec = CurVec::new_with_default(10);

// Create two cursors pointing the the head of the vec.
let write_cursor = vec.head();
let read_cursor = vec.head();

*vec.get_mut(write_cursor) = 1;

assert_eq!(*vec.get(read_cursor), 1);

